[Libguestfs] [v2v PATCH 1/2] common: Bundle the libvirt-ocaml library for use by virt-v2v

Pino Toscano ptoscano at redhat.com
Mon Dec 16 14:58:28 UTC 2019

Add a copy of the libvirt-ocaml library, currently available at:
This is a snapshot at commit c4776d501309eb209211cdd46536bfe224267740,
which has all the features we need (and that builds fine).
It is expected to stay synchronized with upstream, until there is a new
upstream release, and it will be widespread enough.
 3rdparty/libvirt-ocaml/Makefile.am         |   93 ++
 3rdparty/libvirt-ocaml/generator.pl        |  890 ++++++++++
 3rdparty/libvirt-ocaml/libvirt.README      |   12 +
 3rdparty/libvirt-ocaml/libvirt.ml          | 1683 +++++++++++++++++++
 3rdparty/libvirt-ocaml/libvirt.mli         | 1652 +++++++++++++++++++
 3rdparty/libvirt-ocaml/libvirt_c.h         |  167 ++
 3rdparty/libvirt-ocaml/libvirt_c_common.c  |  464 ++++++
 3rdparty/libvirt-ocaml/libvirt_c_oneoffs.c | 1716 ++++++++++++++++++++
 8 files changed, 6677 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 3rdparty/libvirt-ocaml/Makefile.am
 create mode 100755 3rdparty/libvirt-ocaml/generator.pl
 create mode 100644 3rdparty/libvirt-ocaml/libvirt.README
 create mode 100644 3rdparty/libvirt-ocaml/libvirt.ml
 create mode 100644 3rdparty/libvirt-ocaml/libvirt.mli
 create mode 100644 3rdparty/libvirt-ocaml/libvirt_c.h
 create mode 100644 3rdparty/libvirt-ocaml/libvirt_c_common.c
 create mode 100644 3rdparty/libvirt-ocaml/libvirt_c_oneoffs.c

diff --git a/3rdparty/libvirt-ocaml/Makefile.am b/3rdparty/libvirt-ocaml/Makefile.am
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..50ca4df7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3rdparty/libvirt-ocaml/Makefile.am
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# libguestfs OCaml tools common code
+# Copyright (C) 2018 Red Hat Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+include $(top_srcdir)/subdir-rules.mk
+	generator.pl \
+	libvirt.README
+	libvirt.mli
+	libvirt.ml
+	libvirt_c_common.c \
+	libvirt_generated.c \
+	libvirt_c_oneoffs.c
+# Automatically generate the C code from a Perl script 'generator.pl'.
+libvirt_generated.c: $(srcdir)/generator.pl
+	$(PERL) -w $<
+	libvirt_generated.c
+# We pretend that we're building a C library.  automake handles the
+# compilation of the C sources for us.  At the end we take the C
+# objects and OCaml objects and link them into the OCaml library.
+# This C library is never used.
+noinst_LIBRARIES = libmllibvirt.a
+MLLIBVIRT_CMA = mllibvirt.cma
+MLLIBVIRT_CMA = mllibvirt.cmxa
+libmllibvirt_a_SOURCES = $(SOURCES_C)
+libmllibvirt_a_CPPFLAGS = \
+	-I. \
+	-I$(top_builddir) \
+	-I$(shell $(OCAMLC) -where)
+libmllibvirt_a_CFLAGS = \
+	-fPIC
+BOBJECTS = $(SOURCES_ML:.ml=.cmo)
+XOBJECTS = $(BOBJECTS:.cmo=.cmx)
+libmllibvirt_a_DEPENDENCIES = $(OBJECTS)
+$(MLLIBVIRT_CMA): $(OBJECTS) libmllibvirt.a
+	    $(OBJECTS) $(libmllibvirt_a_OBJECTS) -cclib -lvirt -o mllibvirt
+# Dependencies.
+.depend: $(srcdir)/*.mli $(srcdir)/*.ml
+	$(top_builddir)/ocaml-dep.sh $^
+-include .depend
+.PHONY: depend docs
diff --git a/3rdparty/libvirt-ocaml/generator.pl b/3rdparty/libvirt-ocaml/generator.pl
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..ac3dd65a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3rdparty/libvirt-ocaml/generator.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,890 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# OCaml bindings for libvirt.
+# (C) Copyright 2007-2015 Richard W.M. Jones, Red Hat Inc.
+# https://libvirt.org/
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version,
+# with the OCaml linking exception described in ../COPYING.LIB.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301  USA
+# This generates libvirt_generated.c (the core of the bindings).  You don't
+# need to run this program unless you are extending the bindings
+# themselves (eg. because libvirt has been extended).
+# Please read libvirt/README.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+# The functions in the libvirt API that we can generate.
+# The 'sig' (signature) doesn't have a meaning or any internal structure.
+# It is interpreted by the generation functions below to indicate what
+# "class" the function falls into, and to generate the right class of
+# binding.
+my @functions = (
+    { name => "virConnectClose", sig => "conn : free" },
+    { name => "virConnectGetHostname", sig => "conn : string" },
+    { name => "virConnectGetURI", sig => "conn : string" },
+    { name => "virConnectGetType", sig => "conn : static string" },
+    { name => "virConnectNumOfDomains", sig => "conn : int" },
+    { name => "virConnectListDomains", sig => "conn, int : int array" },
+    { name => "virConnectNumOfDefinedDomains", sig => "conn : int" },
+    { name => "virConnectListDefinedDomains",
+      sig => "conn, int : string array" },
+    { name => "virConnectNumOfNetworks", sig => "conn : int" },
+    { name => "virConnectListNetworks", sig => "conn, int : string array" },
+    { name => "virConnectNumOfDefinedNetworks", sig => "conn : int" },
+    { name => "virConnectListDefinedNetworks",
+      sig => "conn, int : string array" },
+    { name => "virConnectNumOfStoragePools", sig => "conn : int" },
+    { name => "virConnectListStoragePools",
+      sig => "conn, int : string array" },
+    { name => "virConnectNumOfDefinedStoragePools",
+      sig => "conn : int" },
+    { name => "virConnectListDefinedStoragePools",
+      sig => "conn, int : string array" },
+    { name => "virConnectNumOfSecrets", sig => "conn : int" },
+    { name => "virConnectListSecrets", sig => "conn, int : string array" },
+    { name => "virConnectGetCapabilities", sig => "conn : string" },
+    { name => "virConnectDomainEventDeregisterAny",
+      sig => "conn, int : unit" },
+    { name => "virDomainCreateLinux", sig => "conn, string, 0U : dom" },
+    { name => "virDomainCreateXML", sig => "conn, string, unsigned : dom" },
+    { name => "virDomainFree", sig => "dom : free" },
+    { name => "virDomainDestroy", sig => "dom : free" },
+    { name => "virDomainLookupByName", sig => "conn, string : dom" },
+    { name => "virDomainLookupByID", sig => "conn, int : dom" },
+    { name => "virDomainLookupByUUID", sig => "conn, uuid : dom" },
+    { name => "virDomainLookupByUUIDString", sig => "conn, string : dom" },
+    { name => "virDomainGetName", sig => "dom : static string" },
+    { name => "virDomainGetOSType", sig => "dom : string" },
+    { name => "virDomainGetXMLDesc", sig => "dom, 0 : string" },
+    { name => "virDomainGetUUID", sig => "dom : uuid" },
+    { name => "virDomainGetUUIDString", sig => "dom : uuid string" },
+    { name => "virDomainGetMaxVcpus", sig => "dom : int" },
+    { name => "virDomainSave", sig => "dom, string : unit" },
+    { name => "virDomainRestore", sig => "conn, string : unit" },
+    { name => "virDomainCoreDump", sig => "dom, string, 0 : unit" },
+    { name => "virDomainSuspend", sig => "dom : unit" },
+    { name => "virDomainResume", sig => "dom : unit" },
+    { name => "virDomainShutdown", sig => "dom : unit" },
+    { name => "virDomainReboot", sig => "dom, 0 : unit" },
+    { name => "virDomainDefineXML", sig => "conn, string : dom" },
+    { name => "virDomainUndefine", sig => "dom : unit" },
+    { name => "virDomainCreate", sig => "dom : unit" },
+    { name => "virDomainAttachDevice", sig => "dom, string : unit" },
+    { name => "virDomainDetachDevice", sig => "dom, string : unit" },
+    { name => "virDomainGetAutostart", sig => "dom : bool" },
+    { name => "virDomainSetAutostart", sig => "dom, bool : unit" },
+    { name => "virNetworkFree", sig => "net : free" },
+    { name => "virNetworkDestroy", sig => "net : free" },
+    { name => "virNetworkLookupByName", sig => "conn, string : net" },
+    { name => "virNetworkLookupByUUID", sig => "conn, uuid : net" },
+    { name => "virNetworkLookupByUUIDString", sig => "conn, string : net" },
+    { name => "virNetworkGetName", sig => "net : static string" },
+    { name => "virNetworkGetXMLDesc", sig => "net, 0 : string" },
+    { name => "virNetworkGetBridgeName", sig => "net : string" },
+    { name => "virNetworkGetUUID", sig => "net : uuid" },
+    { name => "virNetworkGetUUIDString", sig => "net : uuid string" },
+    { name => "virNetworkUndefine", sig => "net : unit" },
+    { name => "virNetworkCreateXML", sig => "conn, string : net" },
+    { name => "virNetworkDefineXML", sig => "conn, string : net" },
+    { name => "virNetworkCreate", sig => "net : unit" },
+    { name => "virNetworkGetAutostart", sig => "net : bool" },
+    { name => "virNetworkSetAutostart", sig => "net, bool : unit" },
+    { name => "virStoragePoolFree", sig => "pool : free" },
+    { name => "virStoragePoolDestroy", sig => "pool : free" },
+    { name => "virStoragePoolLookupByName",
+      sig => "conn, string : pool" },
+    { name => "virStoragePoolLookupByUUID",
+      sig => "conn, uuid : pool" },
+    { name => "virStoragePoolLookupByUUIDString",
+      sig => "conn, string : pool" },
+    { name => "virStoragePoolGetName",
+      sig => "pool : static string" },
+    { name => "virStoragePoolGetXMLDesc",
+      sig => "pool, 0U : string" },
+    { name => "virStoragePoolGetUUID",
+      sig => "pool : uuid" },
+    { name => "virStoragePoolGetUUIDString",
+      sig => "pool : uuid string" },
+    { name => "virStoragePoolCreateXML",
+      sig => "conn, string, 0U : pool" },
+    { name => "virStoragePoolDefineXML",
+      sig => "conn, string, 0U : pool" },
+    { name => "virStoragePoolBuild",
+      sig => "pool, uint : unit" },
+    { name => "virStoragePoolUndefine",
+      sig => "pool : unit" },
+    { name => "virStoragePoolCreate",
+      sig => "pool, 0U : unit" },
+    { name => "virStoragePoolDelete",
+      sig => "pool, uint : unit" },
+    { name => "virStoragePoolRefresh",
+      sig => "pool, 0U : unit" },
+    { name => "virStoragePoolGetAutostart",
+      sig => "pool : bool" },
+    { name => "virStoragePoolSetAutostart",
+      sig => "pool, bool : unit" },
+    { name => "virStoragePoolNumOfVolumes",
+      sig => "pool : int" },
+    { name => "virStoragePoolListVolumes",
+      sig => "pool, int : string array" },
+    { name => "virStorageVolFree", sig => "vol : free" },
+    { name => "virStorageVolDelete",
+      sig => "vol, uint : unit" },
+    { name => "virStorageVolLookupByName",
+      sig => "pool, string : vol from pool" },
+    { name => "virStorageVolLookupByKey",
+      sig => "conn, string : vol" },
+    { name => "virStorageVolLookupByPath",
+      sig => "conn, string : vol" },
+    { name => "virStorageVolCreateXML",
+      sig => "pool, string, 0U : vol from pool" },
+    { name => "virStorageVolGetXMLDesc",
+      sig => "vol, 0U : string" },
+    { name => "virStorageVolGetPath",
+      sig => "vol : string" },
+    { name => "virStorageVolGetKey",
+      sig => "vol : static string" },
+    { name => "virStorageVolGetName",
+      sig => "vol : static string" },
+    { name => "virStoragePoolLookupByVolume",
+      sig => "vol : pool from vol" },
+    { name => "virSecretFree", sig => "sec : free" },
+    { name => "virSecretUndefine", sig => "sec : unit" },
+    { name => "virSecretLookupByUUID", sig => "conn, uuid : sec" },
+    { name => "virSecretLookupByUUIDString", sig => "conn, string : sec" },
+    { name => "virSecretDefineXML", sig => "conn, string, 0 : sec" },
+    { name => "virSecretGetUUID", sig => "sec : uuid" },
+    { name => "virSecretGetUUIDString", sig => "sec : uuid string" },
+    { name => "virSecretGetUsageType", sig => "sec : int" },
+    { name => "virSecretGetUsageID", sig => "sec : static string" },
+    { name => "virSecretGetXMLDesc", sig => "sec, 0 : string" },
+    );
+# Functions we haven't implemented anywhere yet but which are mentioned
+# in 'libvirt.ml'.
+# We create stubs for these, but eventually they need to either be
+# moved ^^^ so they are auto-generated, or implementations of them
+# written in 'libvirt_c_oneoffs.c'.
+my @unimplemented = (
+    );
+# Open the output file.
+my $filename = "libvirt_generated.c";
+open F, ">$filename" or die "$filename: $!";
+# Write the prologue.
+print F <<'END';
+ *
+ *
+ * Any changes you make to this file may be overwritten.
+ */
+/* OCaml bindings for libvirt.
+ * (C) Copyright 2007-2015 Richard W.M. Jones, Red Hat Inc.
+ * https://libvirt.org/
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version,
+ * with the OCaml linking exception described in ../COPYING.LIB.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301  USA
+ */
+#include "libvirt_c.h"
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wmissing-prototypes"
+sub camel_case_to_underscores
+    my $name = shift;
+    $name =~ s/([A-Z][a-z]+|XML|URI|OS|UUID)/$1,/g;
+    my @subs = split (/,/, $name);
+    @subs = map { lc($_) } @subs;
+    join "_", @subs
+# Helper functions dealing with signatures.
+sub short_name_to_c_type
+    local $_ = shift;
+    if ($_ eq "conn") { "virConnectPtr" }
+    elsif ($_ eq "dom") { "virDomainPtr" }
+    elsif ($_ eq "net") { "virNetworkPtr" }
+    elsif ($_ eq "pool") { "virStoragePoolPtr" }
+    elsif ($_ eq "vol") { "virStorageVolPtr" }
+    elsif ($_ eq "sec") { "virSecretPtr" }
+    else {
+	die "unknown short name $_"
+    }
+# OCaml argument names.
+sub gen_arg_names
+    my $sig = shift;
+    if ($sig =~ /^(\w+) : string$/) {
+	( "$1v" )
+    } elsif ($sig =~ /^(\w+) : static string$/) {
+	( "$1v" )
+    } elsif ($sig =~ /^(\w+) : int$/) {
+	( "$1v" )
+    } elsif ($sig =~ /^(\w+) : uuid$/) {
+	( "$1v" )
+    } elsif ($sig =~ /^(\w+) : uuid string$/) {
+	( "$1v" )
+    } elsif ($sig =~ /^(\w+) : bool$/) {
+	( "$1v" )
+    } elsif ($sig =~ /^(\w+), bool : unit$/) {
+	( "$1v", "bv" )
+    } elsif ($sig eq "conn, int : int array") {
+	( "connv", "iv" )
+    } elsif ($sig =~ /^(\w+), int : string array$/) {
+	( "$1v", "iv" )
+    } elsif ($sig =~ /^(\w+), 0U? : string$/) {
+	( "$1v" )
+    } elsif ($sig =~ /^(\w+), 0U? : unit$/) {
+	( "$1v" )
+    } elsif ($sig =~ /^(\w+) : unit$/) {
+	( "$1v" )
+    } elsif ($sig =~ /^(\w+) : free$/) {
+	( "$1v" )
+    } elsif ($sig =~ /^(\w+), string : unit$/) {
+	( "$1v", "strv" )
+    } elsif ($sig =~ /^(\w+), string, 0U? : unit$/) {
+	( "$1v", "strv" )
+    } elsif ($sig =~ /^(\w+), string : (\w+)$/) {
+	( "$1v", "strv" )
+    } elsif ($sig =~ /^(\w+), string, 0U? : (\w+)$/) {
+	( "$1v", "strv" )
+    } elsif ($sig =~ /^(\w+), string, unsigned : (\w+)$/) {
+	( "$1v", "strv", "uv" )
+    } elsif ($sig =~ /^(\w+), u?int : (\w+)$/) {
+	( "$1v", "iv" )
+    } elsif ($sig =~ /^(\w+), uuid : (\w+)$/) {
+	( "$1v", "uuidv" )
+    } elsif ($sig =~ /^(\w+), 0U? : (\w+)$/) {
+	( "$1v" )
+    } elsif ($sig =~ /^(\w+) : (\w+)$/) {
+	( "$1v" )
+    } elsif ($sig =~ /^(\w+), string : (\w+) from \w+$/) {
+	( "$1v", "strv" )
+    } elsif ($sig =~ /^(\w+), string, 0U? : (\w+) from \w+$/) {
+	( "$1v", "strv" )
+    } elsif ($sig =~ /^(\w+), 0U? : (\w+) from \w+$/) {
+	( "$1v" )
+    } elsif ($sig =~ /^(\w+) : (\w+) from \w+$/) {
+	( "$1v" )
+    } else {
+	die "unknown signature $sig"
+    }
+# Unpack the first (object) argument.
+sub gen_unpack_args
+    local $_ = shift;
+    if ($_ eq "conn") {
+	"virConnectPtr conn = Connect_val (connv);"
+    } elsif ($_ eq "dom") {
+	"virDomainPtr dom = Domain_val (domv);"
+    } elsif ($_ eq "net") {
+	"virNetworkPtr net = Network_val (netv);"
+    } elsif ($_ eq "pool") {
+	"virStoragePoolPtr pool = Pool_val (poolv);"
+    } elsif ($_ eq "vol") {
+	"virStorageVolPtr vol = Volume_val (volv);"
+    } elsif ($_ eq "sec") {
+	"virSecretPtr sec = Secret_val (secv);"
+    } else {
+	die "unknown short name $_"
+    }
+# Pack the result if it's an object.
+sub gen_pack_result
+    local $_ = shift;
+    if ($_ eq "dom") {     "rv = Val_domain (r, connv);" }
+    elsif ($_ eq "net") {  "rv = Val_network (r, connv);" }
+    elsif ($_ eq "pool") { "rv = Val_pool (r, connv);" }
+    elsif ($_ eq "vol") {  "rv = Val_volume (r, connv);" }
+    elsif ($_ eq "sec") {  "rv = Val_secret (r, connv);" }
+    else {
+	die "unknown short name $_"
+    }
+sub gen_free_arg
+    local $_ = shift;
+    if ($_ eq "conn") {     "Connect_val (connv) = NULL;" }
+    elsif ($_ eq "dom") {   "Domain_val (domv) = NULL;" }
+    elsif ($_ eq "net") {   "Network_val (netv) = NULL;" }
+    elsif ($_ eq "pool") {  "Pool_val (poolv) = NULL;" }
+    elsif ($_ eq "vol") {   "Volume_val (volv) = NULL;" }
+    elsif ($_ eq "sec") {   "Secret_val (secv) = NULL;" }
+    else {
+	die "unknown short name $_"
+    }
+# Generate the C body for each signature (class of function).
+sub gen_c_code
+    my $sig = shift;
+    my $c_name = shift;
+    if ($sig =~ /^(\w+) : string$/) {
+	"\
+  CAMLlocal1 (rv);
+  " . gen_unpack_args ($1) . "
+  char *r;
+  NONBLOCKING (r = $c_name ($1));
+  CHECK_ERROR (!r, \"$c_name\");
+  rv = caml_copy_string (r);
+  free (r);
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+    } elsif ($sig =~ /^(\w+) : static string$/) {
+	"\
+  CAMLlocal1 (rv);
+  " . gen_unpack_args ($1) . "
+  const char *r;
+  NONBLOCKING (r = $c_name ($1));
+  CHECK_ERROR (!r, \"$c_name\");
+  rv = caml_copy_string (r);
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+    } elsif ($sig =~ /^(\w+) : int$/) {
+	"\
+  " . gen_unpack_args ($1) . "
+  int r;
+  NONBLOCKING (r = $c_name ($1));
+  CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, \"$c_name\");
+  CAMLreturn (Val_int (r));
+    } elsif ($sig =~ /^(\w+) : uuid$/) {
+	"\
+  CAMLlocal1 (rv);
+  " . gen_unpack_args ($1) . "
+  unsigned char uuid[VIR_UUID_BUFLEN];
+  int r;
+  NONBLOCKING (r = $c_name ($1, uuid));
+  CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, \"$c_name\");
+  /* UUIDs are byte arrays with a fixed length. */
+  rv = caml_alloc_string (VIR_UUID_BUFLEN);
+  memcpy (String_val (rv), uuid, VIR_UUID_BUFLEN);
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+    } elsif ($sig =~ /^(\w+) : uuid string$/) {
+	"\
+  CAMLlocal1 (rv);
+  " . gen_unpack_args ($1) . "
+  int r;
+  NONBLOCKING (r = $c_name ($1, uuid));
+  CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, \"$c_name\");
+  rv = caml_copy_string (uuid);
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+    } elsif ($sig =~ /^(\w+) : bool$/) {
+	"\
+  " . gen_unpack_args ($1) . "
+  int r, b;
+  NONBLOCKING (r = $c_name ($1, &b));
+  CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, \"$c_name\");
+  CAMLreturn (b ? Val_true : Val_false);
+    } elsif ($sig =~ /^(\w+), bool : unit$/) {
+	"\
+  " . gen_unpack_args ($1) . "
+  int r, b;
+  b = bv == Val_true ? 1 : 0;
+  NONBLOCKING (r = $c_name ($1, b));
+  CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, \"$c_name\");
+  CAMLreturn (Val_unit);
+    } elsif ($sig eq "conn, int : int array") {
+	"\
+  CAMLlocal1 (rv);
+  virConnectPtr conn = Connect_val (connv);
+  int i = Int_val (iv);
+  int *ids, r;
+  /* Some libvirt List* functions still throw exceptions if i == 0,
+   * so catch that and return an empty array directly.  This changes
+   * the semantics slightly (masking other failures) but it's
+   * unlikely anyone will care.  RWMJ 2008/06/10
+   */
+  if (i == 0) {
+    rv = caml_alloc (0, 0);
+    CAMLreturn (rv);
+  }
+  ids = malloc (sizeof (*ids) * i);
+  if (ids == NULL)
+    caml_raise_out_of_memory ();
+  NONBLOCKING (r = $c_name (conn, ids, i));
+  CHECK_ERROR_CLEANUP (r == -1, free (ids), \"$c_name\");
+  rv = caml_alloc (r, 0);
+  for (i = 0; i < r; ++i)
+    Store_field (rv, i, Val_int (ids[i]));
+  free (ids);
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+    } elsif ($sig =~ /^(\w+), int : string array$/) {
+	"\
+  CAMLlocal2 (rv, strv);
+  " . gen_unpack_args ($1) . "
+  int i = Int_val (iv);
+  char **names;
+  int r;
+  /* Some libvirt List* functions still throw exceptions if i == 0,
+   * so catch that and return an empty array directly.  This changes
+   * the semantics slightly (masking other failures) but it's
+   * unlikely anyone will care.  RWMJ 2008/06/10
+   */
+  if (i == 0) {
+    rv = caml_alloc (0, 0);
+    CAMLreturn (rv);
+  }
+  names = malloc (sizeof (*names) * i);
+  if (names == NULL)
+    caml_raise_out_of_memory ();
+  NONBLOCKING (r = $c_name ($1, names, i));
+  CHECK_ERROR_CLEANUP (r == -1, free (names), \"$c_name\");
+  rv = caml_alloc (r, 0);
+  for (i = 0; i < r; ++i) {
+    strv = caml_copy_string (names[i]);
+    Store_field (rv, i, strv);
+    free (names[i]);
+  }
+  free (names);
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+    } elsif ($sig =~ /^(\w+), 0U? : string$/) {
+	"\
+  CAMLlocal1 (rv);
+  " . gen_unpack_args ($1) . "
+  char *r;
+  NONBLOCKING (r = $c_name ($1, 0));
+  CHECK_ERROR (!r, \"$c_name\");
+  rv = caml_copy_string (r);
+  free (r);
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+    } elsif ($sig =~ /^(\w+), 0U? : unit$/) {
+	"\
+  " . gen_unpack_args ($1) . "
+  int r;
+  NONBLOCKING (r = $c_name ($1, 0));
+  CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, \"$c_name\");
+  CAMLreturn (Val_unit);
+    } elsif ($sig =~ /^(\w+) : unit$/) {
+	"\
+  " . gen_unpack_args ($1) . "
+  int r;
+  NONBLOCKING (r = $c_name ($1));
+  CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, \"$c_name\");
+  CAMLreturn (Val_unit);
+    } elsif ($sig =~ /^(\w+) : free$/) {
+	"\
+  " . gen_unpack_args ($1) . "
+  int r;
+  NONBLOCKING (r = $c_name ($1));
+  CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, \"$c_name\");
+  /* So that we don't double-free in the finalizer: */
+  " . gen_free_arg ($1) . "
+  CAMLreturn (Val_unit);
+    } elsif ($sig =~ /^(\w+), string : unit$/) {
+	"\
+  " . gen_unpack_args ($1) . "
+  char *str = String_val (strv);
+  int r;
+  NONBLOCKING (r = $c_name ($1, str));
+  CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, \"$c_name\");
+  CAMLreturn (Val_unit);
+    } elsif ($sig =~ /^(\w+), string, 0U? : unit$/) {
+	"\
+  CAMLlocal1 (rv);
+  " . gen_unpack_args ($1) . "
+  char *str = String_val (strv);
+  int r;
+  NONBLOCKING (r = $c_name ($1, str, 0));
+  CHECK_ERROR (!r, \"$c_name\");
+  CAMLreturn (Val_unit);
+    } elsif ($sig =~ /^(\w+), string : (\w+)$/) {
+	my $c_ret_type = short_name_to_c_type ($2);
+	"\
+  CAMLlocal1 (rv);
+  " . gen_unpack_args ($1) . "
+  char *str = String_val (strv);
+  $c_ret_type r;
+  NONBLOCKING (r = $c_name ($1, str));
+  CHECK_ERROR (!r, \"$c_name\");
+  " . gen_pack_result ($2) . "
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+    } elsif ($sig =~ /^(\w+), string, 0U? : (\w+)$/) {
+	my $c_ret_type = short_name_to_c_type ($2);
+	"\
+  CAMLlocal1 (rv);
+  " . gen_unpack_args ($1) . "
+  char *str = String_val (strv);
+  $c_ret_type r;
+  NONBLOCKING (r = $c_name ($1, str, 0));
+  CHECK_ERROR (!r, \"$c_name\");
+  " . gen_pack_result ($2) . "
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+    } elsif ($sig =~ /^(\w+), string, unsigned : (\w+)$/) {
+	my $c_ret_type = short_name_to_c_type ($2);
+	"\
+  CAMLlocal1 (rv);
+  " . gen_unpack_args ($1) . "
+  char *str = String_val (strv);
+  unsigned int u = Int_val (uv);
+  $c_ret_type r;
+  NONBLOCKING (r = $c_name ($1, str, u));
+  CHECK_ERROR (!r, \"$c_name\");
+  " . gen_pack_result ($2) . "
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+    } elsif ($sig =~ /^(\w+), (u?)int : unit$/) {
+	my $unsigned = $2 eq "u" ? "unsigned " : "";
+	"\
+  " . gen_unpack_args ($1) . "
+  ${unsigned}int i = Int_val (iv);
+  int r;
+  NONBLOCKING (r = $c_name ($1, i));
+  CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, \"$c_name\");
+  CAMLreturn (Val_unit);
+    } elsif ($sig =~ /^(\w+), (u?)int : (\w+)$/) {
+	my $c_ret_type = short_name_to_c_type ($3);
+	my $unsigned = $2 eq "u" ? "unsigned " : "";
+	"\
+  CAMLlocal1 (rv);
+  " . gen_unpack_args ($1) . "
+  ${unsigned}int i = Int_val (iv);
+  $c_ret_type r;
+  NONBLOCKING (r = $c_name ($1, i));
+  CHECK_ERROR (!r, \"$c_name\");
+  " . gen_pack_result ($3) . "
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+    } elsif ($sig =~ /^(\w+), uuid : (\w+)$/) {
+	my $c_ret_type = short_name_to_c_type ($2);
+	"\
+  CAMLlocal1 (rv);
+  " . gen_unpack_args ($1) . "
+  unsigned char *uuid = (unsigned char *) String_val (uuidv);
+  $c_ret_type r;
+  NONBLOCKING (r = $c_name ($1, uuid));
+  CHECK_ERROR (!r, \"$c_name\");
+  " . gen_pack_result ($2) . "
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+    } elsif ($sig =~ /^(\w+), 0U? : (\w+)$/) {
+	my $c_ret_type = short_name_to_c_type ($2);
+	"\
+  CAMLlocal1 (rv);
+  " . gen_unpack_args ($1) . "
+  $c_ret_type r;
+  NONBLOCKING (r = $c_name ($1, 0));
+  CHECK_ERROR (!r, \"$c_name\");
+  " . gen_pack_result ($2) . "
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+    } elsif ($sig =~ /^(\w+) : (\w+)$/) {
+	my $c_ret_type = short_name_to_c_type ($2);
+	"\
+  CAMLlocal1 (rv);
+  " . gen_unpack_args ($1) . "
+  $c_ret_type r;
+  NONBLOCKING (r = $c_name ($1));
+  CHECK_ERROR (!r, \"$c_name\");
+  " . gen_pack_result ($2) . "
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+    } elsif ($sig =~ /^(\w+), string : (\w+) from (\w+)$/) {
+	my $c_ret_type = short_name_to_c_type ($2);
+	"\
+  CAMLlocal2 (rv, connv);
+  " . gen_unpack_args ($1) . "
+  char *str = String_val (strv);
+  $c_ret_type r;
+  NONBLOCKING (r = $c_name ($1, str));
+  CHECK_ERROR (!r, \"$c_name\");
+  connv = Field ($3v, 1);
+  " . gen_pack_result ($2) . "
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+    } elsif ($sig =~ /^(\w+), string, 0U? : (\w+) from (\w+)$/) {
+	my $c_ret_type = short_name_to_c_type ($2);
+	"\
+  CAMLlocal2 (rv, connv);
+  " . gen_unpack_args ($1) . "
+  char *str = String_val (strv);
+  $c_ret_type r;
+  NONBLOCKING (r = $c_name ($1, str, 0));
+  CHECK_ERROR (!r, \"$c_name\");
+  connv = Field ($3v, 1);
+  " . gen_pack_result ($2) . "
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+    } elsif ($sig =~ /^(\w+), 0U? : (\w+) from (\w+)$/) {
+	my $c_ret_type = short_name_to_c_type ($2);
+	"\
+  CAMLlocal2 (rv, connv);
+  " . gen_unpack_args ($1) . "
+  $c_ret_type r;
+  NONBLOCKING (r = $c_name ($1, 0));
+  CHECK_ERROR (!r, \"$c_name\");
+  connv = Field ($3v, 1);
+  " . gen_pack_result ($2) . "
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+    } elsif ($sig =~ /^(\w+) : (\w+) from (\w+)$/) {
+	my $c_ret_type = short_name_to_c_type ($2);
+	"\
+  CAMLlocal2 (rv, connv);
+  " . gen_unpack_args ($1) . "
+  $c_ret_type r;
+  NONBLOCKING (r = $c_name ($1));
+  CHECK_ERROR (!r, \"$c_name\");
+  connv = Field ($3v, 1);
+  " . gen_pack_result ($2) . "
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+    } else {
+	die "unknown signature $sig"
+    }
+# Generate each function.
