[libvirt] [PATCH 2/3] Add event callback implementation based on virConnectDomainEventRegisterAny
David Scott
scott.dj at gmail.com
Wed Mar 27 16:59:31 UTC 2013
A client may register a callback as follows:
E.register_default_impl ();
let conn = C.connect_readonly ?name () in
E.register_any conn (E.Lifecycle (fun dom e ->
printd dom "Lifecycle %s" (E.Lifecycle.to_string e)
Internally this will:
1. generate a unique int64 used to identify the specific callback
2. add the callback to an OCaml hashtable based on the signature
(there is a distinct hashtable per callback signature)
3. call virConnectDomainEventRegisterAny which registers a
generic C callback in the stubs (one distinct callback per
signature) and supply the int64 as the "opaque" data
The client must enter the event loop with:
while true do
E.run_default_impl ()
When an event is triggered, the C callback will upcall into an OCaml
function (having re-acquired the heap lock) supplying the int64 value.
The OCaml function can then find the right callback in the Hashtbl
and call it.
Signed-off-by: David Scott <dave.scott at eu.citrix.com>
config.h.in | 9 +
configure.ac | 3 +
libvirt/libvirt.ml | 714 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
libvirt/libvirt.mli | 337 ++++++++++++++++++++
libvirt/libvirt_c_oneoffs.c | 387 ++++++++++++++++++++++-
5 files changed, 1449 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/config.h.in b/config.h.in
index 72bda13..1e1b137 100644
--- a/config.h.in
+++ b/config.h.in
@@ -30,6 +30,9 @@
/* Define to 1 if you have the <unistd.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `virConnectDomainEventRegisterAny' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the 'virConnectSetKeepAlive' function. */
@@ -80,6 +83,12 @@
/* Define to 1 if you have the `virDomainSetSchedulerParameters' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `virEventRegisterDefaultImpl' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `virEventRunDefaultImpl' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `virNodeGetCellsFreeMemory' function. */
diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index 9812bf4..5013957 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -126,6 +126,9 @@ AC_CHECK_FUNCS([virConnectGetHostname \
virDomainBlockPeek \
virDomainMemoryPeek \
virDomainGetCPUStats \
+ virEventRegisterDefaultImpl \
+ virEventRunDefaultImpl \
+ virConnectDomainEventRegisterAny \
virConnectSetKeepAlive \
diff --git a/libvirt/libvirt.ml b/libvirt/libvirt.ml
index 784a2b5..88310bf 100644
--- a/libvirt/libvirt.ml
+++ b/libvirt/libvirt.ml
@@ -483,6 +483,720 @@ struct
map_ignore_errors (fun dom -> (dom, get_info dom)) doms
+module Event =
+ module Defined = struct
+ type t = [
+ | `Added
+ | `Updated
+ | `Unknown of int
+ ]
+ let to_string = function
+ | `Added -> "Added"
+ | `Updated -> "Updated"
+ | `Unknown x -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown Defined.detail: %d" x
+ let make = function
+ | 0 -> `Added
+ | 1 -> `Updated
+ | x -> `Unknown x (* newer libvirt *)
+ end
+ module Undefined = struct
+ type t = [
+ | `Removed
+ | `Unknown of int
+ ]
+ let to_string = function
+ | `Removed -> "UndefinedRemoved"
+ | `Unknown x -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown Undefined.detail: %d" x
+ let make = function
+ | 0 -> `Removed
+ | x -> `Unknown x (* newer libvirt *)
+ end
+ module Started = struct
+ type t = [
+ | `Booted
+ | `Migrated
+ | `Restored
