[libvirt] Dependency between <vcpu> and <topology>

Bharata B Rao bharata.rao at gmail.com
Fri Sep 16 05:50:31 UTC 2011


Is there a dependency b/n <vcpu> and <topology> ?

Is specifying <vcpu> mandatory for a SMP guest ?

Can't I skip <vcpu> but have <topology sockets= cores= threads=> to
define a SMP guest ?

I see that if I skip <vcpu>, libvirt generates -smp 1 on qemu command
line which results in qemu booting a VM with single CPU irrespective
of the topology specified. Shouldn't libvirt arrive at correct CPU
count (vcpus=sockets*cores*threads ?) even if vcpu isn't specified
rather than defaulting to 1 ?

http://bharata.sulekha.com/blog/posts.htm, http://raobharata.wordpress.com/

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