[libvirt] Memory free in libvirt JNA

Benjamin Wang (gendwang) gendwang at cisco.com
Thu Oct 11 08:37:23 UTC 2012

Hi Claudio,
   Sorry for my late response.
   I have gone through Claudio's solution. It's good. But I think this is not a common solution. There are two points:
1. This solution must use Pointerbyreference to encapsulate the Pointer. This is not clean.
2. Libvirt provides virFree method. But a common library could not provide memory management functions.

My proposal is as following:
1. Add a new Class Libc.java
public interface Libc  extends Library{
	Libc INSTANCE = (Libc) Native.loadLibrary("c", Libc.class);
	public void free(Pointer p);

2. Transfer the following code as following:
     public SchedParameter[] getSchedulerParameters() throws LibvirtException {
         IntByReference nParams = new IntByReference();
         SchedParameter[] returnValue = new SchedParameter[0];
-        String scheduler = libvirt.virDomainGetSchedulerType(VDP, nParams);
+        Pointer pScheduler = libvirt.virDomainGetSchedulerType(VDP, nParams);
-        if (scheduler != null) {
+        if (pScheduler != null) {
+            String scheduler = pScheduler.getString(0);
+            libc.free(pScheduler);
             virSchedParameter[] nativeParams = new 
             returnValue = new SchedParameter[nParams.getValue()];
             libvirt.virDomainGetSchedulerParameters(VDP, nativeParams, 

What about your opinion?

Benjamin Wang

-----Original Message-----
From: Claudio Bley [mailto:cbley at av-test.de] 
Sent: 2012年10月8日 20:33
To: veillard at redhat.com
Cc: Benjamin Wang (gendwang); libvir-list at redhat.com; Yang Zhou (yangzho)
Subject: Re: [libvirt] Memory free in libvirt JNA

Hi Daniel,

At Fri, 28 Sep 2012 22:34:13 +0800,
Daniel Veillard wrote:
> sorry for the delay, I need to focuse one something else ATM !

Me too. So, no worries! ;)

> First do you have a small pointer indicating where in JNA that kind of 
> native deallocation must take place, since most of the time JNA can do 
> the marshalling all by itself ?

This effects mostly Strings. JNA takes the safe assumption that functions are returning "const char*"s because it can't distinguish a string (const char*) from a string (char*). See https://github.com/twall/jna/blob/master/www/FrequentlyAskedQuestions.md#how-do-i-read-back-a-functions-string-result

So, here is a list of methods of org.libvirt.jna.Libvirt which return a string (/probably/ a char*, not const char*) which need to be


> And second would you have an idea how to systematically detect such 
> leaks, the kind of loop suggested to expose the issue is nor really 
> practical to chase the leaks ...

I tried valgrind, but it didn't produce any output. mtrace wasn't very helpful either.

So, I just hacked this up:

,----[ memcheck.py ]
| import gdb
| allocations = {}
| class AllocBreak(gdb.FinishBreakpoint):
|     def stop(self):
|         global allocations
|         if self.return_value != None:
|             callstack = []
|             frame = gdb.selected_frame()
|             while frame:
|                 name = frame.name()
|                 func = frame.function()
|                 sal = frame.find_sal()
|                 funcname = func.print_name if func else '?'
|                 line = sal.line
|                 filename = sal.symtab.filename if sal.symtab else '?'
|                 callstack.append((name, filename, line, funcname))
|                 frame = frame.older()
|             addr = int(str(self.return_value), 16)
|             allocations[addr] = callstack
| class MemAlloc (gdb.Command):
|     "Track allocations."
|     def __init__(self):
|         super(MemAlloc, self).__init__("memalloc", gdb.COMMAND_NONE)
|     def invoke(self, arg, from_tty):
|         top = gdb.selected_frame()
|         frame = top.older()
|         if frame:
|             func = frame.function()
|             if func: #  and func.name.startswith("virAlloc"):
|                 ab = AllocBreak(top, True)
|                 ab.silent = True
| class MemFree(gdb.Command):
|     "Track de-allocations."
|     def __init__(self):
|         super(MemFree, self).__init__("memfree", gdb.COMMAND_NONE)
|     def invoke(self, arg, from_tty):
|         global allocations
|         block = gdb.selected_frame().block()
|         while block:
|             for sym in block:
|                 if sym.is_argument:
|                     addr = int(str(gdb.parse_and_eval(sym.name)), 16)
|                     if addr in allocations:
|                         del allocations[addr]
|                     return
|             block = block.superblock
| class MemReport(gdb.Command):
|     def __init__(self):
|         super(MemReport, self).__init__("memreport", gdb.COMMAND_NONE)
|     def invoke(self, arg, from_tty):
|         global allocations
|         nr = 1
|         for k, v in allocations.iteritems():
|             print "{0}. @{1}".format(nr, k)
|             i = 1
|             gap = 0
|             nr += 1
|             for name, filename, line, funcname in v:
|                 if name:
|                     if gap > 0:
|                         print "  #{0} ... [{1}]".format(i, gap)
|                         i += 1
|                         gap = 0
|                     print "  #{0} {1} {2} {3}:{4}".format(i, name, funcname, filename, line)
|                     i += 1
|                 else:
|                     gap += 1
|             if gap > 0:
|                 print "  #{0} ... [{1}]".format(i, gap)
| MemAlloc()
| MemFree()
| MemReport()