+foreach my $function (@functions) {
+    my $c_name = $function->{name};
+    my $sig = $function->{sig};
+    #print "generating $c_name with sig \"$sig\" ...\n";
+    #my $is_pool_func = $c_name =~ /^virStoragePool/;
+    #my $is_vol_func = $c_name =~ /^virStorageVol/;
+    # Generate an equivalent C-external name for the function, unless
+    # one is defined already.
+    my $c_external_name;
+    if (exists ($function->{c_external_name})) {
+	$c_external_name = $function->{c_external_name};
+    } elsif ($c_name =~ /^vir/) {
+	$c_external_name = substr $c_name, 3;
+	$c_external_name = camel_case_to_underscores ($c_external_name);
+	$c_external_name = "ocaml_libvirt_" . $c_external_name;
+    } else {
+	die "cannot convert c_name $c_name to c_external_name"
+    }
+    print F <<END;
+/* Automatically generated binding for $c_name.
+ * In generator.pl this function has signature "$sig".
+ */
+    my @arg_names = gen_arg_names ($sig);
+    my $nr_arg_names = scalar @arg_names;
+    my $arg_names = join ", ", @arg_names;
+    my $arg_names_as_values = join (", ", map { "value $_" } @arg_names);
+    # Generate the start of the function, arguments.
+    print F <<END;
+CAMLprim value
+$c_external_name ($arg_names_as_values)
+  CAMLparam$nr_arg_names ($arg_names);
+    # Generate the internals of the function.
+    print F (gen_c_code ($sig, $c_name));
+    # Finish off the function.
+    print F <<END;
+# Unimplemented functions.
+if (@unimplemented) {
+    printf "$0: warning: %d unimplemented functions\n", scalar (@unimplemented);
+    print F <<'END';
+/* The following functions are unimplemented and always fail.
+ * See generator.pl '@unimplemented'
+ */
+    foreach my $c_external_name (@unimplemented) {
+	print F <<END;
+CAMLprim value
+$c_external_name ()
+  failwith ("$c_external_name is unimplemented");
+    } # end foreach
+} # end if @unimplemented
+# Write the epilogue.
+print F <<'END';
+/* EOF */
+close F;
+print "$0: written $filename\n"
diff --git a/3rdparty/libvirt-ocaml/libvirt.README b/3rdparty/libvirt-ocaml/libvirt.README
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9b69bc57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3rdparty/libvirt-ocaml/libvirt.README
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+The files generator.pl, libvirt_c.h, libvirt_c_oneoffs.c,
+libvirt_c_common.c, libvirt.ml, and libvirt.mli come from the
+libvirt-ocaml library:
+  https://libvirt.org/git/?p=libvirt-ocaml.git
+which is released under a compatible license.  We want to keep them
+identical, so changes to these files must be submitted to
+libvirt-ocaml first.
+Before virt-v2v 1.42 is released we hope to have unbundled this
+library and will require that libvirt-ocaml is used instead.
diff --git a/3rdparty/libvirt-ocaml/libvirt.ml b/3rdparty/libvirt-ocaml/libvirt.ml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7f9d0e42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3rdparty/libvirt-ocaml/libvirt.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,1683 @@
+(* OCaml bindings for libvirt.
+   (C) Copyright 2007-2015 Richard W.M. Jones, Red Hat Inc.
+   https://libvirt.org/
+   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+   version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version,
+   with the OCaml linking exception described in ../COPYING.LIB.
+   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   Lesser General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301  USA
+type uuid = string
+type xml = string
+type filename = string
+external get_version : ?driver:string -> unit -> int * int = "ocaml_libvirt_get_version"
+let uuid_length = 16
+let uuid_string_length = 36
+(* https://caml.inria.fr/pub/ml-archives/caml-list/2004/07/80683af867cce6bf8fff273973f70c95.en.html *)
+type rw = [`R|`W]
+type ro = [`R]
+module Connect =
+  type 'rw t
+  type node_info = {
+    model : string;
+    memory : int64;
+    cpus : int;
+    mhz : int;
+    nodes : int;
+    sockets : int;
+    cores : int;
+    threads : int;
+  }
+  type credential_type =
+    | CredentialUsername
+    | CredentialAuthname
+    | CredentialLanguage
+    | CredentialCnonce
+    | CredentialPassphrase
+    | CredentialEchoprompt
+    | CredentialNoechoprompt
+    | CredentialRealm
+    | CredentialExternal
+  type credential = {
+    typ : credential_type;
+    prompt : string;
+    challenge : string option;
+    defresult : string option;
+  }
+  type auth = {
+    credtype : credential_type list;
+    cb : (credential list -> string option list);
+  }
+  type list_flag =
+    | ListNoState | ListRunning | ListBlocked
+    | ListPaused | ListShutdown | ListShutoff | ListCrashed
+    | ListActive
+    | ListInactive
+    | ListAll
+  external connect : ?name:string -> unit -> rw t = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_open"
+  external connect_readonly : ?name:string -> unit -> ro t = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_open_readonly"
+  external connect_auth : ?name:string -> auth -> rw t = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_open_auth"
+  external connect_auth_readonly : ?name:string -> auth -> ro t = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_open_auth_readonly"
+  external close : [>`R] t -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_close"
+  external get_type : [>`R] t -> string = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_get_type"
+  external get_version : [>`R] t -> int = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_get_version"
+  external get_hostname : [>`R] t -> string = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_get_hostname"
+  external get_uri : [>`R] t -> string = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_get_uri"
+  external get_max_vcpus : [>`R] t -> ?type_:string -> unit -> int = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_get_max_vcpus"
+  external list_domains : [>`R] t -> int -> int array = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_list_domains"
+  external num_of_domains : [>`R] t -> int = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_num_of_domains"
+  external get_capabilities : [>`R] t -> xml = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_get_capabilities"
+  external num_of_defined_domains : [>`R] t -> int = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_num_of_defined_domains"
+  external list_defined_domains : [>`R] t -> int -> string array = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_list_defined_domains"
+  external num_of_networks : [>`R] t -> int = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_num_of_networks"
+  external list_networks : [>`R] t -> int -> string array = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_list_networks"
+  external num_of_defined_networks : [>`R] t -> int = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_num_of_defined_networks"
+  external list_defined_networks : [>`R] t -> int -> string array = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_list_defined_networks"
+  external num_of_pools : [>`R] t -> int = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_num_of_storage_pools"
+  external list_pools : [>`R] t -> int -> string array = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_list_storage_pools"
+  external num_of_defined_pools : [>`R] t -> int = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_num_of_defined_storage_pools"
+  external list_defined_pools : [>`R] t -> int -> string array = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_list_defined_storage_pools"
+  external num_of_secrets : [>`R] t -> int = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_num_of_secrets"
+  external list_secrets : [>`R] t -> int -> string array = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_list_secrets"
+  external get_node_info : [>`R] t -> node_info = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_get_node_info"
+  external node_get_free_memory : [> `R] t -> int64 = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_node_get_free_memory"
+  external node_get_cells_free_memory : [> `R] t -> int -> int -> int64 array = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_node_get_cells_free_memory"
+  (* See VIR_NODEINFO_MAXCPUS macro defined in <libvirt.h>. *)
+  let maxcpus_of_node_info { nodes = nodes; sockets = sockets;
+			     cores = cores; threads = threads } =
+    nodes * sockets * cores * threads
+  (* See VIR_CPU_MAPLEN macro defined in <libvirt.h>. *)
+  let cpumaplen nr_cpus =
+    (nr_cpus + 7) / 8
+  (* See VIR_USE_CPU, VIR_UNUSE_CPU, VIR_CPU_USABLE macros defined in <libvirt.h>. *)
+  let use_cpu cpumap cpu =
+    Bytes.set cpumap (cpu/8)
+      (Char.chr (Char.code (Bytes.get cpumap (cpu/8)) lor (1 lsl (cpu mod 8))))
+  let unuse_cpu cpumap cpu =
+    Bytes.set cpumap (cpu/8)
+      (Char.chr (Char.code (Bytes.get cpumap (cpu/8)) land (lnot (1 lsl (cpu mod 8)))))
+  let cpu_usable cpumaps maplen vcpu cpu =
+    Char.code (Bytes.get cpumaps (vcpu*maplen + cpu/8)) land (1 lsl (cpu mod 8)) <> 0
+  external set_keep_alive : [>`R] t -> int -> int -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_set_keep_alive"
+  (* Internal API needed for get_auth_default. *)
+  external _credtypes_from_auth_default : unit -> credential_type list = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_credtypes_from_auth_default"
+  external _call_auth_default_callback : credential list -> string option list = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_call_auth_default_callback"
+  let get_auth_default () =
+    {
+      credtype = _credtypes_from_auth_default ();
+      cb = _call_auth_default_callback;
+    }
+  external get_domain_capabilities : ?emulatorbin:string -> ?arch:string -> ?machine:string -> ?virttype:string -> [>`R] t -> string = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_get_domain_capabilities"
+  external const : [>`R] t -> ro t = "%identity"
+module Virterror =
+  type code =
+    | VIR_ERR_OK
+    | VIR_ERR_NO_OS
+    | VIR_ERR_RPC
+    | VIR_ERR_SSH
+    | VIR_ERR_UNKNOWN of int
+  let string_of_code = function
+    | VIR_ERR_OK -> "VIR_ERR_OK"
+    | VIR_ERR_UNKNOWN i -> "VIR_ERR_" ^ string_of_int i
+  type domain =
+    | VIR_FROM_UNKNOWN of int
+  let string_of_domain = function
+    | VIR_FROM_UNKNOWN i -> "VIR_FROM_" ^ string_of_int i
+  type level =
+  let string_of_level = function
+    | VIR_ERR_UNKNOWN_LEVEL i -> "VIR_ERR_LEVEL_" ^ string_of_int i
+  type t = {
+    code : code;
+    domain : domain;
+    message : string option;
+    level : level;
+    str1 : string option;
+    str2 : string option;
+    str3 : string option;
+    int1 : int32;
+    int2 : int32;
+  }
+  let to_string { code = code; domain = domain; message = message } =
+    let buf = Buffer.create 128 in
+    Buffer.add_string buf "libvirt: ";
+    Buffer.add_string buf (string_of_code code);
+    Buffer.add_string buf ": ";
+    Buffer.add_string buf (string_of_domain domain);
+    Buffer.add_string buf ": ";
+    (match message with Some msg -> Buffer.add_string buf msg | None -> ());
+    Buffer.contents buf
+  external get_last_error : unit -> t option = "ocaml_libvirt_virterror_get_last_error"
+  external get_last_conn_error : [>`R] Connect.t -> t option = "ocaml_libvirt_virterror_get_last_conn_error"
+  external reset_last_error : unit -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_virterror_reset_last_error"
+  external reset_last_conn_error : [>`R] Connect.t -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_virterror_reset_last_conn_error"
+  let no_error () =
+    { code = VIR_ERR_OK; domain = VIR_FROM_NONE;
+      message = None; level = VIR_ERR_NONE;
+      str1 = None; str2 = None; str3 = None;
+      int1 = 0_l; int2 = 0_l }
+exception Virterror of Virterror.t
+exception Not_supported of string
+let rec map_ignore_errors f = function
+  | [] -> []
+  | x :: xs ->
+      try f x :: map_ignore_errors f xs
+      with Virterror _ -> map_ignore_errors f xs
+module Domain =
+  type 'rw t
+  type state =
+    | InfoNoState | InfoRunning | InfoBlocked | InfoPaused
+    | InfoShutdown | InfoShutoff | InfoCrashed | InfoPMSuspended
+  type info = {
+    state : state;
+    max_mem : int64;
+    memory : int64;
+    nr_virt_cpu : int;
+    cpu_time : int64;
+  }
+  type vcpu_state = VcpuOffline | VcpuRunning | VcpuBlocked
+  type vcpu_info = {
+    number : int;
+    vcpu_state : vcpu_state;
+    vcpu_time : int64;
+    cpu : int;
+  }
+  type domain_create_flag =
+  let rec int_of_domain_create_flags = function
+    | [] -> 0
+    | START_PAUSED :: flags ->       1 lor int_of_domain_create_flags flags
+    | START_AUTODESTROY :: flags ->  2 lor int_of_domain_create_flags flags
+    | START_BYPASS_CACHE :: flags -> 4 lor int_of_domain_create_flags flags
+    | START_FORCE_BOOT :: flags ->   8 lor int_of_domain_create_flags flags
+    | START_VALIDATE :: flags ->    16 lor int_of_domain_create_flags flags
+  type sched_param = string * sched_param_value
+  and sched_param_value =
+    | SchedFieldInt32 of int32 | SchedFieldUInt32 of int32
+    | SchedFieldInt64 of int64 | SchedFieldUInt64 of int64
+    | SchedFieldFloat of float | SchedFieldBool of bool
+  type typed_param = string * typed_param_value
+  and typed_param_value =
+    | TypedFieldInt32 of int32 | TypedFieldUInt32 of int32
+    | TypedFieldInt64 of int64 | TypedFieldUInt64 of int64
+    | TypedFieldFloat of float | TypedFieldBool of bool
+    | TypedFieldString of string
+  type migrate_flag = Live
+  type memory_flag = Virtual
+  type list_flag =
+    | ListActive
+    | ListInactive
+    | ListAll
+  type block_stats = {
+    rd_req : int64;
+    rd_bytes : int64;
+    wr_req : int64;
+    wr_bytes : int64;
+    errs : int64;
+  }
+  type interface_stats = {
+    rx_bytes : int64;
+    rx_packets : int64;
+    rx_errs : int64;
+    rx_drop : int64;
+    tx_bytes : int64;
+    tx_packets : int64;
+    tx_errs : int64;
+    tx_drop : int64;
+  }
+  type get_all_domain_stats_flag =
+    | GetAllDomainsStatsActive
+    | GetAllDomainsStatsInactive
+    | GetAllDomainsStatsOther
+    | GetAllDomainsStatsPaused
+    | GetAllDomainsStatsPersistent
+    | GetAllDomainsStatsRunning
+    | GetAllDomainsStatsShutoff
+    | GetAllDomainsStatsTransient
+    | GetAllDomainsStatsBacking
+    | GetAllDomainsStatsEnforceStats
+  type stats_type =
+    | StatsState | StatsCpuTotal | StatsBalloon | StatsVcpu
+    | StatsInterface | StatsBlock | StatsPerf
+  type domain_stats_record = {
+    dom_uuid : uuid;
+    params : typed_param array;
+  }
+  type xml_desc_flag =
+    | XmlSecure
+    | XmlInactive
+    | XmlUpdateCPU
+    | XmlMigratable
+  (* The maximum size for Domain.memory_peek and Domain.block_peek
+   * supported by libvirt.  This may change with different versions
+   * of libvirt in the future, hence it's a function.
