[Libguestfs] [PATCH v2] v2v: linux: use NEVR for querying RPM packages (RHBZ#1669395)

Pino Toscano ptoscano at redhat.com
Wed Jan 30 12:28:51 UTC 2019

Use NEVR when querying RPM for the list of files of a package, instead
of ENVR.  Also, use the epoch only when non-zero, and version of RPM
supports it.

The approach is basically copied from what supermin does in its RPM
package handler.
 v2v/linux.ml | 55 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 file changed, 34 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)

diff --git a/v2v/linux.ml b/v2v/linux.ml
index 43449157b..63489c334 100644
--- a/v2v/linux.ml
+++ b/v2v/linux.ml
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ open Utils
 module G = Guestfs
+let re_version = PCRE.compile "(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)"
 let augeas_reload g =
   g#aug_load ();
   debug_augeas_errors g
@@ -80,29 +82,40 @@ let file_list_of_package (g : Guestfs.guestfs) inspect app =
   | "rpm" ->
     (* Since RPM allows multiple packages installed with the same
-     * name, always check the full ENVR here (RHBZ#1161250).
+     * name, always check the full NEVR here (RHBZ#1161250).
+     *
+     * In RPM < 4.11 query commands that use the epoch number in the
+     * package name did not work.
+     *
+     * For example:
+     * RHEL 6 (rpm 4.8.0):
+     *   $ rpm -q tar-2:1.23-11.el6.x86_64
+     *   package tar-2:1.23-11.el6.x86_64 is not installed
+     * Fedora 20 (rpm 4.11.2):
+     *   $ rpm -q tar-2:1.26-30.fc20.x86_64
+     *   tar-1.26-30.fc20.x86_64
-    let pkg_name =
-      sprintf "%s-%s-%s" app.G.app2_name
-        app.G.app2_version app.G.app2_release in
-    let pkg_name =
-      if app.G.app2_epoch > 0_l then (
-        (* RHEL 3/4 'rpm' does not support using the epoch prefix.
-         * (RHBZ#1170685).
-         *)
-        let is_rhel_lt_5 =
-          match inspect with
-          | { i_type = "linux";
-              i_distro = "rhel" | "centos" | "scientificlinux" |
-                  "oraclelinux" | "redhat-based";
-              i_major_version = v } when v < 5 -> true
-          | _ -> false in
-        if is_rhel_lt_5 then
-          pkg_name
+    let is_rpm_lt_4_11 () =
+      let ver = List.find_map (
+        function
+        | { G.app2_name = name; G.app2_version = version }
+            when name = "rpm" -> Some version
+        | _ -> None
+      ) inspect.i_apps in
+      let ver =
+        if PCRE.matches re_version ver then
+          (int_of_string (PCRE.sub 1), int_of_string (PCRE.sub 2))
-          sprintf "%ld:%s" app.G.app2_epoch pkg_name
-      ) else
-        pkg_name in
+          (0, 0) in
+      ver < (4, 11)
+    in
+    let pkg_name =
+      if app.G.app2_epoch = Int32.zero || is_rpm_lt_4_11 () then
+        sprintf "%s-%s-%s" app.G.app2_name app.G.app2_version
+          app.G.app2_release
+      else
+        sprintf "%s-%ld:%s-%s" app.G.app2_name app.G.app2_epoch
+          app.G.app2_version app.G.app2_release in
     let cmd = [| "rpm"; "-ql"; pkg_name |] in
     debug "%s" (String.concat " " (Array.to_list cmd));
     let files = g#command_lines cmd in

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