,----[ .gdbinit ]
| set pagination off
| source memcheck.py
| set breakpoint pending on
| break calloc
|   commands
|     silent
|     memalloc
|     cont
|   end
| break free
|   commands
|     silent
|     memfree
|     cont
|   end
| break malloc
|    commands
|      silent
|      memalloc
|      cont
|    end
| disable
| tbreak virInitialize
|   commands
|     silent
|     finish
|   end

Just drop these two files into the current directory, so that GDB will find them.

Using this short Java program

,----[ Memcheck.java ]
| package org.libvirt;
| import com.sun.jna.Library;
| import com.sun.jna.Native;
| import java.io.InputStream;
| import java.io.InputStreamReader;
| import java.io.BufferedReader;
| import java.io.FileInputStream;
| import java.io.IOException;
| import java.util.Set;
| import java.util.HashSet;
| class Memcheck {
| 	public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
| 		Connect conn = null;
| 		Domain dom = null;
| 		try {
| 			conn = new Connect("test:///default", false);
| 			dom = conn.domainDefineXML("<domain type='test' id='2'>" + "  <name>deftest</name>"
| 			                           + "  <uuid>004b96e1-2d78-c30f-5aa5-f03c87d21e70</uuid>" + "  <memory>8388608</memory>"
| 			                           + "  <vcpu>2</vcpu>" + "  <os><type arch='i686'>hvm</type></os>"
| 			                           + "  <on_reboot>restart</on_reboot>" + "  <on_poweroff>destroy</on_poweroff>"
| 			                           + "  <on_crash>restart</on_crash>" + 
| "</domain>");
| 			System.out.println("virDomainGetSchedulerType:" + 
| dom.getSchedulerType()[0]);
| 			dom.undefine();
| 		} catch (LibvirtException e) {
| 			System.out.println("exception caught:" + e);
| 			System.out.println(e.getError());
| 		} finally {
| 			if (conn != null)
| 				try {
| 					dom.free();
| 					conn.close();
| 				} catch (LibvirtException e) {
| 				}
| 		}
| 	}
| }

and running

gdb --args java -cp \
/usr/share/java/jna.jar:target/classes/:target/testclasses/ \ org.libvirt.Memcheck

with libvirt-java @efbe26d yielded this GDB output:

(gdb) run
0x00007fffe7dfda14 in ffi_call_unix64 () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libffi.so.6
Value returned is $1 = 0
(gdb) enable
(gdb) c
(gdb) memreport
 1. @140737220921872
   #1 testDomainGetSchedulerType testDomainGetSchedulerType /build/buildd/libvirt-0.9.12/./src/test/test_driver.c:2679
   #2 virDomainGetSchedulerType virDomainGetSchedulerType /build/buildd/libvirt-0.9.12/./src/libvirt.c:6848
   #3 ffi_call_unix64 ? ?:0
   #4 ffi_call ? ?:0
   #5 ... [1]
   #6 Java_com_sun_jna_Function_invokePointer ? ?:0
   #7 ... [7]

>   In the meantime I pushed you initial patch, thanks !

Thank you! Evidently, this really fixed the memleak above. Yay! :)

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