[libvirt] [PATCH] Fix pool-create for netfs format 'auto'

Cole Robinson crobinso at redhat.com
Wed Jul 16 17:30:33 UTC 2008

Trying to pool-create a netfs pool with the format type
'auto' (as in, to autodetect the format) runs the command

mount -t auto munged-source-path

'-t auto' seems to do its job for regular file systems, but
actually fails with nfs or cifs (I assume anything that required
an external mount program). Strangely though, the command

mount munged-source-path

will do the right thing.

The attached patch fixes the generated command to work in
the above case, fully removing the '-t type' piece if auto
is specified for a netfs pool.

I tested the intended case, as well as regular fs pools
format=auto, and netfs format=nfs, and all seemed to work

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