[libvirt] Spice in libvirt 0.8.x?

Justin Clift jclift at redhat.com
Tue Jan 18 22:52:25 UTC 2011

Hi us,

Does anyone know if Spice in libvirt 0.8.7 works ok?

Noticed two BZ's (still open) by Amador Pahim (CC'd), where he tested with 0.8.6 and noticed problems with our XML vs reality (for him):


He was able to get it working by commenting out two pieces of qemu_command.c, so I'm just wondering if
this is useful info to us or if it's already dated?

/*   if ((def->videos[0]->type == VIR_DOMAIN_VIDEO_TYPE_QXL) &&
 *    !(qemuCmdFlags & QEMUD_CMD_FLAG_VGA_QXL)) {
 *    qemuReportError(VIR_ERR_CONFIG_UNSUPPORTED, "%s",
 *                    _("This QEMU does not support QXL graphics adapters"));
 *    goto error;
 *   } 

 *       if (def->graphics[0]->data.spice.listenAddr)
 *          virBufferVSprintf(&opt, ",addr=%s", def->graphics[0]>data.spice.listenAddr);
 *       else if (driver->spiceListen)
 *          virBufferVSprintf(&opt, ",addr=%s", driver->spiceListen);

+ Justin

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