[Libvir] Proposal: More script hooks for <interface type='ethernet'>

Charles Duffy cduffy at messageone.com
Sun Feb 24 03:38:02 UTC 2008

I have a few issues with <interface type='ethernet'>:
  - The requirement that either
    (1) the tap device already exists and has a constant name, or
    (2) the tap device can be created by the current user without
        privilege escalation
    doesn't work for places where the user wants to
     - dynamically generate tap devices
     - ...but is running kvm without privileges to do so.
       (this is particularly likely now that write privileges to
       /dev/net/tap are not enough, and the user needs CAP_NET_ADMIN to
       create a tap device).
    Allowing a target script to be specified (which is responsible for
    gaining any privileges necessary) which runs *before* the tap device
    is opened and would resolve this.
  - A qemu-ifup script can be specified, but not a qemu-ifdown

Before looking to use libvirt, I had kvm's invocation wrapped by a 
script which did appropriate privilege escalation (ifname=$(sudo tunctl 
-b -u $USER), with sudo configured with the NOPASSWORD flag for this 
request -- though plenty of other approaches are certainly possible). It 
would be ideal if more hooks were available... for instance:

         <interface type='ethernet'>

           <!-- script gives device name on stdout -->
           <target script='/usr/local/bin/make-me-a-tap-device'/>

           <!-- preexisting argument and syntax for up scripts -->
           <script path='/etc/qemu-ifup-mynet'/>

           <!-- option to specify a down script, passed to qemu via
                'downscript=' parameter-->
           <script-down path='/etc/qemu-ifdown-mynet'/>


Working around this means that I would need to preallocate the tap 
devices and assign them to specific VMs (boo! hiss!) or that (if I 
wrapped libvirt's invocation to have the tap device created just ahead 
of time and its name substituted into interface/@dev) 3rd-party 
libvirt-based management tools couldn't be used (which would defeat the 
point of switching to libvirt from my homegrown script collection in the 
first place).

So -- does the proposed syntax extension look reasonable?

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