+   *)
+  let max_peek _ = 65536
+  external create_linux : [>`W] Connect.t -> xml -> rw t = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_create_linux"
+  external _create_xml : [>`W] Connect.t -> xml -> int -> rw t = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_create_xml"
+  let create_xml conn xml flags =
+    _create_xml conn xml (int_of_domain_create_flags flags)
+  external lookup_by_id : 'a Connect.t -> int -> 'a t = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_lookup_by_id"
+  external lookup_by_uuid : 'a Connect.t -> uuid -> 'a t = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_lookup_by_uuid"
+  external lookup_by_uuid_string : 'a Connect.t -> string -> 'a t = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_lookup_by_uuid_string"
+  external lookup_by_name : 'a Connect.t -> string -> 'a t = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_lookup_by_name"
+  external destroy : [>`W] t -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_destroy"
+  external free : [>`R] t -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_free"
+  external suspend : [>`W] t -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_suspend"
+  external resume : [>`W] t -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_resume"
+  external save : [>`W] t -> filename -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_save"
+  external restore : [>`W] Connect.t -> filename -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_restore"
+  external core_dump : [>`W] t -> filename -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_core_dump"
+  external shutdown : [>`W] t -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_shutdown"
+  external reboot : [>`W] t -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_reboot"
+  external get_name : [>`R] t -> string = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_get_name"
+  external get_uuid : [>`R] t -> uuid = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_get_uuid"
+  external get_uuid_string : [>`R] t -> string = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_get_uuid_string"
+  external get_id : [>`R] t -> int = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_get_id"
+  external get_os_type : [>`R] t -> string = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_get_os_type"
+  external get_max_memory : [>`R] t -> int64 = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_get_max_memory"
+  external set_max_memory : [>`W] t -> int64 -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_set_max_memory"
+  external set_memory : [>`W] t -> int64 -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_set_memory"
+  external get_info : [>`R] t -> info = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_get_info"
+  external get_xml_desc : [>`R] t -> xml = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_get_xml_desc"
+  external get_xml_desc_flags : [>`W] t -> xml_desc_flag list -> xml = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_get_xml_desc_flags"
+  external get_scheduler_type : [>`R] t -> string * int = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_get_scheduler_type"
+  external get_scheduler_parameters : [>`R] t -> int -> sched_param array = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_get_scheduler_parameters"
+  external set_scheduler_parameters : [>`W] t -> sched_param array -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_set_scheduler_parameters"
+  external define_xml : [>`W] Connect.t -> xml -> rw t = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_define_xml"
+  external undefine : [>`W] t -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_undefine"
+  external create : [>`W] t -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_create"
+  external get_autostart : [>`R] t -> bool = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_get_autostart"
+  external set_autostart : [>`W] t -> bool -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_set_autostart"
+  external set_vcpus : [>`W] t -> int -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_set_vcpus"
+  external pin_vcpu : [>`W] t -> int -> string -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_pin_vcpu"
+  external get_vcpus : [>`R] t -> int -> int -> int * vcpu_info array * string = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_get_vcpus"
+  external get_cpu_stats : [>`R] t -> typed_param list array = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_get_cpu_stats"
+  external get_max_vcpus : [>`R] t -> int = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_get_max_vcpus"
+  external attach_device : [>`W] t -> xml -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_attach_device"
+  external detach_device : [>`W] t -> xml -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_detach_device"
+  external migrate : [>`W] t -> [>`W] Connect.t -> migrate_flag list -> ?dname:string -> ?uri:string -> ?bandwidth:int -> unit -> rw t = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_migrate_bytecode" "ocaml_libvirt_domain_migrate_native"
+  external block_stats : [>`R] t -> string -> block_stats = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_block_stats"
+  external interface_stats : [>`R] t -> string -> interface_stats = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_interface_stats"
+  external block_peek : [>`W] t -> string -> int64 -> int -> string -> int -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_block_peek_bytecode" "ocaml_libvirt_domain_block_peek_native"
+  external memory_peek : [>`W] t -> memory_flag list -> int64 -> int -> string -> int -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_memory_peek_bytecode" "ocaml_libvirt_domain_memory_peek_native"
+  external get_all_domain_stats : [>`R] Connect.t -> stats_type list -> get_all_domain_stats_flag list -> domain_stats_record array = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_get_all_domain_stats"
+  external const : [>`R] t -> ro t = "%identity"
+  let get_domains conn flags =
+    (* Old/slow/inefficient method. *)
+    let get_active, get_inactive =
+      if List.mem ListAll flags then
+	(true, true)
+      else
+	(List.mem ListActive flags, List.mem ListInactive flags) in
+    let active_doms =
+      if get_active then (
+	let n = Connect.num_of_domains conn in
+	let ids = Connect.list_domains conn n in
+	let ids = Array.to_list ids in
+	map_ignore_errors (lookup_by_id conn) ids
+      ) else [] in
+    let inactive_doms =
+      if get_inactive then (
+	let n = Connect.num_of_defined_domains conn in
+	let names = Connect.list_defined_domains conn n in
+	let names = Array.to_list names in
+	map_ignore_errors (lookup_by_name conn) names
+      ) else [] in
+    active_doms @ inactive_doms
+  let get_domains_and_infos conn flags =
+    (* Old/slow/inefficient method. *)
+    let get_active, get_inactive =
+      if List.mem ListAll flags then
+	(true, true)
+      else (List.mem ListActive flags, List.mem ListInactive flags) in
+    let active_doms =
+      if get_active then (
+	let n = Connect.num_of_domains conn in
+	let ids = Connect.list_domains conn n in
+	let ids = Array.to_list ids in
+	map_ignore_errors (lookup_by_id conn) ids
+      ) else [] in
+    let inactive_doms =
+      if get_inactive then (
+	let n = Connect.num_of_defined_domains conn in
+	let names = Connect.list_defined_domains conn n in
+	let names = Array.to_list names in
+	map_ignore_errors (lookup_by_name conn) names
+      ) else [] in
+    let doms = active_doms @ inactive_doms in
+    map_ignore_errors (fun dom -> (dom, get_info dom)) doms
+module Event =
+  module Defined = struct
+    type t = [
+      | `Added
+      | `Updated
+      | `Unknown of int
+    ]
+    let to_string = function
+      | `Added -> "Added"
+      | `Updated -> "Updated"
+      | `Unknown x -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown Defined.detail: %d" x
+    let make = function
+      | 0 -> `Added
+      | 1 -> `Updated
+      | x -> `Unknown x (* newer libvirt *)
+  end
+  module Undefined = struct
+    type t = [
+      | `Removed
+      | `Unknown of int
+    ]
+    let to_string = function
+      | `Removed -> "UndefinedRemoved"
+      | `Unknown x -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown Undefined.detail: %d" x
+    let make = function
+      | 0 -> `Removed
+      | x -> `Unknown x (* newer libvirt *)
+  end
+  module Started = struct
+    type t = [
+      | `Booted
+      | `Migrated
+      | `Restored
+      | `FromSnapshot
+      | `Wakeup
+      | `Unknown of int
+    ]
+    let to_string = function
+      | `Booted -> "Booted"
+      | `Migrated -> "Migrated"
+      | `Restored -> "Restored"
+      | `FromSnapshot -> "FromSnapshot"
+      | `Wakeup -> "Wakeup"
+      | `Unknown x -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown Started.detail: %d" x
+    let make = function
+      | 0 -> `Booted
+      | 1 -> `Migrated
+      | 2 -> `Restored
+      | 3 -> `FromSnapshot
+      | 4 -> `Wakeup
+      | x -> `Unknown x (* newer libvirt *)
+  end
+  module Suspended = struct
+    type t = [
+      | `Paused
+      | `Migrated
+      | `IOError
+      | `Watchdog
+      | `Restored
+      | `FromSnapshot
+      | `APIError
+      | `Unknown of int (* newer libvirt *)
+    ]
+    let to_string = function
+      | `Paused -> "Paused"
+      | `Migrated -> "Migrated"
+      | `IOError -> "IOError"
+      | `Watchdog -> "Watchdog"
+      | `Restored -> "Restored"
+      | `FromSnapshot -> "FromSnapshot"
+      | `APIError -> "APIError"
+      | `Unknown x -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown Suspended.detail: %d" x
+     let make = function
+      | 0 -> `Paused
+      | 1 -> `Migrated
+      | 2 -> `IOError
+      | 3 -> `Watchdog
+      | 4 -> `Restored
+      | 5 -> `FromSnapshot
+      | 6 -> `APIError
+      | x -> `Unknown x (* newer libvirt *)
+  end
+  module Resumed = struct
+    type t = [
+      | `Unpaused
+      | `Migrated
+      | `FromSnapshot
+      | `Unknown of int (* newer libvirt *)
+    ]
+    let to_string = function
+      | `Unpaused -> "Unpaused"
+      | `Migrated -> "Migrated"
+      | `FromSnapshot -> "FromSnapshot"
+      | `Unknown x -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown Resumed.detail: %d" x
+    let make = function
+      | 0 -> `Unpaused
+      | 1 -> `Migrated
+      | 2 -> `FromSnapshot
+      | x -> `Unknown x (* newer libvirt *)
+  end
+  module Stopped = struct
+    type t = [
+      | `Shutdown
+      | `Destroyed
+      | `Crashed
+      | `Migrated
+      | `Saved
+      | `Failed
+      | `FromSnapshot
+      | `Unknown of int
+    ]
+    let to_string = function
+      | `Shutdown -> "Shutdown"
+      | `Destroyed -> "Destroyed"
+      | `Crashed -> "Crashed"
+      | `Migrated -> "Migrated"
+      | `Saved -> "Saved"
+      | `Failed -> "Failed"
+      | `FromSnapshot -> "FromSnapshot"
+      | `Unknown x -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown Stopped.detail: %d" x
+    let make = function
+      | 0 -> `Shutdown
+      | 1 -> `Destroyed
+      | 2 -> `Crashed
+      | 3 -> `Migrated
+      | 4 -> `Saved
+      | 5 -> `Failed
+      | 6 -> `FromSnapshot
+      | x -> `Unknown x (* newer libvirt *)
+  end
+  module PM_suspended = struct
+    type t = [
+      | `Memory
+      | `Disk
+      | `Unknown of int (* newer libvirt *)
+    ]
+    let to_string = function
+      | `Memory -> "Memory"
+      | `Disk -> "Disk"
+      | `Unknown x -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown PM_suspended.detail: %d" x
+    let make = function
+      | 0 -> `Memory
+      | 1 -> `Disk
+      | x -> `Unknown x (* newer libvirt *)
+  end
+  let string_option x = match x with
+    | None -> "None"
+    | Some x' -> "Some " ^ x'
+  module Lifecycle = struct
+    type t = [
+      | `Defined of Defined.t
+      | `Undefined of Undefined.t
+      | `Started of Started.t
+      | `Suspended of Suspended.t
+      | `Resumed of Resumed.t
+      | `Stopped of Stopped.t
+      | `Shutdown (* no detail defined yet *)
+      | `PMSuspended of PM_suspended.t
+      | `Unknown of int (* newer libvirt *)
+    ]
+    let to_string = function
+      | `Defined x -> "Defined " ^ (Defined.to_string x)
+      | `Undefined x -> "Undefined " ^ (Undefined.to_string x)
+      | `Started x -> "Started " ^ (Started.to_string x)
+      | `Suspended x -> "Suspended " ^ (Suspended.to_string x)
+      | `Resumed x -> "Resumed " ^ (Resumed.to_string x)
+      | `Stopped x -> "Stopped " ^ (Stopped.to_string x)
+      | `Shutdown -> "Shutdown"
+      | `PMSuspended x -> "PMSuspended " ^ (PM_suspended.to_string x)
+      | `Unknown x -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown Lifecycle event: %d" x
+    let make (ty, detail) = match ty with
+      | 0 -> `Defined (Defined.make detail)
+      | 1 -> `Undefined (Undefined.make detail)
+      | 2 -> `Started (Started.make detail)
+      | 3 -> `Suspended (Suspended.make detail)
+      | 4 -> `Resumed (Resumed.make detail)
+      | 5 -> `Stopped (Stopped.make detail)
+      | 6 -> `Shutdown
+      | 7 -> `PMSuspended (PM_suspended.make detail)
+      | x -> `Unknown x
+  end
+  module Reboot = struct
+    type t = unit
+    let to_string _ = "()"
+    let make () = ()
+  end
+  module Rtc_change = struct
+    type t = int64
+    let to_string = Int64.to_string
+    let make x = x
+  end
+  module Watchdog = struct
+    type t = [
+      | `None
+      | `Pause
+      | `Reset
+      | `Poweroff
+      | `Shutdown
+      | `Debug
+      | `Unknown of int
+    ]
+    let to_string = function
+      | `None -> "None"
+      | `Pause -> "Pause"
+      | `Reset -> "Reset"
+      | `Poweroff -> "Poweroff"
+      | `Shutdown -> "Shutdown"
+      | `Debug -> "Debug"
+      | `Unknown x -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown watchdog_action: %d" x
+    let make = function
+      | 0 -> `None
+      | 1 -> `Pause
+      | 2 -> `Reset
+      | 3 -> `Poweroff
+      | 4 -> `Shutdown
+      | 5 -> `Debug
+      | x -> `Unknown x (* newer libvirt *)
+  end
+  module Io_error = struct
+    type action = [
+      | `None
+      | `Pause
+      | `Report
+      | `Unknown of int (* newer libvirt *)
+    ]
+    let string_of_action = function
+      | `None -> "None"
+      | `Pause -> "Pause"
+      | `Report -> "Report"
+      | `Unknown x -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown Io_error.action: %d" x
+    let action_of_int = function
+      | 0 -> `None
+      | 1 -> `Pause
+      | 2 -> `Report
+      | x -> `Unknown x
+    type t = {
+      src_path: string option;
+      dev_alias: string option;
+      action: action;
+      reason: string option;
+    }
+    let to_string t = Printf.sprintf
+        "{ Io_error.src_path = %s; dev_alias = %s; action = %s; reason = %s }"
+        (string_option t.src_path)
+        (string_option t.dev_alias)
+        (string_of_action t.action)
+        (string_option t.reason)
+    let make (src_path, dev_alias, action, reason) = {
+        src_path = src_path;
+        dev_alias = dev_alias;
+        action = action_of_int action;
+        reason = reason;
+    }
+    let make_noreason (src_path, dev_alias, action) =
+      make (src_path, dev_alias, action, None)
+  end
+  module Graphics_address = struct
+    type family = [
+      | `Ipv4
+      | `Ipv6
+      | `Unix
+      | `Unknown of int (* newer libvirt *)
+    ]
+    let string_of_family = function
+      | `Ipv4 -> "IPv4"
+      | `Ipv6 -> "IPv6"
+      | `Unix -> "UNIX"
+      | `Unknown x -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown Graphics_address.family: %d" x
+    let family_of_int = function
+      (* no zero *)
+      | 1 -> `Ipv4
+      | 2 -> `Ipv6
+      | 3 -> `Unix
+      | x -> `Unknown x
+    type t = {
+      family: family;         (** Address family *)
+      node: string option;    (** Address of node (eg IP address, or UNIX path *)
+      service: string option; (** Service name/number (eg TCP port, or NULL) *)
+    }
+    let to_string t = Printf.sprintf
+      "{ family = %s; node = %s; service = %s }"
+        (string_of_family t.family)
+        (string_option t.node)
+        (string_option t.service)
+    let make (family, node, service) = {
+      family = family_of_int family;
+      node = node;
+      service = service;
+    }
+  end
+  module Graphics_subject = struct
+    type identity = {
+      ty: string option;
+      name: string option;
+    }
+    let string_of_identity t = Printf.sprintf
+      "{ ty = %s; name = %s }"
+      (string_option t.ty)
+      (string_option t.name)
+    type t = identity list
+    let to_string ts =
+      "[ " ^ (String.concat "; " (List.map string_of_identity ts)) ^ " ]"
+    let make xs =
+      List.map (fun (ty, name) -> { ty = ty; name = name })
+        (Array.to_list xs)
+  end
+  module Graphics = struct
+    type phase = [
+      | `Connect
+      | `Initialize
+      | `Disconnect
+      | `Unknown of int (** newer libvirt *)
+    ]
+    let string_of_phase = function
+      | `Connect -> "Connect"
+      | `Initialize -> "Initialize"
+      | `Disconnect -> "Disconnect"
+      | `Unknown x -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown Graphics.phase: %d" x
+    let phase_of_int = function
+      | 0 -> `Connect
+      | 1 -> `Initialize
+      | 2 -> `Disconnect
+      | x -> `Unknown x
+    type t = {
+      phase: phase;                (** the phase of the connection *)
+      local: Graphics_address.t;   (** the local server address *)
+      remote: Graphics_address.t;  (** the remote client address *)
+      auth_scheme: string option;  (** the authentication scheme activated *)
+      subject: Graphics_subject.t; (** the authenticated subject (user) *)
+    }
+    let to_string t =
+      let phase = Printf.sprintf "phase = %s"
+        (string_of_phase t.phase) in
+      let local = Printf.sprintf "local = %s"
+        (Graphics_address.to_string t.local) in
+      let remote = Printf.sprintf "remote = %s"
+        (Graphics_address.to_string t.remote) in
+      let auth_scheme = Printf.sprintf "auth_scheme = %s"
+        (string_option t.auth_scheme) in
+      let subject = Printf.sprintf "subject = %s"
+        (Graphics_subject.to_string t.subject) in
+      "{ " ^ (String.concat "; " [ phase; local; remote; auth_scheme; subject ]) ^ " }"
+    let make (phase, local, remote, auth_scheme, subject) = {
+      phase = phase_of_int phase;
+      local = Graphics_address.make local;
+      remote = Graphics_address.make remote;
+      auth_scheme = auth_scheme;
+      subject = Graphics_subject.make subject;
+    }
+  end
+  module Control_error = struct
+    type t = unit
+    let to_string () = "()"
+    let make () = ()
+  end
+  module Block_job = struct
+    type ty = [
+      | `KnownUnknown (* explicitly named UNKNOWN in the spec *)
+      | `Pull
+      | `Copy
+      | `Commit
+      | `Unknown of int (* newer libvirt *)
+    ]
+    let string_of_ty = function
+      | `KnownUnknown -> "KnownUnknown"
+      | `Pull -> "Pull"
+      | `Copy -> "Copy"
+      | `Commit -> "Commit"
+      | `Unknown x -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown Block_job.ty: %d" x
+    let ty_of_int = function
+      | 0 -> `KnownUnknown
+      | 1 -> `Pull
+      | 2 -> `Copy
+      | 3 -> `Commit
+      | x -> `Unknown x (* newer libvirt *)
+    type status = [
+      | `Completed
+      | `Failed
+      | `Cancelled
+      | `Ready
+      | `Unknown of int
+    ]
+    let string_of_status = function
+      | `Completed -> "Completed"
+      | `Failed -> "Failed"
+      | `Cancelled -> "Cancelled"
+      | `Ready -> "Ready"
+      | `Unknown x -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown Block_job.status: %d" x
+    let status_of_int = function
+      | 0 -> `Completed
+      | 1 -> `Failed
+      | 2 -> `Cancelled
+      | 3 -> `Ready
+      | x -> `Unknown x
+    type t = {
+      disk: string option;
+      ty: ty;
+      status: status;
+    }
+    let to_string t = Printf.sprintf "{ disk = %s; ty = %s; status = %s }"
+      (string_option t.disk)
+      (string_of_ty t.ty)
+      (string_of_status t.status)
+    let make (disk, ty, status) = {
+      disk = disk;
+      ty = ty_of_int ty;
+      status = status_of_int ty;
+    }
+  end
+  module Disk_change = struct
+    type reason = [
+      | `MissingOnStart
+      | `Unknown of int
+    ]
+    let string_of_reason = function
+      | `MissingOnStart -> "MissingOnStart"
+      | `Unknown x -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown Disk_change.reason: %d" x
+    let reason_of_int = function
+      | 0 -> `MissingOnStart
+      | x -> `Unknown x
+    type t = {
+      old_src_path: string option;
+      new_src_path: string option;
+      dev_alias: string option;
+      reason: reason;
+    }
+    let to_string t =
+      let o = Printf.sprintf "old_src_path = %s" (string_option t.old_src_path) in
+      let n = Printf.sprintf "new_src_path = %s" (string_option t.new_src_path) in
+      let d = Printf.sprintf "dev_alias = %s" (string_option t.dev_alias) in
+      let r = string_of_reason t.reason in
+      "{ " ^ (String.concat "; " [ o; n; d; r ]) ^ " }"
+    let make (o, n, d, r) = {
+      old_src_path = o;
+      new_src_path = n;
+      dev_alias = d;
+      reason = reason_of_int r;
+    }
+  end
+  module Tray_change = struct
+    type reason = [
+      | `Open
+      | `Close
+      | `Unknown of int
+    ]
+    let string_of_reason = function
+      | `Open -> "Open"
+      | `Close -> "Close"
+      | `Unknown x -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown Tray_change.reason: %d" x
+    let reason_of_int = function
+      | 0 -> `Open
+      | 1 -> `Close
+      | x -> `Unknown x
+    type t = {
+      dev_alias: string option;
+      reason: reason;
+    }
+    let to_string t = Printf.sprintf
+      "{ dev_alias = %s; reason = %s }"
+        (string_option t.dev_alias)
+        (string_of_reason t.reason)
+    let make (dev_alias, reason) = {
+      dev_alias = dev_alias;
+      reason = reason_of_int reason;
+    }
+  end
+  module PM_wakeup = struct
+    type reason = [
+      | `Unknown of int
+    ]
+    type t = reason
+    let to_string = function
+      | `Unknown x -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown PM_wakeup.reason: %d" x
+    let make x = `Unknown x
+  end
+  module PM_suspend = struct
+    type reason = [
+      | `Unknown of int
+    ]
+    type t = reason
+    let to_string = function
+      | `Unknown x -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown PM_suspend.reason: %d" x
+    let make x = `Unknown x
+  end
+  module Balloon_change = struct
+    type t = int64
+    let to_string = Int64.to_string
+    let make x = x
+  end
+  module PM_suspend_disk = struct
+    type reason = [
+      | `Unknown of int
+    ]
+    type t = reason
+    let to_string = function
+      | `Unknown x -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown PM_suspend_disk.reason: %d" x
+    let make x = `Unknown x
+  end
+  type callback =
+    | Lifecycle     of ([`R] Domain.t -> Lifecycle.t -> unit)
+    | Reboot        of ([`R] Domain.t -> Reboot.t -> unit)
+    | RtcChange     of ([`R] Domain.t -> Rtc_change.t -> unit)
+    | Watchdog      of ([`R] Domain.t -> Watchdog.t -> unit)
+    | IOError       of ([`R] Domain.t -> Io_error.t -> unit)
+    | Graphics      of ([`R] Domain.t -> Graphics.t -> unit)
+    | IOErrorReason of ([`R] Domain.t -> Io_error.t -> unit)
+    | ControlError  of ([`R] Domain.t -> Control_error.t -> unit)
+    | BlockJob      of ([`R] Domain.t -> Block_job.t -> unit)
+    | DiskChange    of ([`R] Domain.t -> Disk_change.t -> unit)
+    | TrayChange    of ([`R] Domain.t -> Tray_change.t -> unit)
+    | PMWakeUp      of ([`R] Domain.t -> PM_wakeup.t -> unit)
+    | PMSuspend     of ([`R] Domain.t -> PM_suspend.t -> unit)
+    | BalloonChange of ([`R] Domain.t -> Balloon_change.t -> unit)
+    | PMSuspendDisk of ([`R] Domain.t -> PM_suspend_disk.t -> unit)
+  type callback_id = int64
+  let fresh_callback_id =
+    let next = ref 0L in
+    fun () ->
+      let result = !next in
+      next := Int64.succ !next;
+      result
+  let make_table value_name =
+    let table = Hashtbl.create 16 in
+    let callback callback_id generic x =
+      if Hashtbl.mem table callback_id
+      then Hashtbl.find table callback_id generic x in
+    let _ = Callback.register value_name callback in
+    table
+  let u_table = make_table "Libvirt.u_callback"
+  let i_table = make_table "Libvirt.i_callback"
+  let i64_table = make_table "Libvirt.i64_callback"
+  let i_i_table = make_table "Libvirt.i_i_callback"
+  let s_i_table = make_table "Libvirt.s_i_callback"
+  let s_i_i_table = make_table "Libvirt.s_i_i_callback"
+  let s_s_i_table = make_table "Libvirt.s_s_i_callback"
+  let s_s_i_s_table = make_table "Libvirt.s_s_i_s_callback"
+  let s_s_s_i_table = make_table "Libvirt.s_s_s_i_callback"
+  let i_ga_ga_s_gs_table = make_table "Libvirt.i_ga_ga_s_gs_callback"
+  external register_default_impl : unit -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_event_register_default_impl"
+  external run_default_impl : unit -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_event_run_default_impl"
+  external register_any' : 'a Connect.t -> 'a Domain.t option -> callback -> callback_id -> int = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_domain_event_register_any"
+  external deregister_any' : 'a Connect.t -> int -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_domain_event_deregister_any"
+  let our_id_to_libvirt_id = Hashtbl.create 16
+  let register_any conn ?dom callback =
+    let id = fresh_callback_id () in
+    begin match callback with
+    | Lifecycle f ->
+        Hashtbl.add i_i_table id (fun dom x ->
+            f dom (Lifecycle.make x)
+        )
+    | Reboot f ->
+        Hashtbl.add u_table id (fun dom x ->
+            f dom (Reboot.make x)
+        )
+    | RtcChange f ->
+        Hashtbl.add i64_table id (fun dom x ->
+            f dom (Rtc_change.make x)
+        )
+    | Watchdog f ->
+        Hashtbl.add i_table id (fun dom x ->
+            f dom (Watchdog.make x)
+        ) 
+    | IOError f ->
+        Hashtbl.add s_s_i_table id (fun dom x ->
+            f dom (Io_error.make_noreason x)
+        )
+    | Graphics f ->
+        Hashtbl.add i_ga_ga_s_gs_table id (fun dom x ->
+            f dom (Graphics.make x)
+        )
+    | IOErrorReason f ->
+        Hashtbl.add s_s_i_s_table id (fun dom x ->
+            f dom (Io_error.make x)
+        )
+    | ControlError f ->
+        Hashtbl.add u_table id (fun dom x ->
+            f dom (Control_error.make x)
+        )
+    | BlockJob f ->
+        Hashtbl.add s_i_i_table id (fun dom x ->
+            f dom (Block_job.make x)
+        )
+    | DiskChange f ->
+        Hashtbl.add s_s_s_i_table id (fun dom x ->
+            f dom (Disk_change.make x)
+        )
+    | TrayChange f ->
+        Hashtbl.add s_i_table id (fun dom x ->
+            f dom (Tray_change.make x)
+        )
+    | PMWakeUp f ->
+        Hashtbl.add i_table id (fun dom x ->
+            f dom (PM_wakeup.make x)
+        )
+    | PMSuspend f ->
+        Hashtbl.add i_table id (fun dom x ->
+            f dom (PM_suspend.make x)
+        )
+    | BalloonChange f ->
+        Hashtbl.add i64_table id (fun dom x ->
+            f dom (Balloon_change.make x)
+        )
+    | PMSuspendDisk f ->
+        Hashtbl.add i_table id (fun dom x ->
+            f dom (PM_suspend_disk.make x)
+        )
+    end;
+    let libvirt_id = register_any' conn dom callback id in
+    Hashtbl.replace our_id_to_libvirt_id id libvirt_id;
+    id
+  let deregister_any conn id =
+    if Hashtbl.mem our_id_to_libvirt_id id then begin
+      let libvirt_id = Hashtbl.find our_id_to_libvirt_id id in
+      deregister_any' conn libvirt_id
+    end;
+    Hashtbl.remove our_id_to_libvirt_id id;
+    Hashtbl.remove u_table id;
+    Hashtbl.remove i_table id;
+    Hashtbl.remove i64_table id;
+    Hashtbl.remove i_i_table id;
+    Hashtbl.remove s_i_table id;
+    Hashtbl.remove s_i_i_table id;
+    Hashtbl.remove s_s_i_table id;
+    Hashtbl.remove s_s_i_s_table id;
+    Hashtbl.remove s_s_s_i_table id;
+    Hashtbl.remove i_ga_ga_s_gs_table id
+  let timeout_table = Hashtbl.create 16
+  let _ =
+    let callback x =
+      if Hashtbl.mem timeout_table x
+      then Hashtbl.find timeout_table x () in
+  Callback.register "Libvirt.timeout_callback" callback
+  type timer_id = int64
+  external add_timeout' : 'a Connect.t -> int -> int64 -> int = "ocaml_libvirt_event_add_timeout"
+  external remove_timeout' : 'a Connect.t -> int -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_event_remove_timeout"
+  let our_id_to_timer_id = Hashtbl.create 16
+  let add_timeout conn ms fn =
+    let id = fresh_callback_id () in
+    Hashtbl.add timeout_table id fn;
+    let timer_id = add_timeout' conn ms id in
+    Hashtbl.add our_id_to_timer_id id timer_id;
+    id
+  let remove_timeout conn id =
+    if Hashtbl.mem our_id_to_timer_id id then begin
+      let timer_id = Hashtbl.find our_id_to_timer_id id in
+      remove_timeout' conn timer_id
+    end;
+    Hashtbl.remove our_id_to_timer_id id;
+    Hashtbl.remove timeout_table id
+module Network =
+  type 'rw t
+  external lookup_by_name : 'a Connect.t -> string -> 'a t = "ocaml_libvirt_network_lookup_by_name"
+  external lookup_by_uuid : 'a Connect.t -> uuid -> 'a t = "ocaml_libvirt_network_lookup_by_uuid"
+  external lookup_by_uuid_string : 'a Connect.t -> string -> 'a t = "ocaml_libvirt_network_lookup_by_uuid_string"
+  external create_xml : [>`W] Connect.t -> xml -> rw t = "ocaml_libvirt_network_create_xml"
+  external define_xml : [>`W] Connect.t -> xml -> rw t = "ocaml_libvirt_network_define_xml"
+  external undefine : [>`W] t -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_network_undefine"
+  external create : [>`W] t -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_network_create"
+  external destroy : [>`W] t -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_network_destroy"
+  external free : [>`R] t -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_network_free"
+  external get_name : [>`R] t -> string = "ocaml_libvirt_network_get_name"
+  external get_uuid : [>`R] t -> uuid = "ocaml_libvirt_network_get_uuid"
+  external get_uuid_string : [>`R] t -> string = "ocaml_libvirt_network_get_uuid_string"
+  external get_xml_desc : [>`R] t -> xml = "ocaml_libvirt_network_get_xml_desc"
+  external get_bridge_name : [>`R] t -> string = "ocaml_libvirt_network_get_bridge_name"
+  external get_autostart : [>`R] t -> bool = "ocaml_libvirt_network_get_autostart"
+  external set_autostart : [>`W] t -> bool -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_network_set_autostart"
+  external const : [>`R] t -> ro t = "%identity"
+module Pool =
+  type 'rw t
+  type pool_state = Inactive | Building | Running | Degraded | Inaccessible
+  type pool_build_flags = New | Repair | Resize
+  type pool_delete_flags = Normal | Zeroed
+  type pool_info = {
+    state : pool_state;
+    capacity : int64;
+    allocation : int64;
+    available : int64;
+  }
+  external lookup_by_name : 'a Connect.t -> string -> 'a t = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_lookup_by_name"
+  external lookup_by_uuid : 'a Connect.t -> uuid -> 'a t = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_lookup_by_uuid"
+  external lookup_by_uuid_string : 'a Connect.t -> string -> 'a t = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_lookup_by_uuid_string"
+  external create_xml : [>`W] Connect.t -> xml -> rw t = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_create_xml"
+  external define_xml : [>`W] Connect.t -> xml -> rw t = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_define_xml"
+  external build : [>`W] t -> pool_build_flags -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_build"
+  external undefine : [>`W] t -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_undefine"
+  external create : [>`W] t -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_create"
+  external destroy : [>`W] t -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_destroy"
+  external delete : [>`W] t -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_delete"
+  external free : [>`R] t -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_free"
+  external refresh : [`R] t -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_refresh"
+  external get_name : [`R] t -> string = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_get_name"
+  external get_uuid : [`R] t -> uuid = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_get_uuid"
+  external get_uuid_string : [`R] t -> string = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_get_uuid_string"
+  external get_info : [`R] t -> pool_info = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_get_info"
+  external get_xml_desc : [`R] t -> xml = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_get_xml_desc"
+  external get_autostart : [`R] t -> bool = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_get_autostart"
+  external set_autostart : [>`W] t -> bool -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_set_autostart"
+  external num_of_volumes : [`R] t -> int = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_num_of_volumes"
+  external list_volumes : [`R] t -> int -> string array = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_list_volumes"
+  external const : [>`R] t -> ro t = "%identity"
+module Volume =
+  type 'rw t
+  type vol_type = File | Block | Dir | Network | NetDir | Ploop
+  type vol_delete_flags = Normal | Zeroed
+  type vol_info = {
+    typ : vol_type;
+    capacity : int64;
+    allocation : int64;
+  }
+  external lookup_by_name : 'a Pool.t -> string -> 'a t = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_vol_lookup_by_name"
+  external lookup_by_key : 'a Connect.t -> string -> 'a t = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_vol_lookup_by_key"
+  external lookup_by_path : 'a Connect.t -> string -> 'a t = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_vol_lookup_by_path"
+  external pool_of_volume : 'a t -> 'a Pool.t = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_lookup_by_volume"
+  external get_name : [`R] t -> string = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_vol_get_name"
+  external get_key : [`R] t -> string = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_vol_get_key"
+  external get_path : [`R] t -> string = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_vol_get_path"
+  external get_info : [`R] t -> vol_info = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_vol_get_info"
+  external get_xml_desc : [`R] t -> xml = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_vol_get_xml_desc"
+  external create_xml : [>`W] Pool.t -> xml -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_vol_create_xml"
+  external delete : [>`W] t -> vol_delete_flags -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_vol_delete"
+  external free : [>`R] t -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_storage_vol_free"
+  external const : [>`R] t -> ro t = "%identity"
+module Secret =
+  type 'rw t
+  type secret_usage_type =
+    | NoType
+    | Volume
+    | Ceph
+    | ISCSI
+    | TLS
+  external lookup_by_uuid : 'a Connect.t -> uuid -> 'a t = "ocaml_libvirt_secret_lookup_by_uuid"
+  external lookup_by_uuid_string : 'a Connect.t -> string -> 'a t = "ocaml_libvirt_secret_lookup_by_uuid_string"
+  external lookup_by_usage : 'a Connect.t -> secret_usage_type -> string -> 'a t = "ocaml_libvirt_secret_lookup_by_usage"
+  external define_xml : [>`W] Connect.t -> xml -> rw t = "ocaml_libvirt_secret_define_xml"
+  external get_uuid : [>`R] t -> uuid = "ocaml_libvirt_secret_get_uuid"
+  external get_uuid_string : [>`R] t -> string = "ocaml_libvirt_secret_get_uuid_string"
+  external get_usage_type : [>`R] t -> secret_usage_type = "ocaml_libvirt_secret_get_usage_type"
+  external get_usage_id : [>`R] t -> string = "ocaml_libvirt_secret_get_usage_id"
+  external get_xml_desc : [>`R] t -> xml = "ocaml_libvirt_secret_get_xml_desc"
+  external set_value : [>`W] t -> bytes -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_secret_set_value"
+  external get_value : [>`R] t -> bytes = "ocaml_libvirt_secret_get_value"
+  external undefine : [>`W] t -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_secret_undefine"
+  external free : [>`R] t -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_secret_free"
+  external const : [>`R] t -> ro t = "%identity"
+(* Initialization. *)
+external c_init : unit -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_init"
+let () =
+  Callback.register_exception
+    "ocaml_libvirt_virterror" (Virterror (Virterror.no_error ()));
+  Callback.register_exception
+    "ocaml_libvirt_not_supported" (Not_supported "");
+  c_init ();
+  Printexc.register_printer (
+    function
+    | Virterror e -> Some (Virterror.to_string e)
+    | _ -> None
+  )
diff --git a/3rdparty/libvirt-ocaml/libvirt.mli b/3rdparty/libvirt-ocaml/libvirt.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0d741994
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3rdparty/libvirt-ocaml/libvirt.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,1652 @@
+(** OCaml bindings for libvirt. *)
+(* (C) Copyright 2007-2015 Richard W.M. Jones, Red Hat Inc.