+ | `FromSnapshot
+ | `Wakeup
+ | `Unknown of int
+ ]
+ let to_string = function
+ | `Booted -> "Booted"
+ | `Migrated -> "Migrated"
+ | `Restored -> "Restored"
+ | `FromSnapshot -> "FromSnapshot"
+ | `Wakeup -> "Wakeup"
+ | `Unknown x -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown Started.detail: %d" x
+ let make = function
+ | 0 -> `Booted
+ | 1 -> `Migrated
+ | 2 -> `Restored
+ | 3 -> `FromSnapshot
+ | 4 -> `Wakeup
+ | x -> `Unknown x (* newer libvirt *)
+ end
+ module Suspended = struct
+ type t = [
+ | `Paused
+ | `Migrated
+ | `IOError
+ | `Watchdog
+ | `Restored
+ | `FromSnapshot
+ | `APIError
+ | `Unknown of int (* newer libvirt *)
+ ]
+ let to_string = function
+ | `Paused -> "Paused"
+ | `Migrated -> "Migrated"
+ | `IOError -> "IOError"
+ | `Watchdog -> "Watchdog"
+ | `Restored -> "Restored"
+ | `FromSnapshot -> "FromSnapshot"
+ | `APIError -> "APIError"
+ | `Unknown x -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown Suspended.detail: %d" x
+ let make = function
+ | 0 -> `Paused
+ | 1 -> `Migrated
+ | 2 -> `IOError
+ | 3 -> `Watchdog
+ | 4 -> `Restored
+ | 5 -> `FromSnapshot
+ | 6 -> `APIError
+ | x -> `Unknown x (* newer libvirt *)
+ end
+ module Resumed = struct
+ type t = [
+ | `Unpaused
+ | `Migrated
+ | `FromSnapshot
+ | `Unknown of int (* newer libvirt *)
+ ]
+ let to_string = function
+ | `Unpaused -> "Unpaused"
+ | `Migrated -> "Migrated"
+ | `FromSnapshot -> "FromSnapshot"
+ | `Unknown x -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown Resumed.detail: %d" x
+ let make = function
+ | 0 -> `Unpaused
+ | 1 -> `Migrated
+ | 2 -> `FromSnapshot
+ | x -> `Unknown x (* newer libvirt *)
+ end
+ module Stopped = struct
+ type t = [
+ | `Shutdown
+ | `Destroyed
+ | `Crashed
+ | `Migrated
+ | `Saved
+ | `Failed
+ | `FromSnapshot
+ | `Unknown of int
+ ]
+ let to_string = function
+ | `Shutdown -> "Shutdown"
+ | `Destroyed -> "Destroyed"
+ | `Crashed -> "Crashed"
+ | `Migrated -> "Migrated"
+ | `Saved -> "Saved"
+ | `Failed -> "Failed"
+ | `FromSnapshot -> "FromSnapshot"
+ | `Unknown x -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown Stopped.detail: %d" x
+ let make = function
+ | 0 -> `Shutdown
+ | 1 -> `Destroyed
+ | 2 -> `Crashed
+ | 3 -> `Migrated
+ | 4 -> `Saved
+ | 5 -> `Failed
+ | 6 -> `FromSnapshot
+ | x -> `Unknown x (* newer libvirt *)
+ end
+ module PM_suspended = struct
+ type t = [
+ | `Memory
+ | `Disk
+ | `Unknown of int (* newer libvirt *)
+ ]
+ let to_string = function
+ | `Memory -> "Memory"
+ | `Disk -> "Disk"
+ | `Unknown x -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown PM_suspended.detail: %d" x
+ let make = function
+ | 0 -> `Memory
+ | 1 -> `Disk
+ | x -> `Unknown x (* newer libvirt *)
+ end
+ let string_option x = match x with
+ | None -> "None"
+ | Some x' -> "Some " ^ x'
+ module Lifecycle = struct
+ type t = [
+ | `Defined of Defined.t
+ | `Undefined of Undefined.t
+ | `Started of Started.t
+ | `Suspended of Suspended.t
+ | `Resumed of Resumed.t
+ | `Stopped of Stopped.t
+ | `Shutdown (* no detail defined yet *)
+ | `PMSuspended of PM_suspended.t
+ | `Unknown of int (* newer libvirt *)
+ ]
+ let to_string = function
+ | `Defined x -> "Defined " ^ (Defined.to_string x)
+ | `Undefined x -> "Undefined " ^ (Undefined.to_string x)
+ | `Started x -> "Started " ^ (Started.to_string x)
+ | `Suspended x -> "Suspended " ^ (Suspended.to_string x)
+ | `Resumed x -> "Resumed " ^ (Resumed.to_string x)
