[Libguestfs] [virt-v2v RFC] output_qemu: rewrite output disk mapping

Laszlo Ersek lersek at redhat.com
Thu Apr 14 15:07:29 UTC 2022

The current code handles some nonexistent cases (such as SCSI floppies,
virtio-block CD-ROMs), and does not create proper drives (that is,
back-ends with no media inserted) for removable devices (floppies,

Rewrite the whole logic:

- handle only those scenarios that QEMU can support,

- separate the back-end (-drive) and front-end (-device) options,

- wherever / whenever a host-bus adapter front-end is needed
  (virtio-scsi-pci, isa-fdc), create it,

- assign front-ends to buses (= parent front-ends) and back-ends

Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2074805
Signed-off-by: Laszlo Ersek <lersek at redhat.com>
 output/output_qemu.ml | 197 ++++++++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 160 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)

diff --git a/output/output_qemu.ml b/output/output_qemu.ml
index da7278b88b67..a25b49d86679 100644
--- a/output/output_qemu.ml
+++ b/output/output_qemu.ml
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ module QEMU = struct
          machine, false in
     let smm = secure_boot_required in
-    let machine =
+    let machine_str =
       match machine with
       | I440FX -> "pc"
       | Q35 -> "q35"
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ module QEMU = struct
         arg_list "-device" ["vmgenid"; sprintf "guid=%s" genid; "id=vmgenid0"]
-    arg_list "-machine" (machine ::
+    arg_list "-machine" (machine_str ::
                            (if smm then ["smm=on"] else []) @
@@ -184,52 +184,175 @@ module QEMU = struct
-    let make_disk if_name i = function
-      | BusSlotEmpty -> ()
+    (* For IDE disks, IDE CD-ROMs, SCSI disks, SCSI CD-ROMs, and floppies, we
+     * need host-bus adapters (HBAs) between these devices and the PCI(e) root
+     * bus. Some machine types create these HBAs automatically (despite
+     * "-no-user-config -nodefaults"), some don't...
+     *)
+    let parent_ctrl_needed target_bus dev_filter =
+      try ignore (List.find dev_filter (Array.to_list target_bus)); true
+      with Not_found -> false
+    and disk_cdrom_filter =
+      function
+      | BusSlotDisk _
+      | BusSlotRemovable { s_removable_type = CDROM } -> true
+      | _ -> false
+    and floppy_filter =
+      function
+      | BusSlotRemovable { s_removable_type = Floppy } -> true
+      | _ -> false in
+    let ide_ctrl_needed =
+      parent_ctrl_needed target_buses.target_ide_bus disk_cdrom_filter
+    and scsi_ctrl_needed =
+      parent_ctrl_needed target_buses.target_scsi_bus disk_cdrom_filter
+    and floppy_ctrl_needed =
+      parent_ctrl_needed target_buses.target_floppy_bus floppy_filter in
-      | BusSlotDisk d ->
-         (* Find the corresponding target disk. *)
-         let outdisk = disk_path output_storage output_name d.s_disk_id in
+    if ide_ctrl_needed then (
+      match machine with
+      | I440FX -> ()
+        (* The PC machine has a built-in controller of type "piix3-ide"
+         * providing buses "ide.0" and "ide.1", with each bus fitting two
+         * devices.
+         *)
+      | Q35 -> ()
+        (* The Q35 machine has a built-in controller of type "ich9-ahci"
+         * providing buses "ide.0" through "ide.5", with each bus fitting one
+         * device.
+         *)
+      | Virt -> warning (f_"The Virt machine has no support for IDE. Please \
+                            report a bug for virt-v2v.")
+    );
-         arg_list "-drive" ["file=" ^ outdisk; "format=" ^ output_format;
-                            "if=" ^ if_name; "index=" ^ string_of_int i;