+   https://libvirt.org/
+   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+   version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version,
+   with the OCaml linking exception described in ../COPYING.LIB.
+   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   Lesser General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301  USA
+   {2 Introduction and examples}
+   This is a set of bindings for writing OCaml programs to
+   manage virtual machines through {{:https://libvirt.org/}libvirt}.
+   {3 Using libvirt interactively}
+   Using the interactive toplevel:
+$ ocaml -I +libvirt
+        Objective Caml version 3.10.0
+# #load "unix.cma";;
+# #load "mllibvirt.cma";;
+# let name = "test:///default";;
+val name : string = "test:///default"
+# let conn = Libvirt.Connect.connect_readonly ~name () ;;
+val conn : Libvirt.ro Libvirt.Connect.t = <abstr>
+# Libvirt.Connect.get_node_info conn;;
+  : Libvirt.Connect.node_info =
+{Libvirt.Connect.model = "i686"; Libvirt.Connect.memory = 3145728L;
+ Libvirt.Connect.cpus = 16; Libvirt.Connect.mhz = 1400;
+ Libvirt.Connect.nodes = 2; Libvirt.Connect.sockets = 2;
+ Libvirt.Connect.cores = 2; Libvirt.Connect.threads = 2}
+   {3 Compiling libvirt programs}
+   This command compiles a program to native code:
+ocamlopt -I +libvirt mllibvirt.cmxa list_domains.ml -o list_domains
+   {3 Example: Connect to the hypervisor}
+   The main modules are {!Libvirt.Connect}, {!Libvirt.Domain} and
+   {!Libvirt.Network} corresponding respectively to the
+   {{:https://libvirt.org/html/libvirt-libvirt-host.html}virConnect*},
+   {{:https://libvirt.org/html/libvirt-libvirt-domain.html}virDomain*}, and
+   {{:https://libvirt.org/html/libvirt-libvirt-network.html}virNetwork*}
+   functions from libvirt.
+   For brevity I usually rename these modules like this:
+module C = Libvirt.Connect
+module D = Libvirt.Domain
+module N = Libvirt.Network
+   To get a connection handle, assuming a Xen hypervisor:
+let name = "xen:///"
+let conn = C.connect_readonly ~name ()
+   {3 Example: List running domains}
+open Printf
+let domains = D.get_domains conn [D.ListActive] in
+List.iter (
+  fun dom ->
+    printf "%8d %s\n%!" (D.get_id dom) (D.get_name dom)
+) domains;
+   {3 Example: List inactive domains}
+let domains = D.get_domains conn [D.ListInactive] in
+List.iter (
+  fun dom ->
+    printf "inactive %s\n%!" (D.get_name dom)
+) domains;
+   {3 Example: Print node info}
+let node_info = C.get_node_info conn in
+printf "model = %s\n" node_info.C.model;
+printf "memory = %Ld K\n" node_info.C.memory;
+printf "cpus = %d\n" node_info.C.cpus;
+printf "mhz = %d\n" node_info.C.mhz;
+printf "nodes = %d\n" node_info.C.nodes;
+printf "sockets = %d\n" node_info.C.sockets;
+printf "cores = %d\n" node_info.C.cores;
+printf "threads = %d\n%!" node_info.C.threads;
+let hostname = C.get_hostname conn in
+printf "hostname = %s\n%!" hostname;
+let uri = C.get_uri conn in
+printf "uri = %s\n%!" uri
+(** {2 Programming issues}
+    {3 General safety issues}
+    Memory allocation / automatic garbage collection of all libvirt
+    objects should be completely safe.  If you find any safety issues
+    or if your pure OCaml program ever segfaults, please contact the author.
+    You can force a libvirt object to be freed early by calling
+    the {!Libvirt.Connect.close} function on the object.  This shouldn't
+    affect the safety of garbage collection and should only be used when
+    you want to explicitly free memory.  Note that explicitly
+    closing a connection object does nothing if there are still
+    unclosed domain or network objects referencing it.
+    Note that even though you hold open (eg) a domain object, that
+    doesn't mean that the domain (virtual machine) actually exists.
+    The domain could have been shut down or deleted by another user.
+    Thus domain objects can raise odd exceptions at any time.
+    This is just the nature of virtualisation.
+    {3 Backwards and forwards compatibility}
+    OCaml-libvirt requires libvirt version 1.2.8 or later. Future
+    releases of OCaml-libvirt will use newer features of libvirt
+    and therefore will require later versions of libvirt. It is always
+    possible to dynamically link your application against a newer
+    libvirt than OCaml-libvirt was originally compiled against.
+    {3 Get list of domains and domain infos}
+    This is a very common operation, and libvirt supports various
+    different methods to do it.  We have hidden the complexity in a
+    flexible {!Libvirt.Domain.get_domains} and
+    {!Libvirt.Domain.get_domains_and_infos} calls which is easy to use and
+    automatically chooses the most efficient method depending on the
+    version of libvirt in use.
+    {3 Threads}
+    You can issue multiple concurrent libvirt requests in
+    different threads.  However you must follow this rule:
+    Each thread must have its own separate libvirt connection, {i or}
+    you must implement your own mutex scheme to ensure that no
+    two threads can ever make concurrent calls using the same
+    libvirt connection.
+    (Note that multithreaded code is not well tested.  If you find
+    bugs please report them.)
+    {3 Initialisation}
+    Libvirt requires all callers to call virInitialize before
+    using the library.  This is done automatically for you by
+    these bindings when the program starts up, and we believe
+    that the way this is done is safe.
+    {2 Reference}
+type uuid = string
+    (** This is a "raw" UUID, ie. a packed string of bytes. *)
+type xml = string
+    (** Type of XML (an uninterpreted string of bytes).  Use PXP, expat,
+	xml-light, etc. if you want to do anything useful with the XML.
+    *)
+type filename = string
+    (** A filename. *)
+val get_version : ?driver:string -> unit -> int * int
+  (** [get_version ()] returns the library version in the first part
+      of the tuple, and [0] in the second part.
+      [get_version ~driver ()] returns the library version in the first
+      part of the tuple, and the version of the driver called [driver]
+      in the second part.
+      The version numbers are encoded as
+      [major * 1_000_000 + minor * 1000 + release].
+  *)
+val uuid_length : int
+  (** Length of packed UUIDs. *)
+val uuid_string_length : int
+  (** Length of UUID strings. *)
+type rw = [`R|`W]
+type ro = [`R]
+    (** These
+	{{:https://caml.inria.fr/pub/ml-archives/caml-list/2004/07/80683af867cce6bf8fff273973f70c95.en.html}phantom types}
+	are used to ensure the type-safety of read-only
+	versus read-write connections.
+	All connection/domain/etc. objects are marked with
+	a phantom read-write or read-only type, and trying to
+	pass a read-only object into a function which could
+	mutate the object will cause a compile time error.
+	Each module provides a function like {!Libvirt.Connect.const}
+	to demote a read-write object into a read-only object.  The
+	opposite operation is, of course, not allowed.
+	If you want to handle both read-write and read-only
+	connections at runtime, use a variant similar to this:
+type conn_t =
+    | No_connection
+    | Read_only of Libvirt.ro Libvirt.Connect.t
+    | Read_write of Libvirt.rw Libvirt.Connect.t
+    *)
+(** {3 Forward definitions}
+    These definitions are placed here to avoid the need to
+    use recursive module dependencies.
+(** {3 Connections} *)
+module Connect :
+  type 'rw t
+    (** Connection.  Read-only connections have type [ro Connect.t] and
+	read-write connections have type [rw Connect.t].
+      *)
+  type node_info = {
+    model : string;			(** CPU model *)
+    memory : int64;			(** memory size in kilobytes *)
+    cpus : int;				(** number of active CPUs *)
+    mhz : int;				(** expected CPU frequency *)
+    nodes : int;			(** number of NUMA nodes (1 = UMA) *)
+    sockets : int;			(** number of CPU sockets per node *)
+    cores : int;			(** number of cores per socket *)
+    threads : int;			(** number of threads per core *)
+  }
+  type credential_type =
+    | CredentialUsername		(** Identity to act as *)
+    | CredentialAuthname		(** Identify to authorize as *)
+    | CredentialLanguage		(** RFC 1766 languages, comma separated *)
+    | CredentialCnonce			(** client supplies a nonce *)
+    | CredentialPassphrase		(** Passphrase secret *)
+    | CredentialEchoprompt		(** Challenge response *)
+    | CredentialNoechoprompt		(** Challenge response *)
+    | CredentialRealm			(** Authentication realm *)
+    | CredentialExternal		(** Externally managed credential *)
+  type credential = {
+    typ : credential_type;		(** The type of credential *)
+    prompt : string;			(** Prompt to show to user *)
+    challenge : string option;		(** Additional challenge to show *)
+    defresult : string option;		(** Optional default result *)
+  }
+  type auth = {
+    credtype : credential_type list;	(** List of supported credential_type values *)
+    cb : (credential list -> string option list);
+    (** Callback used to collect credentials.
+	The input is a list of all the requested credentials.
+	The function returns a list of all the results from the
+	requested credentials, so the number of results {e must} match
+	the number of input credentials.  Each result is optional,
+	and in case it is [None] it means there was no result.
+     *)
+  }
+  val connect : ?name:string -> unit -> rw t
+    (** [connect ~name ()] connects to the hypervisor with URI [name].
+	[connect ()] connects to the default hypervisor.
+    *)
+  val connect_readonly : ?name:string -> unit -> ro t
+    (** [connect_readonly ~name ()] connects in read-only mode
+	to the hypervisor with URI [name].
+	[connect_readonly ()] connects in read-only mode to the
+	default hypervisor.
+    *)
+  val connect_auth : ?name:string -> auth -> rw t
+    (** [connect_auth ~name auth] connects to the hypervisor with URI
+	[name], using [auth] as authentication handler.
+	[connect_auth auth] connects to the default hypervisor, using
+	[auth] as authentication handler.
+    *)
+  val connect_auth_readonly : ?name:string -> auth -> ro t
+    (** [connect_auth_readonly ~name auth] connects in read-only mode
+	to the hypervisor with URI [name], using [auth] as authentication
+	handler.
+	[connect_auth_readonly auth] connects in read-only mode to the
+	default hypervisor, using [auth] as authentication handler.
+    *)
+  val close : [>`R] t -> unit
+    (** [close conn] closes and frees the connection object in memory.
+	The connection is automatically closed if it is garbage
+	collected.  This function just forces it to be closed
+	and freed right away.
+    *)
+  val get_type : [>`R] t -> string
+    (** Returns the name of the driver (hypervisor). *)
+  val get_version : [>`R] t -> int
+    (** Returns the driver version
+	[major * 1_000_000 + minor * 1000 + release]
+    *)
+  val get_hostname : [>`R] t -> string
+    (** Returns the hostname of the physical server. *)
+  val get_uri : [>`R] t -> string
+    (** Returns the canonical connection URI. *)
+  val get_max_vcpus : [>`R] t -> ?type_:string -> unit -> int
+    (** Returns the maximum number of virtual CPUs
+	supported by a guest VM of a particular type. *)
+  val list_domains : [>`R] t -> int -> int array
+    (** [list_domains conn max] returns the running domain IDs,
+	up to a maximum of [max] entries.
+	Call {!num_of_domains} first to get a value for [max].
+	See also:
+	{!Libvirt.Domain.get_domains},
+	{!Libvirt.Domain.get_domains_and_infos}.
+    *)
+  val num_of_domains : [>`R] t -> int
+    (** Returns the number of running domains. *)
+  val get_capabilities : [>`R] t -> xml
+    (** Returns the hypervisor capabilities (as XML). *)
+  val num_of_defined_domains : [>`R] t -> int
+    (** Returns the number of inactive (shutdown) domains. *)
+  val list_defined_domains : [>`R] t -> int -> string array
+    (** [list_defined_domains conn max]
+	returns the names of the inactive domains, up to
+	a maximum of [max] entries.
+	Call {!num_of_defined_domains} first to get a value for [max].
+	See also:
+	{!Libvirt.Domain.get_domains},
+	{!Libvirt.Domain.get_domains_and_infos}.
+    *)
+  val num_of_networks : [>`R] t -> int
+    (** Returns the number of networks. *)
+  val list_networks : [>`R] t -> int -> string array
+    (** [list_networks conn max]
+	returns the names of the networks, up to a maximum
+	of [max] entries.
+	Call {!num_of_networks} first to get a value for [max].
+    *)
+  val num_of_defined_networks : [>`R] t -> int
+    (** Returns the number of inactive networks. *)
+  val list_defined_networks : [>`R] t -> int -> string array
+    (** [list_defined_networks conn max]
+	returns the names of the inactive networks, up to a maximum
+	of [max] entries.
+	Call {!num_of_defined_networks} first to get a value for [max].
+    *)
+  val num_of_pools : [>`R] t -> int
+    (** Returns the number of storage pools. *)
+  val list_pools : [>`R] t -> int -> string array
+    (** Return list of storage pools. *)
+  val num_of_defined_pools : [>`R] t -> int
+    (** Returns the number of storage pools. *)
+  val list_defined_pools : [>`R] t -> int -> string array
+    (** Return list of storage pools. *)
+    (* The name of this function is inconsistent, but the inconsistency
+     * is really in libvirt itself.
+     *)
+  val num_of_secrets : [>`R] t -> int
+    (** Returns the number of secrets. *)
+  val list_secrets : [>`R] t -> int -> string array
+    (** Returns the list of secrets. *)
+  val get_node_info : [>`R] t -> node_info
+    (** Return information about the physical server. *)
+  val node_get_free_memory : [> `R] t -> int64
+    (**
+       [node_get_free_memory conn]
+       returns the amount of free memory (not allocated to any guest)
+       in the machine.
+    *)
+  val node_get_cells_free_memory : [> `R] t -> int -> int -> int64 array
+    (**
+       [node_get_cells_free_memory conn start max]
+       returns the amount of free memory on each NUMA cell in kilobytes.
+       [start] is the first cell for which we return free memory.
+       [max] is the maximum number of cells for which we return free memory.
+       Returns an array of up to [max] entries in length.
+    *)
+  val maxcpus_of_node_info : node_info -> int
+    (** Calculate the total number of CPUs supported (but not necessarily
+	active) in the host.
+    *)
+  val cpumaplen : int -> int
+    (** Calculate the length (in bytes) required to store the complete
+	CPU map between a single virtual and all physical CPUs of a domain.
+    *)
+  val use_cpu : bytes -> int -> unit
+    (** [use_cpu cpumap cpu] marks [cpu] as usable in [cpumap]. *)
+  val unuse_cpu : bytes -> int -> unit
+    (** [unuse_cpu cpumap cpu] marks [cpu] as not usable in [cpumap]. *)
+  val cpu_usable : bytes -> int -> int -> int -> bool
+    (** [cpu_usable cpumaps maplen vcpu cpu] checks returns true iff the
+	[cpu] is usable by [vcpu]. *)
+  val set_keep_alive : [>`R] t -> int -> int -> unit
+    (** [set_keep_alive conn interval count] starts sending keepalive
+        messages after [interval] seconds of inactivity and consider the
+        connection to be broken when no response is received after [count]
+        keepalive messages.
+        Note: the client has to implement and run an event loop to
+        be able to use keep-alive messages. *)
+  val get_auth_default : unit -> auth
+    (** [get_auth_default ()] returns the default authentication handler
+	of libvirt.
+      *)
+  val get_domain_capabilities : ?emulatorbin:string -> ?arch:string -> ?machine:string -> ?virttype:string -> [>`R] t -> string
+    (** [get_domain_capabilities ()] returns the XML with the
+	available capabilities of the emulator or libvirt for domains.
+	The optional flag [?emulatorbin] is used to specify a different
+	emulator.
+	The optional flag [?arch] is used to specify a different
+	architecture.
+	The optional flag [?machine] is used to specify a different
+	machine type.
+	The optional flag [?virttype] is used to specify a different
+	type of virtualization. *)
+  external const : [>`R] t -> ro t = "%identity"
+    (** [const conn] turns a read/write connection into a read-only
+	connection.  Note that the opposite operation is impossible.
+      *)
+  (** Module dealing with connections.  [Connect.t] is the
+      connection object. *)
+(** {3 Domains} *)
+module Domain :
+  type 'rw t
+    (** Domain handle.  Read-only handles have type [ro Domain.t] and
+	read-write handles have type [rw Domain.t].
+    *)
+  type state =
+    | InfoNoState | InfoRunning | InfoBlocked | InfoPaused
+    | InfoShutdown | InfoShutoff | InfoCrashed | InfoPMSuspended
+  type info = {
+    state : state;		        (** running state *)
+    max_mem : int64;			(** maximum memory in kilobytes *)
+    memory : int64;			(** memory used in kilobytes *)
+    nr_virt_cpu : int;			(** number of virtual CPUs *)
+    cpu_time : int64;			(** CPU time used in nanoseconds *)
+  }
+  type vcpu_state = VcpuOffline | VcpuRunning | VcpuBlocked
+  type vcpu_info = {
+    number : int;			(** virtual CPU number *)
+    vcpu_state : vcpu_state;		(** state *)
+    vcpu_time : int64;			(** CPU time used in nanoseconds *)
+    cpu : int;				(** real CPU number, -1 if offline *)
+  }
+  type domain_create_flag =
+  | START_PAUSED                        (** Launch guest in paused state *)
+  | START_AUTODESTROY                   (** Automatically kill guest on close *)
+  | START_BYPASS_CACHE                  (** Avoid filesystem cache pollution *)
+  | START_FORCE_BOOT                    (** Discard any managed save *)
+  | START_VALIDATE                      (** Validate XML against schema *)
+  type sched_param = string * sched_param_value
+  and sched_param_value =
+    | SchedFieldInt32 of int32 | SchedFieldUInt32 of int32
+    | SchedFieldInt64 of int64 | SchedFieldUInt64 of int64
+    | SchedFieldFloat of float | SchedFieldBool of bool
+  type typed_param = string * typed_param_value
+  and typed_param_value =
+    | TypedFieldInt32 of int32 | TypedFieldUInt32 of int32
+    | TypedFieldInt64 of int64 | TypedFieldUInt64 of int64
+    | TypedFieldFloat of float | TypedFieldBool of bool
+    | TypedFieldString of string
+  type migrate_flag = Live
+  type memory_flag = Virtual
+  type list_flag =
+    | ListActive
+    | ListInactive
+    | ListAll
+  type block_stats = {
+    rd_req : int64;
+    rd_bytes : int64;
+    wr_req : int64;
+    wr_bytes : int64;
+    errs : int64;
+  }
+  type interface_stats = {
+    rx_bytes : int64;
+    rx_packets : int64;
+    rx_errs : int64;
+    rx_drop : int64;
+    tx_bytes : int64;
+    tx_packets : int64;
+    tx_errs : int64;
+    tx_drop : int64;
+  }
+  type get_all_domain_stats_flag =
+    | GetAllDomainsStatsActive
+    | GetAllDomainsStatsInactive
+    | GetAllDomainsStatsOther
+    | GetAllDomainsStatsPaused
+    | GetAllDomainsStatsPersistent
+    | GetAllDomainsStatsRunning
+    | GetAllDomainsStatsShutoff
+    | GetAllDomainsStatsTransient
+    | GetAllDomainsStatsBacking
+    | GetAllDomainsStatsEnforceStats
+  type stats_type =
+    | StatsState | StatsCpuTotal | StatsBalloon | StatsVcpu
+    | StatsInterface | StatsBlock | StatsPerf
+  type domain_stats_record = {
+    dom_uuid : uuid;
+    params : typed_param array;
+  }
+  type xml_desc_flag =
+    | XmlSecure			(** dump security sensitive information too *)
+    | XmlInactive		(** dump inactive domain information *)
+    | XmlUpdateCPU		(** update guest CPU requirements according to host CPU *)
+    | XmlMigratable		(** dump XML suitable for migration *)
+  val max_peek : [>`R] t -> int
+    (** Maximum size supported by the {!block_peek} and {!memory_peek}
+	functions.  If you want to peek more than this then you must
+	break your request into chunks. *)
+  val create_linux : [>`W] Connect.t -> xml -> rw t
+    (** Create a new guest domain (not necessarily a Linux one)
+	from the given XML.
+	@deprecated Use {!create_xml} instead.
+    *)
+  val create_xml : [>`W] Connect.t -> xml -> domain_create_flag list -> rw t
+    (** Create a new guest domain from the given XML. *)
+  val lookup_by_id : 'a Connect.t -> int -> 'a t
+    (** Lookup a domain by ID. *)
+  val lookup_by_uuid : 'a Connect.t -> uuid -> 'a t
+    (** Lookup a domain by UUID.  This uses the packed byte array UUID. *)
+  val lookup_by_uuid_string : 'a Connect.t -> string -> 'a t
+    (** Lookup a domain by (string) UUID. *)
+  val lookup_by_name : 'a Connect.t -> string -> 'a t
+    (** Lookup a domain by name. *)
+  val destroy : [>`W] t -> unit
+    (** Abruptly destroy a domain. *)
+  val free : [>`R] t -> unit
+    (** [free domain] frees the domain object in memory.
+	The domain object is automatically freed if it is garbage
+	collected.  This function just forces it to be freed right
+	away.