+ | `Stopped x -> "Stopped " ^ (Stopped.to_string x)
+ | `Shutdown -> "Shutdown"
+ | `PMSuspended x -> "PMSuspended " ^ (PM_suspended.to_string x)
+ | `Unknown x -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown Lifecycle event: %d" x
+ let make (ty, detail) = match ty with
+ | 0 -> `Defined (Defined.make detail)
+ | 1 -> `Undefined (Undefined.make detail)
+ | 2 -> `Started (Started.make detail)
+ | 3 -> `Suspended (Suspended.make detail)
+ | 4 -> `Resumed (Resumed.make detail)
+ | 5 -> `Stopped (Stopped.make detail)
+ | 6 -> `Shutdown
+ | 7 -> `PMSuspended (PM_suspended.make detail)
+ | x -> `Unknown x
+ end
+ module Reboot = struct
+ type t = unit
+ let to_string _ = "()"
+ let make () = ()
+ end
+ module Rtc_change = struct
+ type t = int64
+ let to_string = Int64.to_string
+ let make x = x
+ end
+ module Watchdog = struct
+ type t = [
+ | `None
+ | `Pause
+ | `Reset
+ | `Poweroff
+ | `Shutdown
+ | `Debug
+ | `Unknown of int
+ ]
+ let to_string = function
+ | `None -> "None"
+ | `Pause -> "Pause"
+ | `Reset -> "Reset"
+ | `Poweroff -> "Poweroff"
+ | `Shutdown -> "Shutdown"
+ | `Debug -> "Debug"
+ | `Unknown x -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown watchdog_action: %d" x
+ let make = function
+ | 0 -> `None
+ | 1 -> `Pause
+ | 2 -> `Reset
+ | 3 -> `Poweroff
+ | 4 -> `Shutdown
+ | 5 -> `Debug
+ | x -> `Unknown x (* newer libvirt *)
+ end
+ module Io_error = struct
+ type action = [
+ | `None
+ | `Pause
+ | `Report
+ | `Unknown of int (* newer libvirt *)
+ ]
+ let string_of_action = function
+ | `None -> "None"
+ | `Pause -> "Pause"
+ | `Report -> "Report"
+ | `Unknown x -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown Io_error.action: %d" x
+ let action_of_int = function
+ | 0 -> `None
+ | 1 -> `Pause
+ | 2 -> `Report
+ | x -> `Unknown x
+ type t = {
+ src_path: string option;
+ dev_alias: string option;
+ action: action;
+ reason: string option;
+ }
+ let to_string t = Printf.sprintf
+ "{ Io_error.src_path = %s; dev_alias = %s; action = %s; reason = %s }"
+ (string_option t.src_path)
+ (string_option t.dev_alias)
+ (string_of_action t.action)
+ (string_option t.reason)
+ let make (src_path, dev_alias, action, reason) = {
+ src_path = src_path;
+ dev_alias = dev_alias;
+ action = action_of_int action;
+ reason = reason;
+ }
+ let make_noreason (src_path, dev_alias, action) =
+ make (src_path, dev_alias, action, None)
+ end
+ module Graphics_address = struct
+ type family = [
+ | `Ipv4
+ | `Ipv6
+ | `Unix
+ | `Unknown of int (* newer libvirt *)
+ ]
+ let string_of_family = function
+ | `Ipv4 -> "IPv4"
+ | `Ipv6 -> "IPv6"
+ | `Unix -> "UNIX"
+ | `Unknown x -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown Graphics_address.family: %d" x
+ let family_of_int = function
+ (* no zero *)
+ | 1 -> `Ipv4
+ | 2 -> `Ipv6
+ | 3 -> `Unix
+ | x -> `Unknown x
+ type t = {
+ family: family; (** Address family *)
+ node: string option; (** Address of node (eg IP address, or UNIX path *)
+ service: string option; (** Service name/number (eg TCP port, or NULL) *)
+ }
+ let to_string t = Printf.sprintf
+ "{ family = %s; node = %s; service = %s }"
+ (string_of_family t.family)
+ (string_option t.node)
+ (string_option t.service)
+ let make (family, node, service) = {
+ family = family_of_int family;
+ node = node;
+ service = service;
+ }
+ end
+ module Graphics_subject = struct
+ type identity = {
+ ty: string option;
+ name: string option;
+ }
+ let string_of_identity t = Printf.sprintf