-                            "media=disk"]
+    if scsi_ctrl_needed then
+      (* We need to add the virtio-scsi HBA on all three machine types. The bus
+       * provided by this device will be called "scsi0.0".
+       *)
+      arg_list "-device" [ "virtio-scsi-pci"; "id=scsi0" ];
-      | BusSlotRemovable { s_removable_type = CDROM } ->
-         arg_list "-drive" ["format=raw"; "if=" ^ if_name;
-                            "index=" ^ string_of_int i; "media=cdrom"]
+    if floppy_ctrl_needed then (
+      match machine with
+      | I440FX -> ()
+        (* The PC machine has a built-in controller of type "isa-fdc"
+         * providing bus "floppy-bus.0", fitting two devices.
+         *)
+      | Q35 -> arg_list "-device" [ "isa-fdc"; "id=floppy-bus" ]
+        (* On the Q35 machine, we need to add the same HBA manually. Note that
+         * the bus name will have ".0" appended automatically.
+         *)
+      | Virt -> warning (f_"The Virt machine has no support for floppies. \
+                            Please report a bug for virt-v2v.")
+    );
-      | BusSlotRemovable { s_removable_type = Floppy } ->
-         arg_list "-drive" ["format=raw"; "if=" ^ if_name;
-                            "index=" ^ string_of_int i; "media=floppy"]
-    in
-    Array.iteri (make_disk "virtio") target_buses.target_virtio_blk_bus;
-    Array.iteri (make_disk "ide") target_buses.target_ide_bus;
+    let add_disk_backend disk_id backend_name =
+      (* Add a drive (back-end) for a "virtio-blk-pci", "ide-hd", or "scsi-hd"
+       * device (front-end). The drive has a backing file, identified by
+       * "disk_id".
+       *)
+      let outdisk = disk_path output_storage output_name disk_id in
+      arg_list "-drive" [ "file=" ^ outdisk; "format=" ^ output_format;
+                          "if=none"; "id=" ^ backend_name; "media=disk" ]
-    let make_scsi i = function
-      | BusSlotEmpty -> ()
+    and add_cdrom_backend backend_name =
+      (* Add a drive (back-end) for an "ide-cd" or "scsi-cd" device (front-end).
+       * The drive is empty -- there is no backing file.
+       *)
+      arg_list "-drive" [ "if=none"; "id=" ^ backend_name; "media=cdrom" ]
-      | BusSlotDisk d ->
-         (* Find the corresponding target disk. *)
-         let outdisk = disk_path output_storage output_name d.s_disk_id in
+    and add_floppy_backend backend_name =
+      (* Add a drive (back-end) for a "floppy" device (front-end). The drive is
+       * empty -- there is no backing file. *)
+      arg_list "-drive" [ "if=none"; "id=" ^ backend_name; "media=disk" ] in
-         arg_list "-drive" ["file=" ^ outdisk; "format=" ^ output_format;
-                            "if=scsi"; "bus=0"; "unit=" ^ string_of_int i;
-                            "media=disk"]
+    let add_virtio_blk disk_id frontend_ctr =
+      (* Create a "virtio-blk-pci" device (front-end), together with its drive
+       * (back-end). The disk identifier is mandatory.
+       *)
+      let backend_name = sprintf "drive-vblk-%d" frontend_ctr in
+      add_disk_backend disk_id backend_name;
+      arg_list "-device" [ "virtio-blk-pci"; "drive=" ^ backend_name ]
-      | BusSlotRemovable { s_removable_type = CDROM } ->
-         arg_list "-drive" ["format=raw"; "if=scsi"; "bus=0";
-                            "unit=" ^ string_of_int i; "media=cdrom"]
+    and add_ide disk_id frontend_ctr =
+      (* Create an "ide-hd" or "ide-cd" device (front-end), together with its
+       * drive (back-end). If a disk identifier is passed in, then "ide-hd" is
+       * created (with a non-empty drive); otherwise, "ide-cd" is created (with