+    *)
+  val suspend : [>`W] t -> unit
+    (** Suspend a domain. *)
+  val resume : [>`W] t -> unit
+    (** Resume a domain. *)
+  val save : [>`W] t -> filename -> unit
+    (** Suspend a domain, then save it to the file. *)
+  val restore : [>`W] Connect.t -> filename -> unit
+    (** Restore a domain from a file. *)
+  val core_dump : [>`W] t -> filename -> unit
+    (** Force a domain to core dump to the named file. *)
+  val shutdown : [>`W] t -> unit
+    (** Shutdown a domain. *)
+  val reboot : [>`W] t -> unit
+    (** Reboot a domain. *)
+  val get_name : [>`R] t -> string
+    (** Get the domain name. *)
+  val get_uuid : [>`R] t -> uuid
+    (** Get the domain UUID (as a packed byte array). *)
+  val get_uuid_string : [>`R] t -> string
+    (** Get the domain UUID (as a printable string). *)
+  val get_id : [>`R] t -> int
+    (** [get_id dom] returns the ID of the domain.  In most cases
+	this returns [-1] if the domain is not running. *)
+  val get_os_type : [>`R] t -> string
+    (** Get the operating system type. *)
+  val get_max_memory : [>`R] t -> int64
+    (** Get the maximum memory allocation. *)
+  val set_max_memory : [>`W] t -> int64 -> unit
+    (** Set the maximum memory allocation. *)
+  val set_memory : [>`W] t -> int64 -> unit
+    (** Set the normal memory allocation. *)
+  val get_info : [>`R] t -> info
+    (** Get information about a domain. *)
+  val get_xml_desc : [>`R] t -> xml
+    (** Get the XML description of a domain. *)
+  val get_xml_desc_flags : [>`W] t -> xml_desc_flag list -> xml
+    (** Get the XML description of a domain, with the possibility
+	to specify flags. *)
+  val get_scheduler_type : [>`R] t -> string * int
+    (** Get the scheduler type. *)
+  val get_scheduler_parameters : [>`R] t -> int -> sched_param array
+    (** Get the array of scheduler parameters. *)
+  val set_scheduler_parameters : [>`W] t -> sched_param array -> unit
+    (** Set the array of scheduler parameters. *)
+  val define_xml : [>`W] Connect.t -> xml -> rw t
+    (** Define a new domain (but don't start it up) from the XML. *)
+  val undefine : [>`W] t -> unit
+    (** Undefine a domain - removes its configuration. *)
+  val create : [>`W] t -> unit
+    (** Launch a defined (inactive) domain. *)
+  val get_autostart : [>`R] t -> bool
+    (** Get the autostart flag for a domain. *)
+  val set_autostart : [>`W] t -> bool -> unit
+    (** Set the autostart flag for a domain. *)
+  val set_vcpus : [>`W] t -> int -> unit
+    (** Change the number of vCPUs available to a domain. *)
+  val pin_vcpu : [>`W] t -> int -> string -> unit
+    (** [pin_vcpu dom vcpu bitmap] pins a domain vCPU to a bitmap of physical
+	CPUs.  See the libvirt documentation for details of the
+	layout of the bitmap. *)
+  val get_vcpus : [>`R] t -> int -> int -> int * vcpu_info array * string
+    (** [get_vcpus dom maxinfo maplen] returns the pinning information
+	for a domain.  See the libvirt documentation for details
+	of the array and bitmap returned from this function.
+    *)
+  val get_cpu_stats : [>`R] t -> typed_param list array
+    (** [get_pcpu_stats dom] returns the physical CPU stats
+	for a domain.  See the libvirt documentation for details.
+    *)
+  val get_max_vcpus : [>`R] t -> int
+    (** Returns the maximum number of vCPUs supported for this domain. *)
+  val attach_device : [>`W] t -> xml -> unit
+    (** Attach a device (described by the device XML) to a domain. *)
+  val detach_device : [>`W] t -> xml -> unit
+    (** Detach a device (described by the device XML) from a domain. *)
+  val migrate : [>`W] t -> [>`W] Connect.t -> migrate_flag list ->
+    ?dname:string -> ?uri:string -> ?bandwidth:int -> unit -> rw t
+    (** [migrate dom dconn flags ()] migrates a domain to a
+	destination host described by [dconn].
+	The optional flag [?dname] is used to rename the domain.
+	The optional flag [?uri] is used to route the migration.
+	The optional flag [?bandwidth] is used to limit the bandwidth
+	used for migration (in Mbps). *)
+  val block_stats : [>`R] t -> string -> block_stats
+    (** Returns block device stats. *)
+  val interface_stats : [>`R] t -> string -> interface_stats
+    (** Returns network interface stats. *)
+  val block_peek : [>`W] t -> string -> int64 -> int -> string -> int -> unit
+    (** [block_peek dom path offset size buf boff] reads [size] bytes at
+	[offset] in the domain's [path] block device.
+	If successful then the data is written into [buf] starting
+	at offset [boff], for [size] bytes.
+	See also {!max_peek}. *)
+  val memory_peek : [>`W] t -> memory_flag list -> int64 -> int ->
+    string -> int -> unit
+    (** [memory_peek dom Virtual offset size] reads [size] bytes
+	at [offset] in the domain's virtual memory.
+	If successful then the data is written into [buf] starting
+	at offset [boff], for [size] bytes.
+	See also {!max_peek}. *)
+  external get_all_domain_stats : [>`R] Connect.t -> stats_type list -> get_all_domain_stats_flag list -> domain_stats_record array = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_get_all_domain_stats"
+    (** [get_all_domain_stats conn stats flags] allows you to read
+        all stats across multiple/all domains in a single call.
+        See the libvirt documentation for
+        [virConnectGetAllDomainStats]. *)
+  external const : [>`R] t -> ro t = "%identity"
+    (** [const dom] turns a read/write domain handle into a read-only
+	domain handle.  Note that the opposite operation is impossible.
+      *)
+  val get_domains : ([>`R] as 'a) Connect.t -> list_flag list -> 'a t list
+    (** Get the active and/or inactive domains using the most
+	efficient method available.
+	See also:
+	{!get_domains_and_infos},
+	{!Connect.list_domains},
+	{!Connect.list_defined_domains}.
+  *)
+  val get_domains_and_infos : ([>`R] as 'a) Connect.t -> list_flag list ->
+    ('a t * info) list
+    (** This gets the active and/or inactive domains and the
+	domain info for each one using the most efficient
+	method available.
+	See also:
+	{!get_domains},
+	{!Connect.list_domains},
+	{!Connect.list_defined_domains},
+	{!get_info}.
+    *)
+  (** Module dealing with domains.  [Domain.t] is the
+      domain object. *)
+module Event :
+  module Defined : sig
+    type t = [
+      | `Added          (** Newly created config file *)
+      | `Updated        (** Changed config file *)
+      | `Unknown of int
+    ]
+    val to_string: t -> string
+  end
+  module Undefined : sig
+    type t = [
+      | `Removed        (** Deleted the config file *)
+      | `Unknown of int
+    ]
+    val to_string: t -> string
+  end
+  module Started : sig
+    type t = [
+      | `Booted         (** Normal startup from boot *)
+      | `Migrated       (** Incoming migration from another host *)
+      | `Restored       (** Restored from a state file *)
+      | `FromSnapshot   (** Restored from snapshot *)
+      | `Wakeup         (** Started due to wakeup event *)
+      | `Unknown of int
+    ]
+    val to_string: t -> string
+  end
+  module Suspended : sig
+    type t = [
+      | `Paused        (** Normal suspend due to admin pause *)
+      | `Migrated      (** Suspended for offline migration *)
+      | `IOError       (** Suspended due to a disk I/O error *)
+      | `Watchdog      (** Suspended due to a watchdog firing *)
+      | `Restored      (** Restored from paused state file *)
+      | `FromSnapshot  (** Restored from paused snapshot *)
+      | `APIError      (** suspended after failure during libvirt API call *)
+      | `Unknown of int
+    ]
+    val to_string: t -> string
+  end
+  module Resumed : sig
+    type t = [
+      | `Unpaused      (** Normal resume due to admin unpause *)
+      | `Migrated      (** Resumed for completion of migration *)
+      | `FromSnapshot  (** Resumed from snapshot *)
+      | `Unknown of int
+    ]
+    val to_string: t -> string
+  end
+  module Stopped : sig
+    type t = [
+      | `Shutdown     (** Normal shutdown *)
+      | `Destroyed    (** Forced poweroff from host *)
+      | `Crashed      (** Guest crashed *)
+      | `Migrated     (** Migrated off to another host *)
+      | `Saved        (** Saved to a state file *)
+      | `Failed       (** Host emulator/mgmt failed *)
+      | `FromSnapshot (** offline snapshot loaded *)
+      | `Unknown of int
+    ]
+    val to_string: t -> string
+  end
+  module PM_suspended : sig
+    type t = [
+      | `Memory       (** Guest was PM suspended to memory *)
+      | `Disk         (** Guest was PM suspended to disk *)
+      | `Unknown of int
+    ]
+    val to_string: t -> string
+  end
+  module Lifecycle : sig
+    type t = [
+      | `Defined of Defined.t
+      | `Undefined of Undefined.t
+      | `Started of Started.t
+      | `Suspended of Suspended.t
+      | `Resumed of Resumed.t
+      | `Stopped of Stopped.t
+      | `Shutdown (* no detail defined yet *)
+      | `PMSuspended of PM_suspended.t
+      | `Unknown of int
+    ]
+    val to_string: t -> string
+  end
+  module Reboot : sig
+    type t = unit
+    val to_string: t -> string
+  end
+  module Rtc_change : sig
+    type t = int64
+    val to_string: t -> string
+  end
+  module Watchdog : sig
+    type t = [
+      | `None           (** No action, watchdog ignored *)
+      | `Pause          (** Guest CPUs are paused *)
+      | `Reset          (** Guest CPUs are reset *)
+      | `Poweroff       (** Guest is forcably powered off *)
+      | `Shutdown       (** Guest is requested to gracefully shutdown *)
+      | `Debug          (** No action, a debug message logged *)
+      | `Unknown of int (** newer libvirt *)
+    ]
+    val to_string: t -> string
+  end
+  module Io_error : sig
+    (** Represents both IOError and IOErrorReason *)
+    type action = [
+      | `None           (** No action, IO error ignored *)
+      | `Pause          (** Guest CPUs are paused *)
+      | `Report         (** IO error reported to guest OS *)
+      | `Unknown of int (** newer libvirt *)
+    ]
+    type t = {
+      src_path: string option;  (** The host file on which the I/O error occurred *)
+      dev_alias: string option; (** The guest device alias associated with the path *)
+      action: action;    (** The action that is to be taken due to the IO error *)
+      reason: string option;    (** The cause of the IO error *)
+    }
+    val to_string: t -> string
+  end
+  module Graphics_address : sig
+    type family = [
+      | `Ipv4           (** IPv4 address *)
+      | `Ipv6           (** IPv6 address *)
+      | `Unix           (** UNIX socket path *)
+      | `Unknown of int (** newer libvirt *)
+    ]
+    type t = {
+      family: family;         (** Address family *)
+      node: string option;    (** Address of node (eg IP address, or UNIX path *)
+      service: string option; (** Service name/number (eg TCP port, or NULL) *)
+    }
+    val to_string: t -> string
+  end
+  module Graphics_subject : sig
+    type identity = {
+      ty: string option;   (** Type of identity *)
+      name: string option; (** Identity value *)
+    }
+    type t = identity list
+    val to_string: t -> string
+  end
+  module Graphics : sig
+    type phase = [
+      | `Connect        (** Initial socket connection established *)
+      | `Initialize     (** Authentication & setup completed *)
+      | `Disconnect     (** Final socket disconnection *)
+      | `Unknown of int (** newer libvirt *)
+    ]
+    type t = {
+      phase: phase;                (** the phase of the connection *)
+      local: Graphics_address.t;   (** the local server address *)
+      remote: Graphics_address.t;  (** the remote client address *)
+      auth_scheme: string option;  (** the authentication scheme activated *)
+      subject: Graphics_subject.t; (** the authenticated subject (user) *)
+    }
+    val to_string: t -> string
+  end
+  module Control_error : sig
+    type t = unit
+    val to_string: t -> string
+  end
+  module Block_job : sig
+    type ty = [
+      | `KnownUnknown (** explicitly named UNKNOWN in the spec *)
+      | `Pull
+      | `Copy
+      | `Commit
+      | `Unknown of int
+    ]
+    type status = [
+      | `Completed
+      | `Failed
+      | `Cancelled
+      | `Ready
+      | `Unknown of int
+    ]
+    type t = {
+      disk: string option; (** fully-qualified name of the affected disk *)	
+      ty: ty;              (** type of block job *)
+      status: status;      (** final status of the operation *)
+    }
+    val to_string: t -> string
+  end
+  module Disk_change : sig
+    type reason = [
+      | `MissingOnStart
+      | `Unknown of int
+    ]
+    type t = {
+      old_src_path: string option; (** old source path *)
+      new_src_path: string option; (** new source path *)
+      dev_alias: string option;    (** device alias name *)
+      reason: reason;              (** reason why this callback was called *)
+    }
+    val to_string: t -> string
+  end
+  module Tray_change : sig
+    type reason = [
+      | `Open
+      | `Close
+      | `Unknown of int
+    ]
+    type t = {
+      dev_alias: string option; (** device alias *)
+      reason: reason;           (** why the tray status was changed *)
+    }
+    val to_string: t -> string
+  end
+  module PM_wakeup : sig
+    type reason = [
+      | `Unknown of int
+    ]
+    type t = reason
+    val to_string: t -> string
+  end
+  module PM_suspend : sig
+    type reason = [
+      | `Unknown of int
+    ]
+    type t = reason
+    val to_string: t -> string
+  end
+  module Balloon_change : sig
+    type t = int64
+    val to_string: t -> string
+  end
+  module PM_suspend_disk : sig
+    type reason = [
+      | `Unknown of int
+    ]
+    type t = reason
+    val to_string: t -> string
+  end
+  type callback =
+    | Lifecycle     of ([`R] Domain.t -> Lifecycle.t -> unit)
+    | Reboot        of ([`R] Domain.t -> Reboot.t -> unit)
+    | RtcChange     of ([`R] Domain.t -> Rtc_change.t -> unit)
+    | Watchdog      of ([`R] Domain.t -> Watchdog.t -> unit)
+    | IOError       of ([`R] Domain.t -> Io_error.t -> unit)
+    | Graphics      of ([`R] Domain.t -> Graphics.t -> unit)
+    | IOErrorReason of ([`R] Domain.t -> Io_error.t -> unit)
+    | ControlError  of ([`R] Domain.t -> Control_error.t -> unit)
+    | BlockJob      of ([`R] Domain.t -> Block_job.t -> unit)
+    | DiskChange    of ([`R] Domain.t -> Disk_change.t -> unit)
+    | TrayChange    of ([`R] Domain.t -> Tray_change.t -> unit)
+    | PMWakeUp      of ([`R] Domain.t -> PM_wakeup.t -> unit)
+    | PMSuspend     of ([`R] Domain.t -> PM_suspend.t -> unit)
+    | BalloonChange of ([`R] Domain.t -> Balloon_change.t -> unit)
+    | PMSuspendDisk of ([`R] Domain.t -> PM_suspend_disk.t -> unit)
+    (** type of a registered call back function *)
+  val register_default_impl : unit -> unit
+    (** Registers the default event loop based on poll(). This
+        must be done before connections are opened.
+        Once registered call run_default_impl in a loop. *)
+  val run_default_impl : unit -> unit
+    (** Runs one iteration of the event loop. Applications will
+        generally want to have a thread which invokes this in an
+        infinite loop. *)
+  type callback_id
+    (** an individual event registration *)
+  val register_any : 'a Connect.t -> ?dom:'a Domain.t -> callback -> callback_id
+    (** [register_any con ?dom callback] registers [callback]
+        to receive notification of arbitrary domain events. Return
+        a registration id which can be used in [deregister_any].
+        If [?dom] is [None] then register for this kind of event on
+        all domains. If [dom] is [Some d] then register for this
+        kind of event only on [d].
+    *)
+  val deregister_any : 'a Connect.t -> callback_id -> unit
+    (** [deregister_any con id] deregisters the previously registered
+        callback with id [id]. *)
+  type timer_id
+    (** an individual timer event *)
+  val add_timeout : 'a Connect.t -> int -> (unit -> unit) -> timer_id
+    (** [add_timeout con ms cb] registers [cb] as a timeout callback
+        which will be called every [ms] milliseconds *)
+  val remove_timeout : 'a Connect.t -> timer_id -> unit
+    (** [remove_timeout con t] deregisters timeout callback [t]. *)
+  (** Module dealing with events generated by domain
+      state changes. *)
+(** {3 Networks} *)
+module Network : 
+  type 'rw t
+    (** Network handle.  Read-only handles have type [ro Network.t] and
+	read-write handles have type [rw Network.t].
+    *)
+  val lookup_by_name : 'a Connect.t -> string -> 'a t
+    (** Lookup a network by name. *)
+  val lookup_by_uuid : 'a Connect.t -> uuid -> 'a t
+    (** Lookup a network by (packed) UUID. *)
+  val lookup_by_uuid_string : 'a Connect.t -> string -> 'a t
+    (** Lookup a network by UUID string. *)
+  val create_xml : [>`W] Connect.t -> xml -> rw t
+    (** Create a network. *)
+  val define_xml : [>`W] Connect.t -> xml -> rw t
+    (** Define but don't activate a network. *)
+  val undefine : [>`W] t -> unit
+    (** Undefine configuration of a network. *)
+  val create : [>`W] t -> unit
+    (** Start up a defined (inactive) network. *)
+  val destroy : [>`W] t -> unit
+    (** Destroy a network. *)
+  val free : [>`R] t -> unit
+    (** [free network] frees the network object in memory.
+	The network object is automatically freed if it is garbage
+	collected.  This function just forces it to be freed right
+	away.
+    *)
+  val get_name : [>`R] t -> string
+    (** Get network name. *)
+  val get_uuid : [>`R] t -> uuid
+    (** Get network packed UUID. *)
+  val get_uuid_string : [>`R] t -> string
+    (** Get network UUID as a printable string. *)
+  val get_xml_desc : [>`R] t -> xml
+    (** Get XML description of a network. *)
+  val get_bridge_name : [>`R] t -> string
+    (** Get bridge device name of a network. *)
+  val get_autostart : [>`R] t -> bool
+    (** Get the autostart flag for a network. *)
+  val set_autostart : [>`W] t -> bool -> unit
+    (** Set the autostart flag for a network. *)
+  external const : [>`R] t -> ro t = "%identity"
+    (** [const network] turns a read/write network handle into a read-only
+	network handle.  Note that the opposite operation is impossible.
+      *)
+  (** Module dealing with networks.  [Network.t] is the
+      network object. *)
+(** {3 Storage pools} *)
+module Pool :
+  type 'rw t
+    (** Storage pool handle. *)
+  type pool_state = Inactive | Building | Running | Degraded | Inaccessible
+    (** State of the storage pool. *)
+  type pool_build_flags = New | Repair | Resize
+    (** Flags for creating a storage pool. *)
+  type pool_delete_flags = Normal | Zeroed
+    (** Flags for deleting a storage pool. *)
+  type pool_info = {
+    state : pool_state;			(** Pool state. *)
+    capacity : int64;			(** Logical size in bytes. *)
+    allocation : int64;			(** Currently allocated in bytes. *)
+    available : int64;			(** Remaining free space bytes. *)
+  }
+  val lookup_by_name : 'a Connect.t -> string -> 'a t
+  val lookup_by_uuid : 'a Connect.t -> uuid -> 'a t
+  val lookup_by_uuid_string : 'a Connect.t -> string -> 'a t
+    (** Look up a storage pool by name, UUID or UUID string. *)
+  val create_xml : [>`W] Connect.t -> xml -> rw t
+    (** Create a storage pool. *)
+  val define_xml : [>`W] Connect.t -> xml -> rw t
+    (** Define but don't activate a storage pool. *)
+  val build : [>`W] t -> pool_build_flags -> unit
+    (** Build a storage pool. *)
+  val undefine : [>`W] t -> unit
+    (** Undefine configuration of a storage pool. *)
+  val create : [>`W] t -> unit
+    (** Start up a defined (inactive) storage pool. *)
+  val destroy : [>`W] t -> unit
+    (** Destroy a storage pool. *)
+  val delete : [>`W] t -> unit
+    (** Delete a storage pool. *)
+  val free : [>`R] t -> unit
+    (** Free a storage pool object in memory.
+	The storage pool object is automatically freed if it is garbage
+	collected.  This function just forces it to be freed right
+	away.
+    *)
+  val refresh : [`R] t -> unit
+    (** Refresh the list of volumes in the storage pool. *)
+  val get_name : [`R] t -> string
+    (** Name of the pool. *)
+  val get_uuid : [`R] t -> uuid
+    (** Get the UUID (as a packed byte array). *)
+  val get_uuid_string : [`R] t -> string
+    (** Get the UUID (as a printable string). *)
+  val get_info : [`R] t -> pool_info
+    (** Get information about the pool. *)
+  val get_xml_desc : [`R] t -> xml
+    (** Get the XML description. *)
+  val get_autostart : [`R] t -> bool
+    (** Get the autostart flag for the storage pool. *)
+  val set_autostart : [>`W] t -> bool -> unit
+    (** Set the autostart flag for the storage pool. *)
+  val num_of_volumes : [`R] t -> int
+    (** Returns the number of storage volumes within the storage pool. *)
+  val list_volumes : [`R] t -> int -> string array
+    (** Return list of storage volumes. *)
+  external const : [>`R] t -> ro t = "%identity"
+    (** [const conn] turns a read/write storage pool into a read-only
+	pool.  Note that the opposite operation is impossible.
+      *)
+  (** Module dealing with storage pools. *)
+(** {3 Storage volumes} *)
+module Volume :
+  type 'rw t
+    (** Storage volume handle. *)
+  type vol_type = File | Block | Dir | Network | NetDir | Ploop
+    (** Type of a storage volume. *)
+  type vol_delete_flags = Normal | Zeroed
+    (** Flags for deleting a storage volume. *)
+  type vol_info = {
+    typ : vol_type;			(** Type of storage volume. *)
+    capacity : int64;			(** Logical size in bytes. *)
+    allocation : int64;			(** Currently allocated in bytes. *)
+  }
+  val lookup_by_name : 'a Pool.t -> string -> 'a t
+  val lookup_by_key : 'a Connect.t -> string -> 'a t
+  val lookup_by_path : 'a Connect.t -> string -> 'a t
+    (** Look up a storage volume by name, key or path volume. *)
+  val pool_of_volume : 'a t -> 'a Pool.t
+    (** Get the storage pool containing this volume. *)
+  val get_name : [`R] t -> string
+    (** Name of the volume. *)
+  val get_key : [`R] t -> string
+    (** Key of the volume. *)
+  val get_path : [`R] t -> string
+    (** Path of the volume. *)
+  val get_info : [`R] t -> vol_info
+    (** Get information about the storage volume. *)
+  val get_xml_desc : [`R] t -> xml
+    (** Get the XML description. *)
+  val create_xml : [>`W] Pool.t -> xml -> unit
+    (** Create a storage volume. *)
+  val delete : [>`W] t -> vol_delete_flags -> unit
+    (** Delete a storage volume. *)
+  val free : [>`R] t -> unit
+    (** Free a storage volume object in memory.
+	The storage volume object is automatically freed if it is garbage
+	collected.  This function just forces it to be freed right
+	away.
+    *)
+  external const : [>`R] t -> ro t = "%identity"
+    (** [const conn] turns a read/write storage volume into a read-only
+	volume.  Note that the opposite operation is impossible.
+      *)
+  (** Module dealing with storage volumes. *)
+(** {3 Secrets} *)
+module Secret :
+  type 'rw t
+    (** Secret handle. *)
+  type secret_usage_type =
+    | NoType
+    | Volume
+    | Ceph
+    | ISCSI
+    | TLS
+    (** Usage type of a secret. *)
+  val lookup_by_uuid : 'a Connect.t -> uuid -> 'a t
+    (** Lookup a secret by UUID.  This uses the packed byte array UUID. *)
+  val lookup_by_uuid_string : 'a Connect.t -> string -> 'a t
+    (** Lookup a secret by (string) UUID. *)
+  val lookup_by_usage : 'a Connect.t -> secret_usage_type -> string -> 'a t
+    (** Lookup a secret by usage type, and usage ID. *)
+  val define_xml : [>`W] Connect.t -> xml -> rw t
+    (** Define a secret. *)
+  val get_uuid : [>`R] t -> uuid
+    (** Get the UUID (as a packed byte array) of the secret. *)
+  val get_uuid_string : [>`R] t -> string
+    (** Get the UUID (as a printable string) of the secret. *)
+  val get_usage_type : [>`R] t -> secret_usage_type
+    (** Get the usage type of the secret. *)
+  val get_usage_id : [>`R] t -> string
+    (** Get the usage ID of the secret. *)
+  val get_xml_desc : [>`R] t -> xml
+    (** Get the XML description. *)
+  val set_value : [>`W] t -> bytes -> unit
+    (** Set a new value for the secret. *)
+  val get_value : [>`R] t -> bytes
+    (** Get the value of the secret. *)
+  val undefine : [>`W] t -> unit
+    (** Undefine a secret. *)
+  val free : [>`R] t -> unit
+    (** Free a secret object in memory.
+	The secret object is automatically freed if it is garbage
+	collected.  This function just forces it to be freed right
+	away.
+    *)
+  external const : [>`R] t -> ro t = "%identity"
+    (** [const conn] turns a read/write secret into a read-only
+	secret.  Note that the opposite operation is impossible.
+      *)
+  (** Module dealing with secrets. *)
+(** {3 Error handling and exceptions} *)
+module Virterror :
+  type code =
+    | VIR_ERR_OK
+    | VIR_ERR_NO_OS
+    | VIR_ERR_RPC
+    | VIR_ERR_SSH
+	(* ^^ NB: If you add a variant you MUST edit
+	   libvirt_c_common.c:MAX_VIR_* *)
+    | VIR_ERR_UNKNOWN of int (** Other error, not handled with existing values. *)
+	(** See [<libvirt/virterror.h>] for meaning of these codes. *)
+  val string_of_code : code -> string
+  type domain =
+	(* ^^ NB: If you add a variant you MUST edit
+	   libvirt_c_common.c: MAX_VIR_* *)
+    | VIR_FROM_UNKNOWN of int (** Other domain, not handled with existing values. *)
+	(** Subsystem / driver which produced the error. *)
+  val string_of_domain : domain -> string
+  type level =
+	(* ^^ NB: If you add a variant you MUST edit libvirt_generated.c: MAX_VIR_* *)
+    | VIR_ERR_UNKNOWN_LEVEL of int (** Other level, not handled with existing values. *)
+	(** No error, a warning or an error. *)
+  val string_of_level : level -> string
+  type t = {
+    code : code;			(** Error code. *)
+    domain : domain;			(** Origin of the error. *)
+    message : string option;		(** Human-readable message. *)
+    level : level;			(** Error or warning. *)
+    str1 : string option;		(** Informational string. *)
+    str2 : string option;		(** Informational string. *)
+    str3 : string option;		(** Informational string. *)
+    int1 : int32;			(** Informational integer. *)
+    int2 : int32;			(** Informational integer. *)
+  }
+    (** An error object. *)
+  val to_string : t -> string
+    (** Turn the exception into a printable string. *)
+  val get_last_error : unit -> t option
+  val get_last_conn_error : [>`R] Connect.t -> t option
+    (** Get the last error at a global or connection level.