+ "{ ty = %s; name = %s }"
+ (string_option t.ty)
+ (string_option t.name)
+ type t = identity list
+ let to_string ts =
+ "[ " ^ (String.concat "; " (List.map string_of_identity ts)) ^ " ]"
+ let make xs =
+ List.map (fun (ty, name) -> { ty = ty; name = name })
+ (Array.to_list xs)
+ end
+ module Graphics = struct
+ type phase = [
+ | `Connect
+ | `Initialize
+ | `Disconnect
+ | `Unknown of int (** newer libvirt *)
+ ]
+ let string_of_phase = function
+ | `Connect -> "Connect"
+ | `Initialize -> "Initialize"
+ | `Disconnect -> "Disconnect"
+ | `Unknown x -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown Graphics.phase: %d" x
+ let phase_of_int = function
+ | 0 -> `Connect
+ | 1 -> `Initialize
+ | 2 -> `Disconnect
+ | x -> `Unknown x
+ type t = {
+ phase: phase; (** the phase of the connection *)
+ local: Graphics_address.t; (** the local server address *)
+ remote: Graphics_address.t; (** the remote client address *)
+ auth_scheme: string option; (** the authentication scheme activated *)
+ subject: Graphics_subject.t; (** the authenticated subject (user) *)
+ }
+ let to_string t =
+ let phase = Printf.sprintf "phase = %s"
+ (string_of_phase t.phase) in
+ let local = Printf.sprintf "local = %s"
+ (Graphics_address.to_string t.local) in
+ let remote = Printf.sprintf "remote = %s"
+ (Graphics_address.to_string t.remote) in
+ let auth_scheme = Printf.sprintf "auth_scheme = %s"
+ (string_option t.auth_scheme) in
+ let subject = Printf.sprintf "subject = %s"
+ (Graphics_subject.to_string t.subject) in
+ "{ " ^ (String.concat "; " [ phase; local; remote; auth_scheme; subject ]) ^ " }"
+ let make (phase, local, remote, auth_scheme, subject) = {
+ phase = phase_of_int phase;
+ local = Graphics_address.make local;
+ remote = Graphics_address.make remote;
+ auth_scheme = auth_scheme;
+ subject = Graphics_subject.make subject;
+ }
+ end
+ module Control_error = struct
+ type t = unit
+ let to_string () = "()"
+ let make () = ()
+ end
+ module Block_job = struct
+ type ty = [
+ | `KnownUnknown (* explicitly named UNKNOWN in the spec *)
+ | `Pull
+ | `Copy
+ | `Commit
+ | `Unknown of int (* newer libvirt *)
+ ]
+ let string_of_ty = function
+ | `KnownUnknown -> "KnownUnknown"
+ | `Pull -> "Pull"
+ | `Copy -> "Copy"
+ | `Commit -> "Commit"
+ | `Unknown x -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown Block_job.ty: %d" x
+ let ty_of_int = function
+ | 0 -> `KnownUnknown
+ | 1 -> `Pull
+ | 2 -> `Copy
+ | 3 -> `Commit
+ | x -> `Unknown x (* newer libvirt *)
+ type status = [
+ | `Completed
+ | `Failed
+ | `Cancelled
+ | `Ready
+ | `Unknown of int
+ ]
+ let string_of_status = function
+ | `Completed -> "Completed"
+ | `Failed -> "Failed"
+ | `Cancelled -> "Cancelled"
+ | `Ready -> "Ready"
+ | `Unknown x -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown Block_job.status: %d" x
+ let status_of_int = function
+ | 0 -> `Completed
+ | 1 -> `Failed
+ | 2 -> `Cancelled
+ | 3 -> `Ready
+ | x -> `Unknown x
+ type t = {
+ disk: string option;
+ ty: ty;
+ status: status;
+ }
+ let to_string t = Printf.sprintf "{ disk = %s; ty = %s; status = %s }"
+ (string_option t.disk)
+ (string_of_ty t.ty)
+ (string_of_status t.status)
+ let make (disk, ty, status) = {
+ disk = disk;
+ ty = ty_of_int ty;
+ status = status_of_int ty;
+ }
+ end
+ module Disk_change = struct
+ type reason = [
+ | `MissingOnStart
+ | `Unknown of int
+ ]
+ let string_of_reason = function
+ | `MissingOnStart -> "MissingOnStart"