+       * an empty drive).
+       *)
+      let backend_name = sprintf "drive-ide-%d" frontend_ctr
+      and ide_bus, ide_unit =
+        match machine with
+        | I440FX -> frontend_ctr / 2, frontend_ctr mod 2
+        | Q35 -> frontend_ctr, 0
+        | Virt -> 0, 0 (* should never happen, see warning above *) in
+      let common_props = [ sprintf "bus=ide.%d" ide_bus;
+                           sprintf "unit=%d" ide_unit;
+                           "drive=" ^ backend_name ] in
+      (match disk_id with
+       | Some id ->
+           add_disk_backend id backend_name;
+           arg_list "-device" ([ "ide-hd" ] @ common_props)
+       | None ->
+           add_cdrom_backend backend_name;
+           arg_list "-device" ([ "ide-cd" ] @ common_props))
+    and add_scsi disk_id frontend_ctr =
+      (* Create a "scsi-hd" or "scsi-cd" device (front-end), together with its
+       * drive (back-end). If a disk identifier is passed in, then "scsi-hd" is
+       * created (with a non-empty drive); otherwise, "scsi-cd" is created (with
+       * an empty drive).
+       *)
+      let backend_name = sprintf "drive-scsi-%d" frontend_ctr in
+      let common_props = [ sprintf "lun=%d" frontend_ctr;
+                           "drive=" ^ backend_name ] in
+      (match disk_id with
+       | Some id ->
+           add_disk_backend id backend_name;
+           arg_list "-device" ([ "scsi-hd" ] @ common_props)
+       | None ->
+           add_cdrom_backend backend_name;
+           arg_list "-device" ([ "scsi-cd" ] @ common_props))
-      | BusSlotRemovable { s_removable_type = Floppy } ->
-         arg_list "-drive" ["format=raw"; "if=scsi"; "bus=0";
-                            "unit=" ^ string_of_int i; "media=floppy"]
-    in
-    Array.iteri make_scsi target_buses.target_scsi_bus;
+    and add_floppy frontend_ctr =
+      (* Create a "floppy" (front-end), together with its empty drive
+       * (back-end).
+       *)
+      let backend_name = sprintf "drive-floppy-%d" frontend_ctr in
+      add_floppy_backend backend_name;
+      arg_list "-device" [ "floppy"; "bus=floppy-bus.0";
+                           sprintf "unit=%d" frontend_ctr;
+                           "drive=" ^ backend_name ] in
-    (* XXX Highly unlikely that anyone cares, but the current
-     * code ignores target_buses.target_floppy_bus.
+    (* Add virtio-blk-pci devices for BusSlotDisk elements on
+     * "target_virtio_blk_bus".
+    Array.iteri
+      (fun frontend_ctr disk ->
+         match disk with
+         | BusSlotDisk d -> add_virtio_blk d.s_disk_id frontend_ctr
+         | _ -> ())
+      target_buses.target_virtio_blk_bus;
+    let add_disk_or_cdrom bus_adder frontend_ctr slot =
+      (* Add a disk or CD-ROM front-end to the IDE or SCSI bus. *)
+      match slot with
+      | BusSlotDisk d ->
+          bus_adder (Some d.s_disk_id) frontend_ctr
+      | BusSlotRemovable { s_removable_type = CDROM } ->
+          bus_adder None frontend_ctr
+      | _ -> () in
+    (* Add disks and CD-ROMs to the IDE and SCSI buses. *)
+    Array.iteri (add_disk_or_cdrom add_ide) target_buses.target_ide_bus;
+    Array.iteri (add_disk_or_cdrom add_scsi) target_buses.target_scsi_bus;
+    (* Add floppies. *)
+    Array.iteri
+      (fun frontend_ctr disk ->
+         match disk with
+         | BusSlotRemovable { s_removable_type = Floppy } ->
+             add_floppy frontend_ctr
+         | _ -> ())
+      target_buses.target_floppy_bus;
     let net_bus =
       match guestcaps.gcaps_net_bus with

base-commit: e3226dd431e7476cae2d0ca54b2332344de2d201

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