+	Normally you do not need to use these functions because
+	the library automatically turns errors into exceptions.
+    *)
+  val reset_last_error : unit -> unit
+  val reset_last_conn_error : [>`R] Connect.t -> unit
+    (** Reset the error at a global or connection level.
+	Normally you do not need to use these functions.
+    *)
+  val no_error : unit -> t
+    (** Creates an empty error message.
+	Normally you do not need to use this function.
+    *)
+  (** Module dealing with errors. *)
+exception Virterror of Virterror.t
+(** This exception can be raised by any library function that detects
+    an error.  To get a printable error message, call
+    {!Virterror.to_string} on the content of this exception.
+exception Not_supported of string
+    Functions may raise
+    [Not_supported "virFoo"]
+    (where [virFoo] is the libvirt function name) if a function is
+    not supported at either compile or run time.  This applies to
+    any libvirt function added after version 0.2.1.
+    See also {{:https://libvirt.org/hvsupport.html}https://libvirt.org/hvsupport.html}
+(** {3 Utility functions} *)
+val map_ignore_errors : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list
+(** [map_ignore_errors f xs] calls function [f] for each element of [xs].
+    This is just like [List.map] except that if [f x] throws a
+    {!Virterror.t} exception, the error is ignored and [f x]
+    is not returned in the final list.
+    This function is primarily useful when dealing with domains which
+    might 'disappear' asynchronously from the currently running
+    program.
diff --git a/3rdparty/libvirt-ocaml/libvirt_c.h b/3rdparty/libvirt-ocaml/libvirt_c.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..45937f62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3rdparty/libvirt-ocaml/libvirt_c.h
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+/* OCaml bindings for libvirt.
+ * (C) Copyright 2007 Richard W.M. Jones, Red Hat Inc.
+ * https://libvirt.org/
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version,
+ * with the OCaml linking exception described in ../COPYING.LIB.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301  USA
+ */
+#ifndef LIBVIRT_C_H
+#define LIBVIRT_C_H
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <libvirt/libvirt.h>
+#include <libvirt/virterror.h>
+#include <caml/config.h>
+#include <caml/alloc.h>
+#include <caml/callback.h>
+#include <caml/custom.h>
+#include <caml/fail.h>
+#include <caml/memory.h>
+#include <caml/misc.h>
+#include <caml/mlvalues.h>
+#include <caml/signals.h>
+/* Please read libvirt/README file. */
+/* Make sure to not expose our internal helpers as public symbols.
+ * https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/Visibility
+ */
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+#pragma GCC visibility push(hidden)
+const char *Optstring_val (value strv);
+typedef value (*Val_ptr_t) (void *);
+value Val_opt (void *ptr, Val_ptr_t Val_ptr);
+typedef value (*Val_const_ptr_t) (const void *);
+value Val_opt_const (const void *ptr, Val_const_ptr_t Val_ptr);
+/*value option_default (value option, value deflt);*/
+void _raise_virterror (const char *fn) Noreturn;
+value Val_virterror (virErrorPtr err);
+int _list_length (value listv);
+value Val_virconnectcredential (const virConnectCredentialPtr cred);
+/* Use this around synchronous libvirt API calls to release the OCaml
+ * lock, allowing other threads to run simultaneously.  'code' must not
+ * perform any caml_* calls, run any OCaml code, or raise any exception.
+ * https://web.archive.org/web/20030521020915/http://caml.inria.fr/archives/200106/msg00199.html
+ */
+#define NONBLOCKING(code)			\
+  do {						\
+    caml_enter_blocking_section ();		\
+    code;					\
+    caml_leave_blocking_section ();		\
+  } while (0)
+/* Empty macro to use as empty parameter for other macros, since
+ * a null token as parameter when calling a macro is not allowed
+ * before C99.
+ */
+#define EMPTY
+/* Check error condition from a libvirt function, and automatically raise
+ * an exception if one is found.
+ */
+#define CHECK_ERROR_CLEANUP(cond, cleanup, fn) \
+  do { if (cond) { cleanup; _raise_virterror (fn); } } while (0)
+#define CHECK_ERROR(cond, fn) \
+/* Some notes about the use of custom blocks to store virConnectPtr,
+ * virDomainPtr and virNetworkPtr.
+ *------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * Libvirt does some tricky reference counting to keep track of
+ * virConnectPtr's, virDomainPtr's and virNetworkPtr's.
+ *
+ * There is only one function which can return a virConnectPtr
+ * (virConnectOpen*) and that allocates a new one each time.
+ *
+ * virDomainPtr/virNetworkPtr's on the other hand can be returned
+ * repeatedly (for the same underlying domain/network), and we must
+ * keep track of each one and explicitly free it with virDomainFree
+ * or virNetworkFree.  If we lose track of one then the reference
+ * counting in libvirt will keep it open.  We therefore wrap these
+ * in a custom block with a finalizer function.
+ *
+ * We also have to allow the user to explicitly free them, in
+ * which case we set the pointer inside the custom block to NULL.
+ * The finalizer notices this and doesn't free the object.
+ *
+ * Domains and networks "belong to" a connection.  We have to avoid
+ * the situation like this:
+ *
+ *   let conn = Connect.open ... in
+ *   let dom = Domain.lookup_by_id conn 0 in
+ *   (* conn goes out of scope and is garbage collected *)
+ *   printf "dom name = %s\n" (Domain.get_name dom)
+ *
+ * The reason is that when conn is garbage collected, virConnectClose
+ * is called and any subsequent operations on dom will fail (in fact
+ * will probably segfault).  To stop this from happening, the OCaml
+ * wrappers store domains (and networks) as explicit (dom, conn)
+ * pairs.
+ *
+ * Update 2008/01: Storage pools and volumes work the same way as
+ * domains and networks.
+ */
+/* Unwrap a custom block. */
+#define Connect_val(rv) (*((virConnectPtr *)Data_custom_val(rv)))
+#define Dom_val(rv) (*((virDomainPtr *)Data_custom_val(rv)))
+#define Net_val(rv) (*((virNetworkPtr *)Data_custom_val(rv)))
+#define Pol_val(rv) (*((virStoragePoolPtr *)Data_custom_val(rv)))
+#define Vol_val(rv) (*((virStorageVolPtr *)Data_custom_val(rv)))
+#define Sec_val(rv) (*((virSecretPtr *)Data_custom_val(rv)))
+/* Wrap up a pointer to something in a custom block. */
+value Val_connect (virConnectPtr conn);
+value Val_dom (virDomainPtr dom);
+value Val_net (virNetworkPtr net);
+value Val_pol (virStoragePoolPtr pool);
+value Val_vol (virStorageVolPtr vol);
+value Val_sec (virSecretPtr sec);
+/* Domains and networks are stored as pairs (dom/net, conn), so have
+ * some convenience functions for unwrapping and wrapping them.
+ */
+#define Domain_val(rv) (Dom_val(Field((rv),0)))
+#define Network_val(rv) (Net_val(Field((rv),0)))
+#define Pool_val(rv) (Pol_val(Field((rv),0)))
+#define Volume_val(rv) (Vol_val(Field((rv),0)))
+#define Secret_val(rv) (Sec_val(Field((rv),0)))
+#define Connect_domv(rv) (Connect_val(Field((rv),1)))
+#define Connect_netv(rv) (Connect_val(Field((rv),1)))
+#define Connect_polv(rv) (Connect_val(Field((rv),1)))
+#define Connect_volv(rv) (Connect_val(Field((rv),1)))
+#define Connect_secv(rv) (Connect_val(Field((rv),1)))
+value Val_domain (virDomainPtr dom, value connv);
+value Val_network (virNetworkPtr net, value connv);
+value Val_pool (virStoragePoolPtr pol, value connv);
+value Val_volume (virStorageVolPtr vol, value connv);
+value Val_secret (virSecretPtr sec, value connv);
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+#pragma GCC visibility pop
diff --git a/3rdparty/libvirt-ocaml/libvirt_c_common.c b/3rdparty/libvirt-ocaml/libvirt_c_common.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c8bef3b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3rdparty/libvirt-ocaml/libvirt_c_common.c
@@ -0,0 +1,464 @@
+/* OCaml bindings for libvirt.
+ * (C) Copyright 2007 Richard W.M. Jones, Red Hat Inc.
+ * https://libvirt.org/
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version,
+ * with the OCaml linking exception described in ../COPYING.LIB.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301  USA
+ */
+/* Please read libvirt/README file. */
+#include "libvirt_c.h"
+const char *
+Optstring_val (value strv)
+  if (strv == Val_int (0))	/* None */
+    return NULL;
+  else				/* Some string */
+    return String_val (Field (strv, 0));
+Val_opt (void *ptr, Val_ptr_t Val_ptr)
+  CAMLparam0 ();
+  CAMLlocal2 (optv, ptrv);
+  if (ptr) {			/* Some ptr */
+    optv = caml_alloc (1, 0);
+    ptrv = Val_ptr (ptr);
+    Store_field (optv, 0, ptrv);
+  } else			/* None */
+    optv = Val_int (0);
+  CAMLreturn (optv);
+Val_opt_const (const void *ptr, Val_const_ptr_t Val_ptr)
+  CAMLparam0 ();
+  CAMLlocal2 (optv, ptrv);
+  if (ptr) {			/* Some ptr */
+    optv = caml_alloc (1, 0);
+    ptrv = Val_ptr (ptr);
+    Store_field (optv, 0, ptrv);
+  } else			/* None */
+    optv = Val_int (0);
+  CAMLreturn (optv);
+#if 0
+option_default (value option, value deflt)
+  if (option == Val_int (0))    /* "None" */
+    return deflt;
+  else                          /* "Some 'a" */
+    return Field (option, 0);
+_raise_virterror (const char *fn)
+  CAMLparam0 ();
+  CAMLlocal1 (rv);
+  virErrorPtr errp;
+  struct _virError err;
+  errp = virGetLastError ();
+  if (!errp) {
+    /* Fake a _virError structure. */
+    memset (&err, 0, sizeof err);
+    err.code = VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR;
+    err.domain = VIR_FROM_NONE;
+    err.level = VIR_ERR_ERROR;
+    err.message = (char *) fn;
+    errp = &err;
+  }
+  rv = Val_virterror (errp);
+  caml_raise_with_arg (*caml_named_value ("ocaml_libvirt_virterror"), rv);
+  /* Suppresses a compiler warning. */
+  (void) caml__frame;
+_list_length (value listv)
+  CAMLparam1 (listv);
+  int len = 0;
+  for (; listv != Val_emptylist; listv = Field (listv, 1), ++len) {}
+  CAMLreturnT (int, len);
+Val_virconnectcredential (const virConnectCredentialPtr cred)
+  CAMLparam0 ();
+  CAMLlocal1 (rv);
+  rv = caml_alloc (4, 0);
+  Store_field (rv, 0, Val_int (cred->type - 1));
+  Store_field (rv, 1, caml_copy_string (cred->prompt));
+  Store_field (rv, 2,
+               Val_opt_const (cred->challenge,
+                              (Val_const_ptr_t) caml_copy_string));
+  Store_field (rv, 3,
+               Val_opt_const (cred->defresult,
+                              (Val_const_ptr_t) caml_copy_string));
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+/* Convert the virErrorNumber, virErrorDomain and virErrorLevel enums
+ * into values (longs because they are variants in OCaml).
+ *
+ * The enum values are part of the libvirt ABI so they cannot change,
+ * which means that we can convert these numbers directly into
+ * OCaml variants (which use the same ordering) very fast.
+ *
+ * The tricky part here is when we are linked to a newer version of
+ * libvirt than the one we were compiled against.  If the newer libvirt
+ * generates an error code which we don't know about then we need
+ * to convert it into VIR_*_UNKNOWN (code).
+ */
+#define MAX_VIR_DOMAIN 71 /* VIR_FROM_BPF */
+static inline value
+Val_err_number (virErrorNumber code)
+  CAMLparam0 ();
+  CAMLlocal1 (rv);
+  if (0 <= (int) code && code <= MAX_VIR_CODE)
+    rv = Val_int (code);
+  else {
+    rv = caml_alloc (1, 0);	/* VIR_ERR_UNKNOWN (code) */
+    Store_field (rv, 0, Val_int (code));
+  }
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+static inline value
+Val_err_domain (virErrorDomain code)
+  CAMLparam0 ();
+  CAMLlocal1 (rv);
+  if (0 <= (int) code && code <= MAX_VIR_DOMAIN)
+    rv = Val_int (code);
+  else {
+    rv = caml_alloc (1, 0);	/* VIR_FROM_UNKNOWN (code) */
+    Store_field (rv, 0, Val_int (code));
+  }
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+static inline value
+Val_err_level (virErrorLevel code)
+  CAMLparam0 ();
+  CAMLlocal1 (rv);
+  if (0 <= (int) code && code <= MAX_VIR_LEVEL)
+    rv = Val_int (code);
+  else {
+    rv = caml_alloc (1, 0);	/* VIR_ERR_UNKNOWN_LEVEL (code) */
+    Store_field (rv, 0, Val_int (code));
+  }
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+/* Convert a virterror to a value. */
+Val_virterror (virErrorPtr err)
+  CAMLparam0 ();
+  CAMLlocal3 (rv, connv, optv);
+  rv = caml_alloc (9, 0);
+  Store_field (rv, 0, Val_err_number (err->code));
+  Store_field (rv, 1, Val_err_domain (err->domain));
+  Store_field (rv, 2,
+	       Val_opt (err->message, (Val_ptr_t) caml_copy_string));
+  Store_field (rv, 3, Val_err_level (err->level));
+  Store_field (rv, 4,
+	       Val_opt (err->str1, (Val_ptr_t) caml_copy_string));
+  Store_field (rv, 5,
+	       Val_opt (err->str2, (Val_ptr_t) caml_copy_string));
+  Store_field (rv, 6,
+	       Val_opt (err->str3, (Val_ptr_t) caml_copy_string));
+  Store_field (rv, 7, caml_copy_int32 (err->int1));
+  Store_field (rv, 8, caml_copy_int32 (err->int2));
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+static void conn_finalize (value);
+static void dom_finalize (value);
+static void net_finalize (value);
+static void pol_finalize (value);
+static void vol_finalize (value);
+static void sec_finalize (value);
+static struct custom_operations conn_custom_operations = {
+  (char *) "conn_custom_operations",
+  conn_finalize,
+  custom_compare_default,
+  custom_hash_default,
+  custom_serialize_default,
+  custom_deserialize_default
+static struct custom_operations dom_custom_operations = {
+  (char *) "dom_custom_operations",
+  dom_finalize,
+  custom_compare_default,
+  custom_hash_default,
+  custom_serialize_default,
+  custom_deserialize_default
+static struct custom_operations net_custom_operations = {
+  (char *) "net_custom_operations",
+  net_finalize,
+  custom_compare_default,
+  custom_hash_default,
+  custom_serialize_default,
+  custom_deserialize_default
+static struct custom_operations pol_custom_operations = {
+  (char *) "pol_custom_operations",
+  pol_finalize,
+  custom_compare_default,
+  custom_hash_default,
+  custom_serialize_default,
+  custom_deserialize_default
+static struct custom_operations vol_custom_operations = {
+  (char *) "vol_custom_operations",
+  vol_finalize,
+  custom_compare_default,
+  custom_hash_default,
+  custom_serialize_default,
+  custom_deserialize_default
+static struct custom_operations sec_custom_operations = {
+  (char *) "sec_custom_operations",
+  sec_finalize,
+  custom_compare_default,
+  custom_hash_default,
+  custom_serialize_default,
+  custom_deserialize_default
+Val_connect (virConnectPtr conn)
+  CAMLparam0 ();
+  CAMLlocal1 (rv);
+  rv = caml_alloc_custom (&conn_custom_operations,
+			  sizeof (virConnectPtr), 0, 1);
+  Connect_val (rv) = conn;
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+Val_dom (virDomainPtr dom)
+  CAMLparam0 ();
+  CAMLlocal1 (rv);
+  rv = caml_alloc_custom (&dom_custom_operations,
+			  sizeof (virDomainPtr), 0, 1);
+  Dom_val (rv) = dom;
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+Val_net (virNetworkPtr net)
+  CAMLparam0 ();
+  CAMLlocal1 (rv);
+  rv = caml_alloc_custom (&net_custom_operations,
+			  sizeof (virNetworkPtr), 0, 1);
+  Net_val (rv) = net;
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+Val_pol (virStoragePoolPtr pol)
+  CAMLparam0 ();
+  CAMLlocal1 (rv);
+  rv = caml_alloc_custom (&pol_custom_operations,
+			  sizeof (virStoragePoolPtr), 0, 1);
+  Pol_val (rv) = pol;
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+Val_vol (virStorageVolPtr vol)
+  CAMLparam0 ();
+  CAMLlocal1 (rv);
+  rv = caml_alloc_custom (&vol_custom_operations,
+			  sizeof (virStorageVolPtr), 0, 1);
+  Vol_val (rv) = vol;
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+Val_sec (virSecretPtr sec)
+  CAMLparam0 ();
+  CAMLlocal1 (rv);
+  rv = caml_alloc_custom (&sec_custom_operations,
+			  sizeof (virSecretPtr), 0, 1);
+  Sec_val (rv) = sec;
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+/* This wraps up the (dom, conn) pair (Domain.t). */
+Val_domain (virDomainPtr dom, value connv)
+  CAMLparam1 (connv);
+  CAMLlocal2 (rv, v);
+  rv = caml_alloc_tuple (2);
+  v = Val_dom (dom);
+  Store_field (rv, 0, v);
+  Store_field (rv, 1, connv);
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+/* This wraps up the (net, conn) pair (Network.t). */
+Val_network (virNetworkPtr net, value connv)
+  CAMLparam1 (connv);
+  CAMLlocal2 (rv, v);
+  rv = caml_alloc_tuple (2);
+  v = Val_net (net);
+  Store_field (rv, 0, v);
+  Store_field (rv, 1, connv);
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+/* This wraps up the (pol, conn) pair (Pool.t). */
+Val_pool (virStoragePoolPtr pol, value connv)
+  CAMLparam1 (connv);
+  CAMLlocal2 (rv, v);
+  rv = caml_alloc_tuple (2);
+  v = Val_pol (pol);
+  Store_field (rv, 0, v);
+  Store_field (rv, 1, connv);
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+/* This wraps up the (vol, conn) pair (Volume.t). */
+Val_volume (virStorageVolPtr vol, value connv)
+  CAMLparam1 (connv);
+  CAMLlocal2 (rv, v);
+  rv = caml_alloc_tuple (2);
+  v = Val_vol (vol);
+  Store_field (rv, 0, v);
+  Store_field (rv, 1, connv);
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+/* This wraps up the (sec, conn) pair (Secret.t). */
+Val_secret (virSecretPtr sec, value connv)
+  CAMLparam1 (connv);
+  CAMLlocal2 (rv, v);
+  rv = caml_alloc_tuple (2);
+  v = Val_sec (sec);
+  Store_field (rv, 0, v);
+  Store_field (rv, 1, connv);
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+static void
+conn_finalize (value connv)
+  virConnectPtr conn = Connect_val (connv);
+  if (conn) (void) virConnectClose (conn);
+static void
+dom_finalize (value domv)
+  virDomainPtr dom = Dom_val (domv);
+  if (dom) (void) virDomainFree (dom);
+static void
+net_finalize (value netv)
+  virNetworkPtr net = Net_val (netv);
+  if (net) (void) virNetworkFree (net);
+static void
+pol_finalize (value polv)
+  virStoragePoolPtr pol = Pol_val (polv);
+  if (pol) (void) virStoragePoolFree (pol);
+static void
+vol_finalize (value volv)
+  virStorageVolPtr vol = Vol_val (volv);
+  if (vol) (void) virStorageVolFree (vol);
+static void
+sec_finalize (value secv)
+  virSecretPtr sec = Sec_val (secv);
+  if (sec) (void) virSecretFree (sec);
diff --git a/3rdparty/libvirt-ocaml/libvirt_c_oneoffs.c b/3rdparty/libvirt-ocaml/libvirt_c_oneoffs.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..40384e8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3rdparty/libvirt-ocaml/libvirt_c_oneoffs.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1716 @@
+/* OCaml bindings for libvirt.
+ * (C) Copyright 2007-2017 Richard W.M. Jones, Red Hat Inc.
+ * https://libvirt.org/
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301  USA
+ */
+/* Please read libvirt/README file. */
+#include "libvirt_c.h"
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wmissing-prototypes"
+CAMLprim value
+ocaml_libvirt_get_version (value driverv, value unit)
+  CAMLparam2 (driverv, unit);
+  CAMLlocal1 (rv);
+  const char *driver = Optstring_val (driverv);
+  unsigned long libVer, typeVer = 0, *typeVer_ptr;
+  int r;
+  typeVer_ptr = driver ? &typeVer : NULL;
+  NONBLOCKING (r = virGetVersion (&libVer, driver, typeVer_ptr));
+  CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, "virGetVersion");
+  rv = caml_alloc_tuple (2);
+  Store_field (rv, 0, Val_int (libVer));
+  Store_field (rv, 1, Val_int (typeVer));
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+/* Connection object. */
+CAMLprim value
+ocaml_libvirt_connect_open (value namev, value unit)
+  CAMLparam2 (namev, unit);
+  CAMLlocal1 (rv);
+  const char *name = Optstring_val (namev);
+  virConnectPtr conn;
+  NONBLOCKING (conn = virConnectOpen (name));
+  CHECK_ERROR (!conn, "virConnectOpen");
+  rv = Val_connect (conn);
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+CAMLprim value
+ocaml_libvirt_connect_open_readonly (value namev, value unit)
+  CAMLparam2 (namev, unit);
+  CAMLlocal1 (rv);
+  const char *name = Optstring_val (namev);
+  virConnectPtr conn;
+  NONBLOCKING (conn = virConnectOpenReadOnly (name));
+  CHECK_ERROR (!conn, "virConnectOpen");
+  rv = Val_connect (conn);
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+/* Helper struct holding data needed for the helper C authentication
+ * callback (which will call the actual OCaml callback).
+ */
+struct ocaml_auth_callback_data {
+  value *fvp;                  /* The OCaml auth callback. */
+static int
+_ocaml_auth_callback (virConnectCredentialPtr cred, unsigned int ncred, void *cbdata)
+  CAMLparam0 ();
+  CAMLlocal4 (listv, elemv, rv, v);
+  struct ocaml_auth_callback_data *s = cbdata;
+  int i, len;
+  listv = Val_emptylist;
+  for (i = ncred - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
+    elemv = caml_alloc (2, 0);
+    Store_field (elemv, 0, Val_virconnectcredential (&cred[i]));
+    Store_field (elemv, 1, listv);
+    listv = elemv;
+  }
+  /* Call the auth callback. */
+  rv = caml_callback_exn (*s->fvp, listv);
+  if (Is_exception_result (rv)) {
+    /* The callback raised an exception, so return an error. */
+    CAMLreturnT (int, -1);
+  }
+  len = _list_length (rv);
+  if (len != (int) ncred) {
+    /* The callback did not return the same number of results as the
+     * credentials.
+     */
+    CAMLreturnT (int, -1);
+  }
+  for (i = 0; rv != Val_emptylist; rv = Field (rv, 1), ++i) {
+    virConnectCredentialPtr c = &cred[i];
+    elemv = Field (rv, 0);
+    if (elemv == Val_int (0)) {
+      c->result = NULL;
+      c->resultlen = 0;
+    } else {
+      v = Field (elemv, 0);
+      len = caml_string_length (v);
+      c->result = malloc (len + 1);
+      if (c->result == NULL)
+        CAMLreturnT (int, -1);
+      memcpy (c->result, String_val (v), len);
+      c->result[len] = '\0';
+      c->resultlen = len;
+    }
+  }
+  CAMLreturnT (int, 0);
+static virConnectPtr
+_ocaml_libvirt_connect_open_auth_common (value namev, value authv, int flags)
+  CAMLparam2 (namev, authv);
+  CAMLlocal2 (listv, fv);
+  virConnectPtr conn;
+  virConnectAuth auth;
+  struct ocaml_auth_callback_data data;
+  int i;
+  char *name = NULL;
+  /* Keep a copy of the 'namev' string, as its value could move around
+   * when calling other OCaml code that allocates memory.
+   */
+  if (namev != Val_int (0)) {  /* Some string */
+    name = strdup (String_val (Field (namev, 0)));
+    if (name == NULL)
+      caml_raise_out_of_memory ();
+  }
+  fv = Field (authv, 1);
+  data.fvp = &fv;
+  listv = Field (authv, 0);
+  auth.ncredtype = _list_length (listv);
+  auth.credtype = malloc (sizeof (int) * auth.ncredtype);
+  if (auth.credtype == NULL)
+    caml_raise_out_of_memory ();
+  for (i = 0; listv != Val_emptylist; listv = Field (listv, 1), ++i) {
+    auth.credtype[i] = Int_val (Field (listv, 0)) + 1;
+  }
+  auth.cb = &_ocaml_auth_callback;
+  auth.cbdata = &data;
+  /* Call virConnectOpenAuth directly, without using the NONBLOCKING
+   * macro, as this will indeed call ocaml_* APIs, and run OCaml code.