+ | `Unknown x -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown Disk_change.reason: %d" x
+ let reason_of_int = function
+ | 0 -> `MissingOnStart
+ | x -> `Unknown x
+ type t = {
+ old_src_path: string option;
+ new_src_path: string option;
+ dev_alias: string option;
+ reason: reason;
+ }
+ let to_string t =
+ let o = Printf.sprintf "old_src_path = %s" (string_option t.old_src_path) in
+ let n = Printf.sprintf "new_src_path = %s" (string_option t.new_src_path) in
+ let d = Printf.sprintf "dev_alias = %s" (string_option t.dev_alias) in
+ let r = string_of_reason t.reason in
+ "{ " ^ (String.concat "; " [ o; n; d; r ]) ^ " }"
+ let make (o, n, d, r) = {
+ old_src_path = o;
+ new_src_path = n;
+ dev_alias = d;
+ reason = reason_of_int r;
+ }
+ end
+ module Tray_change = struct
+ type reason = [
+ | `Open
+ | `Close
+ | `Unknown of int
+ ]
+ let string_of_reason = function
+ | `Open -> "Open"
+ | `Close -> "Close"
+ | `Unknown x -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown Tray_change.reason: %d" x
+ let reason_of_int = function
+ | 0 -> `Open
+ | 1 -> `Close
+ | x -> `Unknown x
+ type t = {
+ dev_alias: string option;
+ reason: reason;
+ }
+ let to_string t = Printf.sprintf
+ "{ dev_alias = %s; reason = %s }"
+ (string_option t.dev_alias)
+ (string_of_reason t.reason)
+ let make (dev_alias, reason) = {
+ dev_alias = dev_alias;
+ reason = reason_of_int reason;
+ }
+ end
+ module PM_wakeup = struct
+ type reason = [
+ | `Unknown of int
+ ]
+ type t = reason
+ let to_string = function
+ | `Unknown x -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown PM_wakeup.reason: %d" x
+ let make x = `Unknown x
+ end
+ module PM_suspend = struct
+ type reason = [
+ | `Unknown of int
+ ]
+ type t = reason
+ let to_string = function
+ | `Unknown x -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown PM_suspend.reason: %d" x
+ let make x = `Unknown x
+ end
+ module Balloon_change = struct
+ type t = int64
+ let to_string = Int64.to_string
+ let make x = x
+ end
+ module PM_suspend_disk = struct
+ type reason = [
+ | `Unknown of int
+ ]
+ type t = reason
+ let to_string = function
+ | `Unknown x -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown PM_suspend_disk.reason: %d" x
+ let make x = `Unknown x
+ end
+ type callback =
+ | Lifecycle of ([`R] Domain.t -> Lifecycle.t -> unit)
+ | Reboot of ([`R] Domain.t -> Reboot.t -> unit)
+ | RtcChange of ([`R] Domain.t -> Rtc_change.t -> unit)
+ | Watchdog of ([`R] Domain.t -> Watchdog.t -> unit)
+ | IOError of ([`R] Domain.t -> Io_error.t -> unit)
+ | Graphics of ([`R] Domain.t -> Graphics.t -> unit)
+ | IOErrorReason of ([`R] Domain.t -> Io_error.t -> unit)
+ | ControlError of ([`R] Domain.t -> Control_error.t -> unit)
+ | BlockJob of ([`R] Domain.t -> Block_job.t -> unit)
+ | DiskChange of ([`R] Domain.t -> Disk_change.t -> unit)
+ | TrayChange of ([`R] Domain.t -> Tray_change.t -> unit)
+ | PMWakeUp of ([`R] Domain.t -> PM_wakeup.t -> unit)
+ | PMSuspend of ([`R] Domain.t -> PM_suspend.t -> unit)
+ | BalloonChange of ([`R] Domain.t -> Balloon_change.t -> unit)
+ | PMSuspendDisk of ([`R] Domain.t -> PM_suspend_disk.t -> unit)
+ type callback_id = int64
+ let fresh_callback_id =
+ let next = ref 0L in
+ fun () ->
+ let result = !next in
+ next := Int64.succ !next;
+ result
+ let make_table value_name =
+ let table = Hashtbl.create 16 in
+ let callback callback_id generic x =
+ if Hashtbl.mem table callback_id
+ then Hashtbl.find table callback_id generic x in
+ let _ = Callback.register value_name callback in
+ table
+ let u_table = make_table "Libvirt.u_callback"
+ let i_table = make_table "Libvirt.i_callback"
+ let i64_table = make_table "Libvirt.i64_callback"
+ let i_i_table = make_table "Libvirt.i_i_callback"
+ let s_i_table = make_table "Libvirt.s_i_callback"
+ let s_i_i_table = make_table "Libvirt.s_i_i_callback"
+ let s_s_i_table = make_table "Libvirt.s_s_i_callback"
+ let s_s_i_s_table = make_table "Libvirt.s_s_i_s_callback"
+ let s_s_s_i_table = make_table "Libvirt.s_s_s_i_callback"
+ let i_ga_ga_s_gs_table = make_table "Libvirt.i_ga_ga_s_gs_callback"
+ external register_default_impl : unit -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_event_register_default_impl"
+ external run_default_impl : unit -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_event_run_default_impl"
+ external register_any' : 'a Connect.t -> 'a Domain.t option -> callback -> callback_id -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_event_register_any"
+ let register_any conn ?dom callback =
+ let id = fresh_callback_id () in
+ begin match callback with
+ | Lifecycle f ->
+ Hashtbl.add i_i_table id (fun dom x ->
+ f dom (Lifecycle.make x)
+ )
+ | Reboot f ->
+ Hashtbl.add u_table id (fun dom x ->
+ f dom (Reboot.make x)
+ )
+ | RtcChange f ->
+ Hashtbl.add i64_table id (fun dom x ->
+ f dom (Rtc_change.make x)
+ )
+ | Watchdog f ->
+ Hashtbl.add i_table id (fun dom x ->
+ f dom (Watchdog.make x)
+ )
+ | IOError f ->
+ Hashtbl.add s_s_i_table id (fun dom x ->
+ f dom (Io_error.make_noreason x)
+ )
+ | Graphics f ->
+ Hashtbl.add i_ga_ga_s_gs_table id (fun dom x ->
+ f dom (Graphics.make x)
+ )
+ | IOErrorReason f ->
+ Hashtbl.add s_s_i_s_table id (fun dom x ->
+ f dom (Io_error.make x)
+ )
+ | ControlError f ->
+ Hashtbl.add u_table id (fun dom x ->
+ f dom (Control_error.make x)
+ )
+ | BlockJob f ->
+ Hashtbl.add s_i_i_table id (fun dom x ->
+ f dom (Block_job.make x)
+ )
+ | DiskChange f ->
+ Hashtbl.add s_s_s_i_table id (fun dom x ->
+ f dom (Disk_change.make x)
+ )
+ | TrayChange f ->
+ Hashtbl.add s_i_table id (fun dom x ->
+ f dom (Tray_change.make x)
+ )
+ | PMWakeUp f ->
+ Hashtbl.add i_table id (fun dom x ->
+ f dom (PM_wakeup.make x)
+ )
+ | PMSuspend f ->
+ Hashtbl.add i_table id (fun dom x ->
+ f dom (PM_suspend.make x)
+ )
+ | BalloonChange f ->
+ Hashtbl.add i64_table id (fun dom x ->
+ f dom (Balloon_change.make x)
+ )
+ | PMSuspendDisk f ->
+ Hashtbl.add i_table id (fun dom x ->
+ f dom (PM_suspend_disk.make x)
+ )
+ end;
+ register_any' conn dom callback id
module Network =
type 'rw t
diff --git a/libvirt/libvirt.mli b/libvirt/libvirt.mli
index a106a64..d633794 100644
--- a/libvirt/libvirt.mli
+++ b/libvirt/libvirt.mli
@@ -645,6 +645,343 @@ end
(** Module dealing with domains. [Domain.t] is the
domain object. *)
+module Event :
+ module Defined : sig
+ type t = [
+ | `Added (** Newly created config file *)
+ | `Updated (** Changed config file *)
+ | `Unknown of int
+ ]
+ val to_string: t -> string
+ end
+ module Undefined : sig
+ type t = [
+ | `Removed (** Deleted the config file *)
+ | `Unknown of int
+ ]
+ val to_string: t -> string
+ end
+ module Started : sig
+ type t = [
+ | `Booted (** Normal startup from boot *)
+ | `Migrated (** Incoming migration from another host *)
+ | `Restored (** Restored from a state file *)
+ | `FromSnapshot (** Restored from snapshot *)