+   */
+  conn = virConnectOpenAuth (name, &auth, flags);
+  free (auth.credtype);
+  free (name);
+  CHECK_ERROR (!conn, "virConnectOpenAuth");
+  CAMLreturnT (virConnectPtr, conn);
+CAMLprim value
+ocaml_libvirt_connect_open_auth (value namev, value authv)
+  CAMLparam2 (namev, authv);
+  CAMLlocal1 (rv);
+  virConnectPtr conn;
+  conn = _ocaml_libvirt_connect_open_auth_common (namev, authv, 0);
+  rv = Val_connect (conn);
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+CAMLprim value
+ocaml_libvirt_connect_open_auth_readonly (value namev, value authv)
+  CAMLparam2 (namev, authv);
+  CAMLlocal1 (rv);
+  virConnectPtr conn;
+  conn = _ocaml_libvirt_connect_open_auth_common (namev, authv, VIR_CONNECT_RO);
+  rv = Val_connect (conn);
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+CAMLprim value
+ocaml_libvirt_connect_get_version (value connv)
+  CAMLparam1 (connv);
+  virConnectPtr conn = Connect_val (connv);
+  unsigned long hvVer;
+  int r;
+  NONBLOCKING (r = virConnectGetVersion (conn, &hvVer));
+  CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, "virConnectGetVersion");
+  CAMLreturn (Val_int (hvVer));
+CAMLprim value
+ocaml_libvirt_connect_get_max_vcpus (value connv, value typev)
+  CAMLparam2 (connv, typev);
+  virConnectPtr conn = Connect_val (connv);
+  const char *type = Optstring_val (typev);
+  int r;
+  NONBLOCKING (r = virConnectGetMaxVcpus (conn, type));
+  CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, "virConnectGetMaxVcpus");
+  CAMLreturn (Val_int (r));
+CAMLprim value
+ocaml_libvirt_connect_get_node_info (value connv)
+  CAMLparam1 (connv);
+  CAMLlocal2 (rv, v);
+  virConnectPtr conn = Connect_val (connv);
+  virNodeInfo info;
+  int r;
+  NONBLOCKING (r = virNodeGetInfo (conn, &info));
+  CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, "virNodeGetInfo");
+  rv = caml_alloc (8, 0);
+  v = caml_copy_string (info.model); Store_field (rv, 0, v);
+  v = caml_copy_int64 (info.memory); Store_field (rv, 1, v);
+  Store_field (rv, 2, Val_int (info.cpus));
+  Store_field (rv, 3, Val_int (info.mhz));
+  Store_field (rv, 4, Val_int (info.nodes));
+  Store_field (rv, 5, Val_int (info.sockets));
+  Store_field (rv, 6, Val_int (info.cores));
+  Store_field (rv, 7, Val_int (info.threads));
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+CAMLprim value
+ocaml_libvirt_connect_node_get_free_memory (value connv)
+  CAMLparam1 (connv);
+  CAMLlocal1 (rv);
+  virConnectPtr conn = Connect_val (connv);
+  unsigned long long r;
+  NONBLOCKING (r = virNodeGetFreeMemory (conn));
+  CHECK_ERROR (r == 0, "virNodeGetFreeMemory");
+  rv = caml_copy_int64 ((int64_t) r);
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+CAMLprim value
+ocaml_libvirt_connect_node_get_cells_free_memory (value connv,
+						  value startv, value maxv)
+  CAMLparam3 (connv, startv, maxv);
+  CAMLlocal2 (rv, iv);
+  virConnectPtr conn = Connect_val (connv);
+  int start = Int_val (startv);
+  int max = Int_val (maxv);
+  int r, i;
+  unsigned long long *freemems;
+  freemems = malloc(sizeof (*freemems) * max);
+  if (freemems == NULL)
+    caml_raise_out_of_memory ();
+  NONBLOCKING (r = virNodeGetCellsFreeMemory (conn, freemems, start, max));
+  CHECK_ERROR_CLEANUP (r == -1, free (freemems), "virNodeGetCellsFreeMemory");
+  rv = caml_alloc (r, 0);
+  for (i = 0; i < r; ++i) {
+    iv = caml_copy_int64 ((int64_t) freemems[i]);
+    Store_field (rv, i, iv);
+  }
+  free (freemems);
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+CAMLprim value
+ocaml_libvirt_connect_set_keep_alive(value connv,
+				     value intervalv, value countv)
+  CAMLparam3 (connv, intervalv, countv);
+  virConnectPtr conn = Connect_val(connv);
+  int interval = Int_val(intervalv);
+  unsigned int count = Int_val(countv);
+  int r;
+  NONBLOCKING(r = virConnectSetKeepAlive(conn, interval, count));
+  CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, "virConnectSetKeepAlive");
+  CAMLreturn(Val_unit);
+CAMLprim value
+ocaml_libvirt_connect_credtypes_from_auth_default (value unitv)
+  CAMLparam1 (unitv);
+  CAMLlocal2 (listv, itemv);
+  int i;
+  listv = Val_emptylist;
+  if (virConnectAuthPtrDefault) {
+    for (i = virConnectAuthPtrDefault->ncredtype; i >= 0; --i) {
+      const int type = virConnectAuthPtrDefault->credtype[i];
+      itemv = caml_alloc (2, 0);
+      Store_field (itemv, 0, Val_int (type - 1));
+      Store_field (itemv, 1, listv);
+      listv = itemv;
+    }
+  }
+  CAMLreturn (listv);
+CAMLprim value
+ocaml_libvirt_connect_call_auth_default_callback (value listv)
+  CAMLparam1 (listv);
+  CAMLlocal5 (credv, retv, elemv, optv, v);
+  int i, len, ret;
+  const char *str;
+  virConnectCredentialPtr creds;
+  if (virConnectAuthPtrDefault == NULL
+      || virConnectAuthPtrDefault->cb == NULL)
+    CAMLreturn (Val_unit);
+  len = _list_length (listv);
+  creds = calloc (len, sizeof (*creds));
+  if (creds == NULL)
+    caml_raise_out_of_memory ();
+  for (i = 0; listv != Val_emptylist; listv = Field (listv, 1), ++i) {
+    virConnectCredentialPtr cred = &creds[i];
+    credv = Field (listv, 0);
+    cred->type = Int_val (Field (credv, 0)) + 1;
+    cred->prompt = strdup (String_val (Field (credv, 1)));
+    if (cred->prompt == NULL)
+      caml_raise_out_of_memory ();
+    str = Optstring_val (Field (credv, 2));
+    if (str) {
+      cred->challenge = strdup (str);
+      if (cred->challenge == NULL)
+        caml_raise_out_of_memory ();
+    }
+    str = Optstring_val (Field (credv, 3));
+    if (str) {
+      cred->defresult = strdup (str);
+      if (cred->defresult == NULL)
+        caml_raise_out_of_memory ();
+    }
+  }
+  ret = virConnectAuthPtrDefault->cb (creds, len,
+                                      virConnectAuthPtrDefault->cbdata);
+  if (ret >= 0) {
+    retv = Val_emptylist;
+    for (i = len - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
+      virConnectCredentialPtr cred = &creds[i];
+      elemv = caml_alloc (2, 0);
+      if (cred->result != NULL && cred->resultlen > 0) {
+        v = caml_alloc_string (cred->resultlen);
+        memcpy (String_val (v), cred->result, cred->resultlen);
+        optv = caml_alloc (1, 0);
+        Store_field (optv, 0, v);
+      } else
+        optv = Val_int (0);
+      Store_field (elemv, 0, optv);
+      Store_field (elemv, 1, retv);
+      retv = elemv;
+    }
+  }
+  for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
+    virConnectCredentialPtr cred = &creds[i];
+    /* Cast to char *, as the virConnectCredential structs we fill have
+     * const char * qualifiers.
+     */
+    free ((char *) cred->prompt);
+    free ((char *) cred->challenge);
+    free ((char *) cred->defresult);
+  }
+  free (creds);
+  if (ret < 0)
+    caml_failwith ("virConnectAuthPtrDefault callback failed");
+  CAMLreturn (retv);
+CAMLprim value
+ocaml_libvirt_connect_get_domain_capabilities (value emulatorbinv, value archv, value machinev, value virttypev, value connv)
+  CAMLparam5 (emulatorbinv, archv, machinev, virttypev, connv);
+  CAMLlocal1 (rv);
+  virConnectPtr conn = Connect_val (connv);
+  char *r;
+  NONBLOCKING (r = virConnectGetDomainCapabilities (conn, Optstring_val (emulatorbinv), Optstring_val (archv), Optstring_val (machinev), Optstring_val (virttypev), 0));
+  CHECK_ERROR (r == NULL, "virConnectGetDomainCapabilities");
+  rv = caml_copy_string (r);
+  free (r);
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+CAMLprim value
+ocaml_libvirt_domain_get_id (value domv)
+  CAMLparam1 (domv);
+  virDomainPtr dom = Domain_val (domv);
+  unsigned int r;
+  NONBLOCKING (r = virDomainGetID (dom));
+  /* In theory this could return -1 on error, but in practice
+   * libvirt never does this unless you call it with a corrupted
+   * or NULL dom object.  So ignore errors here.
+   */
+  CAMLreturn (Val_int ((int) r));
+CAMLprim value
+ocaml_libvirt_domain_get_max_memory (value domv)
+  CAMLparam1 (domv);
+  CAMLlocal1 (rv);
+  virDomainPtr dom = Domain_val (domv);
+  unsigned long r;
+  NONBLOCKING (r = virDomainGetMaxMemory (dom));
+  CHECK_ERROR (r == 0 /* [sic] */, "virDomainGetMaxMemory");
+  rv = caml_copy_int64 (r);
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+CAMLprim value
+ocaml_libvirt_domain_set_max_memory (value domv, value memv)
+  CAMLparam2 (domv, memv);
+  virDomainPtr dom = Domain_val (domv);
+  unsigned long mem = Int64_val (memv);
+  int r;
+  NONBLOCKING (r = virDomainSetMaxMemory (dom, mem));
+  CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, "virDomainSetMaxMemory");
+  CAMLreturn (Val_unit);
+CAMLprim value
+ocaml_libvirt_domain_set_memory (value domv, value memv)
+  CAMLparam2 (domv, memv);
+  virDomainPtr dom = Domain_val (domv);
+  unsigned long mem = Int64_val (memv);
+  int r;
+  NONBLOCKING (r = virDomainSetMemory (dom, mem));
+  CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, "virDomainSetMemory");
+  CAMLreturn (Val_unit);
+CAMLprim value
+ocaml_libvirt_domain_get_info (value domv)
+  CAMLparam1 (domv);
+  CAMLlocal2 (rv, v);
+  virDomainPtr dom = Domain_val (domv);
+  virDomainInfo info;
+  int r;
+  NONBLOCKING (r = virDomainGetInfo (dom, &info));
+  CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, "virDomainGetInfo");
+  rv = caml_alloc (5, 0);
+  Store_field (rv, 0, Val_int (info.state)); // These flags are compatible.
+  v = caml_copy_int64 (info.maxMem); Store_field (rv, 1, v);
+  v = caml_copy_int64 (info.memory); Store_field (rv, 2, v);
+  Store_field (rv, 3, Val_int (info.nrVirtCpu));
+  v = caml_copy_int64 (info.cpuTime); Store_field (rv, 4, v);
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+CAMLprim value
+ocaml_libvirt_domain_get_scheduler_type (value domv)
+  CAMLparam1 (domv);
+  CAMLlocal2 (rv, strv);
+  virDomainPtr dom = Domain_val (domv);
+  char *r;
+  int nparams;
+  NONBLOCKING (r = virDomainGetSchedulerType (dom, &nparams));
+  CHECK_ERROR (!r, "virDomainGetSchedulerType");
+  rv = caml_alloc_tuple (2);
+  strv = caml_copy_string (r); Store_field (rv, 0, strv);
+  free (r);
+  Store_field (rv, 1, nparams);
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+CAMLprim value
+ocaml_libvirt_domain_get_scheduler_parameters (value domv, value nparamsv)
+  CAMLparam2 (domv, nparamsv);
+  CAMLlocal4 (rv, v, v2, v3);
+  virDomainPtr dom = Domain_val (domv);
+  int nparams = Int_val (nparamsv);
+  virSchedParameterPtr params;
+  int r, i;
+  params = malloc (sizeof (*params) * nparams);
+  if (params == NULL)
+    caml_raise_out_of_memory ();
+  NONBLOCKING (r = virDomainGetSchedulerParameters (dom, params, &nparams));
+  CHECK_ERROR_CLEANUP (r == -1, free (params), "virDomainGetSchedulerParameters");
+  rv = caml_alloc (nparams, 0);
+  for (i = 0; i < nparams; ++i) {
+    v = caml_alloc_tuple (2); Store_field (rv, i, v);
+    v2 = caml_copy_string (params[i].field); Store_field (v, 0, v2);
+    switch (params[i].type) {
+      v2 = caml_alloc (1, 0);
+      v3 = caml_copy_int32 (params[i].value.i); Store_field (v2, 0, v3);
+      break;
+      v2 = caml_alloc (1, 1);
+      v3 = caml_copy_int32 (params[i].value.ui); Store_field (v2, 0, v3);
+      break;
+      v2 = caml_alloc (1, 2);
+      v3 = caml_copy_int64 (params[i].value.l); Store_field (v2, 0, v3);
+      break;
+      v2 = caml_alloc (1, 3);
+      v3 = caml_copy_int64 (params[i].value.ul); Store_field (v2, 0, v3);
+      break;
+      v2 = caml_alloc (1, 4);
+      v3 = caml_copy_double (params[i].value.d); Store_field (v2, 0, v3);
+      break;
+      v2 = caml_alloc (1, 5);
+      Store_field (v2, 0, Val_int (params[i].value.b));
+      break;
+    default:
+      caml_failwith ((char *)__FUNCTION__);
+    }
+    Store_field (v, 1, v2);
+  }
+  free (params);
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+CAMLprim value
+ocaml_libvirt_domain_set_scheduler_parameters (value domv, value paramsv)
+  CAMLparam2 (domv, paramsv);
+  CAMLlocal1 (v);
+  virDomainPtr dom = Domain_val (domv);
+  int nparams = Wosize_val (paramsv);
+  virSchedParameterPtr params;
+  int r, i;
+  char *name;
+  params = malloc (sizeof (*params) * nparams);
+  if (params == NULL)
+    caml_raise_out_of_memory ();
+  for (i = 0; i < nparams; ++i) {
+    v = Field (paramsv, i);	/* Points to the two-element tuple. */
+    name = String_val (Field (v, 0));
+    strncpy (params[i].field, name, VIR_DOMAIN_SCHED_FIELD_LENGTH);
+    params[i].field[VIR_DOMAIN_SCHED_FIELD_LENGTH-1] = '\0';
+    v = Field (v, 1);		/* Points to the sched_param_value block. */
+    switch (Tag_val (v)) {
+    case 0:
+      params[i].type = VIR_DOMAIN_SCHED_FIELD_INT;
+      params[i].value.i = Int32_val (Field (v, 0));
+      break;
+    case 1:
+      params[i].type = VIR_DOMAIN_SCHED_FIELD_UINT;
+      params[i].value.ui = Int32_val (Field (v, 0));
+      break;
+    case 2:
+      params[i].type = VIR_DOMAIN_SCHED_FIELD_LLONG;
+      params[i].value.l = Int64_val (Field (v, 0));
+      break;
+    case 3:
+      params[i].type = VIR_DOMAIN_SCHED_FIELD_ULLONG;
+      params[i].value.ul = Int64_val (Field (v, 0));
+      break;
+    case 4:
+      params[i].type = VIR_DOMAIN_SCHED_FIELD_DOUBLE;
+      params[i].value.d = Double_val (Field (v, 0));
+      break;
+    case 5:
+      params[i].type = VIR_DOMAIN_SCHED_FIELD_BOOLEAN;
+      params[i].value.b = Int_val (Field (v, 0));
+      break;
+    default:
+      caml_failwith ((char *)__FUNCTION__);
+    }
+  }
+  NONBLOCKING (r = virDomainSetSchedulerParameters (dom, params, nparams));
+  free (params);
+  CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, "virDomainSetSchedulerParameters");
+  CAMLreturn (Val_unit);
+CAMLprim value
+ocaml_libvirt_domain_set_vcpus (value domv, value nvcpusv)
+  CAMLparam2 (domv, nvcpusv);
+  virDomainPtr dom = Domain_val (domv);
+  int r, nvcpus = Int_val (nvcpusv);
+  NONBLOCKING (r = virDomainSetVcpus (dom, nvcpus));
+  CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, "virDomainSetVcpus");
+  CAMLreturn (Val_unit);
+CAMLprim value
+ocaml_libvirt_domain_pin_vcpu (value domv, value vcpuv, value cpumapv)
+  CAMLparam3 (domv, vcpuv, cpumapv);
+  virDomainPtr dom = Domain_val (domv);
+  int maplen = caml_string_length (cpumapv);
+  unsigned char *cpumap = (unsigned char *) String_val (cpumapv);
+  int vcpu = Int_val (vcpuv);
+  int r;
+  NONBLOCKING (r = virDomainPinVcpu (dom, vcpu, cpumap, maplen));
+  CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, "virDomainPinVcpu");
+  CAMLreturn (Val_unit);
+CAMLprim value
+ocaml_libvirt_domain_get_vcpus (value domv, value maxinfov, value maplenv)
+  CAMLparam3 (domv, maxinfov, maplenv);
+  CAMLlocal5 (rv, infov, strv, v, v2);
+  virDomainPtr dom = Domain_val (domv);
+  int maxinfo = Int_val (maxinfov);
+  int maplen = Int_val (maplenv);
+  virVcpuInfoPtr info;
+  unsigned char *cpumaps;
+  int r, i;
+  info = calloc (maxinfo, sizeof (*info));
+  if (info == NULL)
+    caml_raise_out_of_memory ();
+  cpumaps = calloc (maxinfo * maplen, sizeof (*cpumaps));
+  if (cpumaps == NULL) {
+    free (info);
+    caml_raise_out_of_memory ();
+  }
+  NONBLOCKING (r = virDomainGetVcpus (dom, info, maxinfo, cpumaps, maplen));
+  CHECK_ERROR_CLEANUP (r == -1, free (info); free (cpumaps), "virDomainPinVcpu");
+  /* Copy the virVcpuInfo structures. */
+  infov = caml_alloc (maxinfo, 0);
+  for (i = 0; i < maxinfo; ++i) {
+    v2 = caml_alloc (4, 0); Store_field (infov, i, v2);
+    Store_field (v2, 0, Val_int (info[i].number));
+    Store_field (v2, 1, Val_int (info[i].state));
+    v = caml_copy_int64 (info[i].cpuTime); Store_field (v2, 2, v);
+    Store_field (v2, 3, Val_int (info[i].cpu));
+  }
+  /* Copy the bitmap. */
+  strv = caml_alloc_string (maxinfo * maplen);
+  memcpy (String_val (strv), cpumaps, maxinfo * maplen);
+  /* Allocate the tuple and return it. */
+  rv = caml_alloc_tuple (3);
+  Store_field (rv, 0, Val_int (r)); /* number of CPUs. */
+  Store_field (rv, 1, infov);
+  Store_field (rv, 2, strv);
+  free (info);
+  free (cpumaps);
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+CAMLprim value
+ocaml_libvirt_domain_get_cpu_stats (value domv)
+  CAMLparam1 (domv);
+  CAMLlocal5 (cpustats, param_head, param_node, typed_param, typed_param_value);
+  CAMLlocal1 (v);
+  virDomainPtr dom = Domain_val (domv);
+  virTypedParameterPtr params;
+  int r, cpu, ncpus, nparams, i, j, pos;
+  int nr_pcpus;
+  /* get number of pcpus */
+  NONBLOCKING (nr_pcpus = virDomainGetCPUStats(dom, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0));
+  CHECK_ERROR (nr_pcpus < 0, "virDomainGetCPUStats");
+  /* get percpu information */
+  NONBLOCKING (nparams = virDomainGetCPUStats(dom, NULL, 0, 0, 1, 0));
+  CHECK_ERROR (nparams < 0, "virDomainGetCPUStats");
+  if ((params = malloc(sizeof(*params) * nparams * 128)) == NULL)
+    caml_raise_out_of_memory ();
+  cpustats = caml_alloc (nr_pcpus, 0); /* cpustats: array of params(list of typed_param) */
+  cpu = 0;
+  while (cpu < nr_pcpus) {
+    ncpus = nr_pcpus - cpu > 128 ? 128 : nr_pcpus - cpu;
+    NONBLOCKING (r = virDomainGetCPUStats(dom, params, nparams, cpu, ncpus, 0));
+    CHECK_ERROR (r < 0, "virDomainGetCPUStats");
+    for (i = 0; i < ncpus; i++) {
+      /* list of typed_param: single linked list of param_nodes */
+      param_head = Val_emptylist; /* param_head: the head param_node of list of typed_param */
+      if (params[i * nparams].type == 0) {
+        Store_field(cpustats, cpu + i, param_head);
+        continue;
+      }
+      for (j = r - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
+        pos = i * nparams + j;
+          if (params[pos].type == 0)
+            continue;
+        param_node = caml_alloc(2, 0); /* param_node: typed_param, next param_node */
+        Store_field(param_node, 1, param_head);
+        param_head = param_node;
+        typed_param = caml_alloc(2, 0); /* typed_param: field name(string), typed_param_value */
+        Store_field(param_node, 0, typed_param);
+        Store_field(typed_param, 0, caml_copy_string(params[pos].field));
+        /* typed_param_value: value with the corresponding type tag */
+        switch(params[pos].type) {
+        case VIR_TYPED_PARAM_INT:
+          typed_param_value = caml_alloc (1, 0);
+          v = caml_copy_int32 (params[pos].value.i);
+          break;
+        case VIR_TYPED_PARAM_UINT:
+          typed_param_value = caml_alloc (1, 1);
+          v = caml_copy_int32 (params[pos].value.ui);
+          break;
+        case VIR_TYPED_PARAM_LLONG:
+          typed_param_value = caml_alloc (1, 2);
+          v = caml_copy_int64 (params[pos].value.l);
+          break;
+          typed_param_value = caml_alloc (1, 3);
+          v = caml_copy_int64 (params[pos].value.ul);
+          break;
+          typed_param_value = caml_alloc (1, 4);
+          v = caml_copy_double (params[pos].value.d);
+          break;
+          typed_param_value = caml_alloc (1, 5);
+          v = Val_bool (params[pos].value.b);
+          break;
+          typed_param_value = caml_alloc (1, 6);
+          v = caml_copy_string (params[pos].value.s);
+          free (params[pos].value.s);
+          break;
+        default:
+            /* XXX Memory leak on this path, if there are more
+             * VIR_TYPED_PARAM_STRING past this point in the array.
+             */
+          free (params);
+          caml_failwith ("virDomainGetCPUStats: "
+                         "unknown parameter type returned");
+        }
+        Store_field (typed_param_value, 0, v);
+        Store_field (typed_param, 1, typed_param_value);
+      }
+      Store_field (cpustats, cpu + i, param_head);
+    }
+    cpu += ncpus;
+  }
+  free(params);
+  CAMLreturn (cpustats);
+ocaml_libvirt_domain_get_all_domain_stats (value connv,
+                                           value statsv, value flagsv)
+  CAMLparam3 (connv, statsv, flagsv);
+  CAMLlocal5 (rv, dsv, tpv, v, v1);
+  CAMLlocal1 (v2);
+  virConnectPtr conn = Connect_val (connv);
+  virDomainStatsRecordPtr *rstats;
+  unsigned int stats = 0, flags = 0;
+  int i, j, r;
+  unsigned char uuid[VIR_UUID_BUFLEN];
+  /* Get stats and flags. */
+  for (; statsv != Val_int (0); statsv = Field (statsv, 1)) {
+    v = Field (statsv, 0);
+    if (v == Val_int (0))
+      stats |= VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_STATE;
+    else if (v == Val_int (1))
+    else if (v == Val_int (2))
+    else if (v == Val_int (3))
+      stats |= VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_VCPU;
+    else if (v == Val_int (4))
+    else if (v == Val_int (5))
+      stats |= VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_BLOCK;
+    else if (v == Val_int (6))
+      stats |= VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_PERF;
+  }
+  for (; flagsv != Val_int (0); flagsv = Field (flagsv, 1)) {
+    v = Field (flagsv, 0);
+    if (v == Val_int (0))
+    else if (v == Val_int (1))
+    else if (v == Val_int (2))
+    else if (v == Val_int (3))
+    else if (v == Val_int (4))
+    else if (v == Val_int (5))
+    else if (v == Val_int (6))
+    else if (v == Val_int (7))
+    else if (v == Val_int (8))
+    else if (v == Val_int (9))
+  }
+  NONBLOCKING (r = virConnectGetAllDomainStats (conn, stats, &rstats, flags));
+  CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, "virConnectGetAllDomainStats");
+  rv = caml_alloc (r, 0);       /* domain_stats_record array. */
+  for (i = 0; i < r; ++i) {
+    dsv = caml_alloc (2, 0);    /* domain_stats_record */
+    /* Libvirt returns something superficially resembling a
+     * virDomainPtr, but it's not a real virDomainPtr object
+     * (eg. dom->id == -1, and its refcount is wrong).  The only thing
+     * we can safely get from it is the UUID.