+ | `Wakeup (** Started due to wakeup event *)
+ | `Unknown of int
+ ]
+ val to_string: t -> string
+ end
+ module Suspended : sig
+ type t = [
+ | `Paused (** Normal suspend due to admin pause *)
+ | `Migrated (** Suspended for offline migration *)
+ | `IOError (** Suspended due to a disk I/O error *)
+ | `Watchdog (** Suspended due to a watchdog firing *)
+ | `Restored (** Restored from paused state file *)
+ | `FromSnapshot (** Restored from paused snapshot *)
+ | `APIError (** suspended after failure during libvirt API call *)
+ | `Unknown of int
+ ]
+ val to_string: t -> string
+ end
+ module Resumed : sig
+ type t = [
+ | `Unpaused (** Normal resume due to admin unpause *)
+ | `Migrated (** Resumed for completion of migration *)
+ | `FromSnapshot (** Resumed from snapshot *)
+ | `Unknown of int
+ ]
+ val to_string: t -> string
+ end
+ module Stopped : sig
+ type t = [
+ | `Shutdown (** Normal shutdown *)
+ | `Destroyed (** Forced poweroff from host *)
+ | `Crashed (** Guest crashed *)
+ | `Migrated (** Migrated off to another host *)
+ | `Saved (** Saved to a state file *)
+ | `Failed (** Host emulator/mgmt failed *)
+ | `FromSnapshot (** offline snapshot loaded *)
+ | `Unknown of int
+ ]
+ val to_string: t -> string
+ end
+ module PM_suspended : sig
+ type t = [
+ | `Memory (** Guest was PM suspended to memory *)
+ | `Disk (** Guest was PM suspended to disk *)
+ | `Unknown of int
+ ]
+ val to_string: t -> string
+ end
+ module Lifecycle : sig
+ type t = [
+ | `Defined of Defined.t
+ | `Undefined of Undefined.t
+ | `Started of Started.t
+ | `Suspended of Suspended.t
+ | `Resumed of Resumed.t
+ | `Stopped of Stopped.t
+ | `Shutdown (* no detail defined yet *)
+ | `PMSuspended of PM_suspended.t
+ | `Unknown of int
+ ]
+ val to_string: t -> string
+ end
+ module Reboot : sig
+ type t = unit
+ val to_string: t -> string
+ end
+ module Rtc_change : sig
+ type t = int64
+ val to_string: t -> string
+ end
+ module Watchdog : sig
+ type t = [
+ | `None (** No action, watchdog ignored *)
+ | `Pause (** Guest CPUs are paused *)
+ | `Reset (** Guest CPUs are reset *)
+ | `Poweroff (** Guest is forcably powered off *)
+ | `Shutdown (** Guest is requested to gracefully shutdown *)
+ | `Debug (** No action, a debug message logged *)
+ | `Unknown of int (** newer libvirt *)
+ ]
+ val to_string: t -> string
+ end
+ module Io_error : sig
+ (** Represents both IOError and IOErrorReason *)
+ type action = [
+ | `None (** No action, IO error ignored *)
+ | `Pause (** Guest CPUs are paused *)
+ | `Report (** IO error reported to guest OS *)
+ | `Unknown of int (** newer libvirt *)
+ ]
+ type t = {
+ src_path: string option; (** The host file on which the I/O error occurred *)
+ dev_alias: string option; (** The guest device alias associated with the path *)
+ action: action; (** The action that is to be taken due to the IO error *)
+ reason: string option; (** The cause of the IO error *)
+ }
+ val to_string: t -> string
+ end
+ module Graphics_address : sig
+ type family = [
+ | `Ipv4 (** IPv4 address *)
+ | `Ipv6 (** IPv6 address *)
+ | `Unix (** UNIX socket path *)
+ | `Unknown of int (** newer libvirt *)
+ ]
+ type t = {
+ family: family; (** Address family *)
+ node: string option; (** Address of node (eg IP address, or UNIX path *)
+ service: string option; (** Service name/number (eg TCP port, or NULL) *)
+ }
+ val to_string: t -> string
+ end
+ module Graphics_subject : sig
+ type identity = {