+     */
+    v = caml_alloc_string (VIR_UUID_BUFLEN);
+    virDomainGetUUID (rstats[i]->dom, uuid);
+    memcpy (String_val (v), uuid, VIR_UUID_BUFLEN);
+    Store_field (dsv, 0, v);
+    tpv = caml_alloc (rstats[i]->nparams, 0); /* typed_param array */
+    for (j = 0; j < rstats[i]->nparams; ++j) {
+      v2 = caml_alloc (2, 0);   /* typed_param: field name, value */
+      Store_field (v2, 0, caml_copy_string (rstats[i]->params[j].field));
+      switch (rstats[i]->params[j].type) {
+      case VIR_TYPED_PARAM_INT:
+        v1 = caml_alloc (1, 0);
+        v = caml_copy_int32 (rstats[i]->params[j].value.i);
+        break;
+        v1 = caml_alloc (1, 1);
+        v = caml_copy_int32 (rstats[i]->params[j].value.ui);
+        break;
+        v1 = caml_alloc (1, 2);
+        v = caml_copy_int64 (rstats[i]->params[j].value.l);
+        break;
+        v1 = caml_alloc (1, 3);
+        v = caml_copy_int64 (rstats[i]->params[j].value.ul);
+        break;
+        v1 = caml_alloc (1, 4);
+        v = caml_copy_double (rstats[i]->params[j].value.d);
+        break;
+        v1 = caml_alloc (1, 5);
+        v = Val_bool (rstats[i]->params[j].value.b);
+        break;
+        v1 = caml_alloc (1, 6);
+        v = caml_copy_string (rstats[i]->params[j].value.s);
+        break;
+      default:
+        virDomainStatsRecordListFree (rstats);
+        caml_failwith ("virConnectGetAllDomainStats: "
+                       "unknown parameter type returned");
+      }
+      Store_field (v1, 0, v);
+      Store_field (v2, 1, v1);
+      Store_field (tpv, j, v2);
+    }
+    Store_field (dsv, 1, tpv);
+    Store_field (rv, i, dsv);
+  }
+  virDomainStatsRecordListFree (rstats);
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+CAMLprim value
+ocaml_libvirt_domain_migrate_native (value domv, value dconnv, value flagsv, value optdnamev, value opturiv, value optbandwidthv, value unitv)
+  CAMLparam5 (domv, dconnv, flagsv, optdnamev, opturiv);
+  CAMLxparam2 (optbandwidthv, unitv);
+  CAMLlocal2 (flagv, rv);
+  virDomainPtr dom = Domain_val (domv);
+  virConnectPtr dconn = Connect_val (dconnv);
+  int flags = 0;
+  const char *dname = Optstring_val (optdnamev);
+  const char *uri = Optstring_val (opturiv);
+  unsigned long bandwidth;
+  virDomainPtr r;
+  /* Iterate over the list of flags. */
+  for (; flagsv != Val_int (0); flagsv = Field (flagsv, 1))
+    {
+      flagv = Field (flagsv, 0);
+      if (flagv == Val_int (0))
+	flags |= VIR_MIGRATE_LIVE;
+    }
+  if (optbandwidthv == Val_int (0)) /* None */
+    bandwidth = 0;
+  else				/* Some bandwidth */
+    bandwidth = Int_val (Field (optbandwidthv, 0));
+  NONBLOCKING (r = virDomainMigrate (dom, dconn, flags, dname, uri, bandwidth));
+  CHECK_ERROR (!r, "virDomainMigrate");
+  rv = Val_domain (r, dconnv);
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+CAMLprim value
+ocaml_libvirt_domain_migrate_bytecode (value *argv, int argn)
+  return ocaml_libvirt_domain_migrate_native (argv[0], argv[1], argv[2],
+					      argv[3], argv[4], argv[5],
+					      argv[6]);
+CAMLprim value
+ocaml_libvirt_domain_block_stats (value domv, value pathv)
+  CAMLparam2 (domv, pathv);
+  CAMLlocal2 (rv,v);
+  virDomainPtr dom = Domain_val (domv);
+  char *path = String_val (pathv);
+  struct _virDomainBlockStats stats;
+  int r;
+  NONBLOCKING (r = virDomainBlockStats (dom, path, &stats, sizeof stats));
+  CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, "virDomainBlockStats");
+  rv = caml_alloc (5, 0);
+  v = caml_copy_int64 (stats.rd_req); Store_field (rv, 0, v);
+  v = caml_copy_int64 (stats.rd_bytes); Store_field (rv, 1, v);
+  v = caml_copy_int64 (stats.wr_req); Store_field (rv, 2, v);
+  v = caml_copy_int64 (stats.wr_bytes); Store_field (rv, 3, v);
+  v = caml_copy_int64 (stats.errs); Store_field (rv, 4, v);
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+CAMLprim value
+ocaml_libvirt_domain_interface_stats (value domv, value pathv)
+  CAMLparam2 (domv, pathv);
+  CAMLlocal2 (rv,v);
+  virDomainPtr dom = Domain_val (domv);
+  char *path = String_val (pathv);
+  struct _virDomainInterfaceStats stats;
+  int r;
+  NONBLOCKING (r = virDomainInterfaceStats (dom, path, &stats, sizeof stats));
+  CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, "virDomainInterfaceStats");
+  rv = caml_alloc (8, 0);
+  v = caml_copy_int64 (stats.rx_bytes); Store_field (rv, 0, v);
+  v = caml_copy_int64 (stats.rx_packets); Store_field (rv, 1, v);
+  v = caml_copy_int64 (stats.rx_errs); Store_field (rv, 2, v);
+  v = caml_copy_int64 (stats.rx_drop); Store_field (rv, 3, v);
+  v = caml_copy_int64 (stats.tx_bytes); Store_field (rv, 4, v);
+  v = caml_copy_int64 (stats.tx_packets); Store_field (rv, 5, v);
+  v = caml_copy_int64 (stats.tx_errs); Store_field (rv, 6, v);
+  v = caml_copy_int64 (stats.tx_drop); Store_field (rv, 7, v);
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+CAMLprim value
+ocaml_libvirt_domain_block_peek_native (value domv, value pathv, value offsetv, value sizev, value bufferv, value boffv)
+  CAMLparam5 (domv, pathv, offsetv, sizev, bufferv);
+  CAMLxparam1 (boffv);
+  virDomainPtr dom = Domain_val (domv);
+  const char *path = String_val (pathv);
+  unsigned long long offset = Int64_val (offsetv);
+  size_t size = Int_val (sizev);
+  char *buffer = String_val (bufferv);
+  int boff = Int_val (boffv);
+  int r;
+  /* Check that the return buffer is big enough. */
+  if (caml_string_length (bufferv) < boff + size)
+    caml_failwith ("virDomainBlockPeek: return buffer too short");
+  /* NB. not NONBLOCKING because buffer might move (XXX) */
+  r = virDomainBlockPeek (dom, path, offset, size, buffer+boff, 0);
+  CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, "virDomainBlockPeek");
+  CAMLreturn (Val_unit);
+CAMLprim value
+ocaml_libvirt_domain_block_peek_bytecode (value *argv, int argn)
+  return ocaml_libvirt_domain_block_peek_native (argv[0], argv[1], argv[2],
+                                                 argv[3], argv[4], argv[5]);
+CAMLprim value
+ocaml_libvirt_domain_memory_peek_native (value domv, value flagsv, value offsetv, value sizev, value bufferv, value boffv)
+  CAMLparam5 (domv, flagsv, offsetv, sizev, bufferv);
+  CAMLxparam1 (boffv);
+  CAMLlocal1 (flagv);
+  virDomainPtr dom = Domain_val (domv);
+  int flags = 0;
+  unsigned long long offset = Int64_val (offsetv);
+  size_t size = Int_val (sizev);
+  char *buffer = String_val (bufferv);
+  int boff = Int_val (boffv);
+  int r;
+  /* Check that the return buffer is big enough. */
+  if (caml_string_length (bufferv) < boff + size)
+    caml_failwith ("virDomainMemoryPeek: return buffer too short");
+  /* Do flags. */
+  for (; flagsv != Val_int (0); flagsv = Field (flagsv, 1))
+    {
+      flagv = Field (flagsv, 0);
+      if (flagv == Val_int (0))
+        flags |= VIR_MEMORY_VIRTUAL;
+    }
+  /* NB. not NONBLOCKING because buffer might move (XXX) */
+  r = virDomainMemoryPeek (dom, offset, size, buffer+boff, flags);
+  CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, "virDomainMemoryPeek");
+  CAMLreturn (Val_unit);
+CAMLprim value
+ocaml_libvirt_domain_memory_peek_bytecode (value *argv, int argn)
+  return ocaml_libvirt_domain_memory_peek_native (argv[0], argv[1], argv[2],
+                                                  argv[3], argv[4], argv[5]);
+CAMLprim value
+ocaml_libvirt_domain_get_xml_desc_flags (value domv, value flagsv)
+  CAMLparam2 (domv, flagsv);
+  CAMLlocal2 (rv, flagv);
+  virDomainPtr dom = Domain_val (domv);
+  int flags = 0;
+  char *r;
+  /* Do flags. */
+  for (; flagsv != Val_int (0); flagsv = Field (flagsv, 1))
+    {
+      flagv = Field (flagsv, 0);
+      if (flagv == Val_int (0))
+        flags |= VIR_DOMAIN_XML_SECURE;
+      else if (flagv == Val_int (1))
+        flags |= VIR_DOMAIN_XML_INACTIVE;
+      else if (flagv == Val_int (2))
+        flags |= VIR_DOMAIN_XML_UPDATE_CPU;
+      else if (flagv == Val_int (3))
+        flags |= VIR_DOMAIN_XML_MIGRATABLE;
+    }
+  NONBLOCKING (r = virDomainGetXMLDesc (dom, flags));
+  CHECK_ERROR (!r, "virDomainGetXMLDesc");
+  rv = caml_copy_string (r);
+  free (r);
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+/* Domain events */
+CAMLprim value
+ocaml_libvirt_event_register_default_impl (value unitv)
+  CAMLparam1 (unitv);
+  /* arg is of type unit = void */
+  int r;
+  NONBLOCKING (r = virEventRegisterDefaultImpl ());
+  /* must be called before connection, therefore we can't use CHECK_ERROR */
+  if (r == -1) caml_failwith("virEventRegisterDefaultImpl");
+  CAMLreturn (Val_unit);
+CAMLprim value
+ocaml_libvirt_event_run_default_impl (value unitv)
+  CAMLparam1 (unitv);
+  /* arg is of type unit = void */
+  int r;
+  NONBLOCKING (r = virEventRunDefaultImpl ());
+  if (r == -1) caml_failwith("virEventRunDefaultImpl");
+  CAMLreturn (Val_unit);
+/* We register a single C callback function for every distinct
+   callback signature. We encode the signature itself in the function
+   name and also in the name of the assocated OCaml callback
+   e.g.:
+      a C function called
+         i_i64_s_callback(virConnectPtr conn,
+			  virDomainPtr dom,
+			  int x,
+			  long y,
+			  char *z,
+			  void *opaque)
+      would correspond to an OCaml callback
+         Libvirt.i_i64_s_callback :
+	   int64 -> [`R] Domain.t -> int -> int64 -> string option -> unit
+      where the initial int64 is a unique ID used by the OCaml to
+      dispatch to the specific OCaml closure and stored by libvirt
+      as the "opaque" data. */
+/* Every one of the callbacks starts with a DOMAIN_CALLBACK_BEGIN(NAME)
+   where NAME is the string name of the OCaml callback registered
+   in libvirt.ml. */
+#define DOMAIN_CALLBACK_BEGIN(NAME)                              \
+  value connv, domv, callback_id, result;                        \
+  connv = domv = callback_id = result = Val_int(0);              \
+  static const value *callback = NULL;                           \
+  caml_leave_blocking_section();                                 \
+  if (callback == NULL)                                          \
+    callback = caml_named_value(NAME);                           \
+  if (callback == NULL)                                          \
+    abort(); /* C code out of sync with OCaml code */            \
+  if ((virDomainRef(dom) == -1) || (virConnectRef(conn) == -1))  \
+    abort(); /* should never happen in practice? */              \
+                                                                 \
+  Begin_roots4(connv, domv, callback_id, result);                \
+  connv = Val_connect(conn);                                     \
+  domv = Val_domain(dom, connv);                                 \
+  callback_id = caml_copy_int64(*(long *)opaque);
+/* Every one of the callbacks ends with a CALLBACK_END */
+#define DOMAIN_CALLBACK_END                                      \
+  (void) caml_callback3(*callback, callback_id, domv, result);   \
+  End_roots();                                                   \
+  caml_enter_blocking_section();
+static void
+i_i_callback(virConnectPtr conn,
+	     virDomainPtr dom,
+	     int x,
+	     int y,
+	     void * opaque)
+  DOMAIN_CALLBACK_BEGIN("Libvirt.i_i_callback")
+  result = caml_alloc_tuple(2);
+  Store_field(result, 0, Val_int(x));
+  Store_field(result, 1, Val_int(y));
+static void
+u_callback(virConnectPtr conn,
+	   virDomainPtr dom,
+	   void *opaque)
+  DOMAIN_CALLBACK_BEGIN("Libvirt.u_callback")
+  result = Val_int(0); /* () */
+static void
+i64_callback(virConnectPtr conn,
+	     virDomainPtr dom,
+	     long long int64,
+	     void *opaque)
+  DOMAIN_CALLBACK_BEGIN("Libvirt.i64_callback")
+  result = caml_copy_int64(int64);
+static void
+i_callback(virConnectPtr conn,
+	   virDomainPtr dom,
+	   int x,
+	   void *opaque)
+  DOMAIN_CALLBACK_BEGIN("Libvirt.i_callback")
+  result = Val_int(x);
+static void
+s_i_callback(virConnectPtr conn,
+	     virDomainPtr dom,
+	     char *x,
+	     int y,
+	     void * opaque)
+  DOMAIN_CALLBACK_BEGIN("Libvirt.s_i_callback")
+  result = caml_alloc_tuple(2);
+  Store_field(result, 0, 
+	      Val_opt(x, (Val_ptr_t) caml_copy_string));
+  Store_field(result, 1, Val_int(y));
+static void
+s_i_i_callback(virConnectPtr conn,
+	       virDomainPtr dom,
+	       char *x,
+	       int y,
+	       int z,
+	       void * opaque)
+  DOMAIN_CALLBACK_BEGIN("Libvirt.s_i_i_callback")
+  result = caml_alloc_tuple(3);
+  Store_field(result, 0, 
+	      Val_opt(x, (Val_ptr_t) caml_copy_string));
+  Store_field(result, 1, Val_int(y));
+  Store_field(result, 2, Val_int(z));
+static void
+s_s_i_callback(virConnectPtr conn,
+	       virDomainPtr dom,
+	       char *x,
+	       char *y,
+	       int z,
+	       void *opaque)
+  DOMAIN_CALLBACK_BEGIN("Libvirt.s_s_i_callback")
+  result = caml_alloc_tuple(3);
+  Store_field(result, 0, 
+	      Val_opt(x, (Val_ptr_t) caml_copy_string));
+  Store_field(result, 1,
+	      Val_opt(y, (Val_ptr_t) caml_copy_string));
+  Store_field(result, 2, Val_int(z));
+static void
+s_s_i_s_callback(virConnectPtr conn,
+		 virDomainPtr dom,
+		 char *x,
+		 char *y,
+		 int z,
+		 char *a,
+		 void *opaque)
+  DOMAIN_CALLBACK_BEGIN("Libvirt.s_s_i_s_callback")
+  result = caml_alloc_tuple(4);
+  Store_field(result, 0, 
+	      Val_opt(x, (Val_ptr_t) caml_copy_string));
+  Store_field(result, 1,
+	      Val_opt(y, (Val_ptr_t) caml_copy_string));
+  Store_field(result, 2, Val_int(z));
+  Store_field(result, 3,
+	      Val_opt(a, (Val_ptr_t) caml_copy_string));
+static void
+s_s_s_i_callback(virConnectPtr conn,
+		 virDomainPtr dom,
+		 char * x,
+		 char * y,
+		 char * z,
+		 int a,
+		 void * opaque)
+  DOMAIN_CALLBACK_BEGIN("Libvirt.s_s_s_i_callback")
+  result = caml_alloc_tuple(4);
+  Store_field(result, 0,
+	      Val_opt(x, (Val_ptr_t) caml_copy_string));
+  Store_field(result, 1,
+              Val_opt(y, (Val_ptr_t) caml_copy_string));
+  Store_field(result, 2,
+              Val_opt(z, (Val_ptr_t) caml_copy_string));
+  Store_field(result, 3, Val_int(a));
+static value
+Val_event_graphics_address(virDomainEventGraphicsAddressPtr x)
+  CAMLparam0 ();
+  CAMLlocal1(result);
+  result = caml_alloc_tuple(3);
+  Store_field(result, 0, Val_int(x->family));
+  Store_field(result, 1,
+	      Val_opt((void *) x->node, (Val_ptr_t) caml_copy_string));
+  Store_field(result, 2,
+	      Val_opt((void *) x->service, (Val_ptr_t) caml_copy_string));
+  CAMLreturn(result);
+static value
+Val_event_graphics_subject_identity(virDomainEventGraphicsSubjectIdentityPtr x)
+  CAMLparam0 ();
+  CAMLlocal1(result);
+  result = caml_alloc_tuple(2);
+  Store_field(result, 0,
+	      Val_opt((void *) x->type, (Val_ptr_t) caml_copy_string));
+  Store_field(result, 1,
+	      Val_opt((void *) x->name, (Val_ptr_t) caml_copy_string));
+  CAMLreturn(result);
+static value
+Val_event_graphics_subject(virDomainEventGraphicsSubjectPtr x)
+  CAMLparam0 ();
+  CAMLlocal1(result);
+  int i;
+  result = caml_alloc_tuple(x->nidentity);
+  for (i = 0; i < x->nidentity; i++ )
+    Store_field(result, i,
+		Val_event_graphics_subject_identity(x->identities + i));
+  CAMLreturn(result);
+static void
+i_ga_ga_s_gs_callback(virConnectPtr conn,
+		      virDomainPtr dom,
+		      int i1,
+		      virDomainEventGraphicsAddressPtr ga1,
+		      virDomainEventGraphicsAddressPtr ga2,
+		      char *s1,
+		      virDomainEventGraphicsSubjectPtr gs1,
+		      void * opaque)
+  DOMAIN_CALLBACK_BEGIN("Libvirt.i_ga_ga_s_gs_callback")
+  result = caml_alloc_tuple(5);
+  Store_field(result, 0, Val_int(i1));
+  Store_field(result, 1, Val_event_graphics_address(ga1));
+  Store_field(result, 2, Val_event_graphics_address(ga2)); 
+  Store_field(result, 3,
+	      Val_opt(s1, (Val_ptr_t) caml_copy_string));
+  Store_field(result, 4, Val_event_graphics_subject(gs1));
+static void
+timeout_callback(int timer, void *opaque)
+  value callback_id, result;
+  callback_id = result = Val_int(0);
+  static const value *callback = NULL;
+  caml_leave_blocking_section();
+  if (callback == NULL)
+    callback = caml_named_value("Libvirt.timeout_callback");
+  if (callback == NULL)
+    abort(); /* C code out of sync with OCaml code */
+  Begin_roots2(callback_id, result);
+  callback_id = caml_copy_int64(*(long *)opaque);
+  (void)caml_callback_exn(*callback, callback_id);
+  End_roots();
+  caml_enter_blocking_section();
+CAMLprim value
+ocaml_libvirt_event_add_timeout (value connv, value ms, value callback_id)
+  CAMLparam3 (connv, ms, callback_id);
+  void *opaque;
+  virFreeCallback freecb = free;
+  virEventTimeoutCallback cb = timeout_callback;
+  int r;
+  /* Store the int64 callback_id as the opaque data so the OCaml
+     callback can demultiplex to the correct OCaml handler. */
+  if ((opaque = malloc(sizeof(long))) == NULL)
+    caml_raise_out_of_memory ();
+  *((long*)opaque) = Int64_val(callback_id);
+  NONBLOCKING(r = virEventAddTimeout(Int_val(ms), cb, opaque, freecb));
+  CHECK_ERROR(r == -1, "virEventAddTimeout");
+  CAMLreturn(Val_int(r));
+CAMLprim value
+ocaml_libvirt_event_remove_timeout (value connv, value timer_id)
+  CAMLparam2 (connv, timer_id);
+  int r;
+  NONBLOCKING(r = virEventRemoveTimeout(Int_val(timer_id)));
+  CHECK_ERROR(r == -1, "virEventRemoveTimeout");
+  CAMLreturn(Val_int(r));
+CAMLprim value
+ocaml_libvirt_connect_domain_event_register_any(value connv, value domv, value callback, value callback_id)
+  CAMLparam4(connv, domv, callback, callback_id);
+  virConnectPtr conn = Connect_val (connv);
+  virDomainPtr dom = NULL;
+  int eventID = Tag_val(callback);
+  virConnectDomainEventGenericCallback cb;
+  void *opaque;
+  virFreeCallback freecb = free;
+  int r;
+  if (domv != Val_int(0))
+    dom = Domain_val (Field(domv, 0));
+  switch (eventID){
+    cb = VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_CALLBACK(i_i_callback);
+    break;
+    cb = VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_CALLBACK(u_callback);
+    break;
+    cb = VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_CALLBACK(i64_callback);
+    break;
+    cb = VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_CALLBACK(i_callback);
+    break;
+    cb = VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_CALLBACK(s_s_i_callback);
+    break;
+    cb = VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_CALLBACK(i_ga_ga_s_gs_callback);
+    break;
+    cb = VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_CALLBACK(s_s_i_s_callback);
+    break;
+    cb = VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_CALLBACK(u_callback);
+    break;
+    cb = VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_CALLBACK(s_i_i_callback);
+    break;
+    cb = VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_CALLBACK(s_s_s_i_callback);
+    break;
+    cb = VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_CALLBACK(s_i_callback);
+    break;
+    cb = VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_CALLBACK(i_callback);
+    break;
+    cb = VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_CALLBACK(i_callback);
+    break;
+    cb = VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_CALLBACK(i64_callback);
+    break;
+    cb = VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_CALLBACK(i_callback);
+    break;
+  default:
+    caml_failwith("vifConnectDomainEventRegisterAny: unimplemented eventID");
+  }
+  /* Store the int64 callback_id as the opaque data so the OCaml
+     callback can demultiplex to the correct OCaml handler. */
+  if ((opaque = malloc(sizeof(long))) == NULL)
+    caml_raise_out_of_memory ();
+  *((long*)opaque) = Int64_val(callback_id);
+  NONBLOCKING(r = virConnectDomainEventRegisterAny(conn, dom, eventID, cb, opaque, freecb));
+  CHECK_ERROR(r == -1, "virConnectDomainEventRegisterAny");
+  CAMLreturn(Val_int(r));
+CAMLprim value
+ocaml_libvirt_storage_pool_get_info (value poolv)
+  CAMLparam1 (poolv);
+  CAMLlocal2 (rv, v);
+  virStoragePoolPtr pool = Pool_val (poolv);
+  virStoragePoolInfo info;
+  int r;
+  NONBLOCKING (r = virStoragePoolGetInfo (pool, &info));
+  CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, "virStoragePoolGetInfo");
+  rv = caml_alloc (4, 0);
+  Store_field (rv, 0, Val_int (info.state));
+  v = caml_copy_int64 (info.capacity); Store_field (rv, 1, v);
+  v = caml_copy_int64 (info.allocation); Store_field (rv, 2, v);
+  v = caml_copy_int64 (info.available); Store_field (rv, 3, v);
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+CAMLprim value
+ocaml_libvirt_storage_vol_get_info (value volv)
+  CAMLparam1 (volv);
+  CAMLlocal2 (rv, v);
+  virStorageVolPtr vol = Volume_val (volv);
+  virStorageVolInfo info;
+  int r;
+  NONBLOCKING (r = virStorageVolGetInfo (vol, &info));
+  CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, "virStorageVolGetInfo");
+  rv = caml_alloc (3, 0);
+  Store_field (rv, 0, Val_int (info.type));
+  v = caml_copy_int64 (info.capacity); Store_field (rv, 1, v);
+  v = caml_copy_int64 (info.allocation); Store_field (rv, 2, v);
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+CAMLprim value
+ocaml_libvirt_secret_lookup_by_usage (value connv, value usagetypev, value usageidv)
+  CAMLparam3 (connv, usagetypev, usageidv);
+  CAMLlocal1 (rv);
+  virConnectPtr conn = Connect_val (connv);
+  int usageType = Int_val (usagetypev);
+  const char *usageID = String_val (usageidv);
+  virSecretPtr r;
+  NONBLOCKING (r = virSecretLookupByUsage (conn, usageType, usageID));
+  CHECK_ERROR (!r, "virSecretLookupByUsage");
+  rv = Val_secret (r, connv);
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+CAMLprim value
+ocaml_libvirt_secret_set_value (value secv, value vv)
+  CAMLparam2 (secv, vv);
+  virSecretPtr sec = Secret_val (secv);
+  const unsigned char *secval = (unsigned char *) String_val (vv);
+  const size_t size = caml_string_length (vv);
+  int r;
+  NONBLOCKING (r = virSecretSetValue (sec, secval, size, 0));
+  CHECK_ERROR (r == -1, "virSecretSetValue");
+  CAMLreturn (Val_unit);
+CAMLprim value
+ocaml_libvirt_secret_get_value (value secv)
+  CAMLparam1 (secv);
+  CAMLlocal1 (rv);
+  virSecretPtr sec = Secret_val (secv);
+  unsigned char *secval;
+  size_t size = 0;
+  NONBLOCKING (secval = virSecretGetValue (sec, &size, 0));
+  CHECK_ERROR (secval == NULL, "virSecretGetValue");
+  rv = caml_alloc_string (size);
+  memcpy (String_val (rv), secval, size);
+  free (secval);
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+CAMLprim value
+ocaml_libvirt_virterror_get_last_error (value unitv)
+  CAMLparam1 (unitv);
+  CAMLlocal1 (rv);
+  virErrorPtr err = virGetLastError ();
+  rv = Val_opt (err, (Val_ptr_t) Val_virterror);
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+CAMLprim value
+ocaml_libvirt_virterror_get_last_conn_error (value connv)
+  CAMLparam1 (connv);
+  CAMLlocal1 (rv);
+  virConnectPtr conn = Connect_val (connv);
+  rv = Val_opt (conn, (Val_ptr_t) Val_connect);
+  CAMLreturn (rv);
+CAMLprim value
+ocaml_libvirt_virterror_reset_last_error (value unitv)
+  CAMLparam1 (unitv);
+  virResetLastError ();
+  CAMLreturn (Val_unit);
+CAMLprim value
+ocaml_libvirt_virterror_reset_last_conn_error (value connv)
+  CAMLparam1 (connv);
+  virConnectPtr conn = Connect_val (connv);
+  virConnResetLastError (conn);
+  CAMLreturn (Val_unit);
+static void
+ignore_errors (void *user_data, virErrorPtr error)
+  /* do nothing */
+/* Initialise the library. */
+CAMLprim value
+ocaml_libvirt_init (value unit)
+  CAMLparam1 (unit);
+  virSetErrorFunc (NULL, ignore_errors);
+  virInitialize ();
+  CAMLreturn (Val_unit);

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