+ ty: string option; (** Type of identity *)
+ name: string option; (** Identity value *)
+ }
+ type t = identity list
+ val to_string: t -> string
+ end
+ module Graphics : sig
+ type phase = [
+ | `Connect (** Initial socket connection established *)
+ | `Initialize (** Authentication & setup completed *)
+ | `Disconnect (** Final socket disconnection *)
+ | `Unknown of int (** newer libvirt *)
+ ]
+ type t = {
+ phase: phase; (** the phase of the connection *)
+ local: Graphics_address.t; (** the local server address *)
+ remote: Graphics_address.t; (** the remote client address *)
+ auth_scheme: string option; (** the authentication scheme activated *)
+ subject: Graphics_subject.t; (** the authenticated subject (user) *)
+ }
+ val to_string: t -> string
+ end
+ module Control_error : sig
+ type t = unit
+ val to_string: t -> string
+ end
+ module Block_job : sig
+ type ty = [
+ | `KnownUnknown (** explicitly named UNKNOWN in the spec *)
+ | `Pull
+ | `Copy
+ | `Commit
+ | `Unknown of int
+ ]
+ type status = [
+ | `Completed
+ | `Failed
+ | `Cancelled
+ | `Ready
+ | `Unknown of int
+ ]
+ type t = {
+ disk: string option; (** fully-qualified name of the affected disk *)
+ ty: ty; (** type of block job *)
+ status: status; (** final status of the operation *)
+ }
+ val to_string: t -> string
+ end
+ module Disk_change : sig
+ type reason = [
+ | `MissingOnStart
+ | `Unknown of int
+ ]
+ type t = {
+ old_src_path: string option; (** old source path *)
+ new_src_path: string option; (** new source path *)
+ dev_alias: string option; (** device alias name *)
+ reason: reason; (** reason why this callback was called *)
+ }
+ val to_string: t -> string
+ end
+ module Tray_change : sig
+ type reason = [
+ | `Open
+ | `Close
+ | `Unknown of int
+ ]
+ type t = {
+ dev_alias: string option; (** device alias *)
+ reason: reason; (** why the tray status was changed *)
+ }
+ val to_string: t -> string
+ end
+ module PM_wakeup : sig
+ type reason = [
+ | `Unknown of int
+ ]
+ type t = reason
+ val to_string: t -> string
+ end
+ module PM_suspend : sig
+ type reason = [
+ | `Unknown of int
+ ]
+ type t = reason
+ val to_string: t -> string
+ end
+ module Balloon_change : sig
+ type t = int64
+ val to_string: t -> string
+ end
+ module PM_suspend_disk : sig
+ type reason = [
+ | `Unknown of int
+ ]
+ type t = reason
+ val to_string: t -> string
+ end
+ type callback =
+ | Lifecycle of ([`R] Domain.t -> Lifecycle.t -> unit)
+ | Reboot of ([`R] Domain.t -> Reboot.t -> unit)
+ | RtcChange of ([`R] Domain.t -> Rtc_change.t -> unit)
+ | Watchdog of ([`R] Domain.t -> Watchdog.t -> unit)
+ | IOError of ([`R] Domain.t -> Io_error.t -> unit)
+ | Graphics of ([`R] Domain.t -> Graphics.t -> unit)
+ | IOErrorReason of ([`R] Domain.t -> Io_error.t -> unit)
+ | ControlError of ([`R] Domain.t -> Control_error.t -> unit)
+ | BlockJob of ([`R] Domain.t -> Block_job.t -> unit)
+ | DiskChange of ([`R] Domain.t -> Disk_change.t -> unit)
+ | TrayChange of ([`R] Domain.t -> Tray_change.t -> unit)
+ | PMWakeUp of ([`R] Domain.t -> PM_wakeup.t -> unit)
+ | PMSuspend of ([`R] Domain.t -> PM_suspend.t -> unit)
+ | BalloonChange of ([`R] Domain.t -> Balloon_change.t -> unit)
+ | PMSuspendDisk of ([`R] Domain.t -> PM_suspend_disk.t -> unit)
+ (** type of a registered call back function *)
+ val register_default_impl : unit -> unit
+ (** Registers the default event loop based on poll(). This
+ must be done before connections are opened.
+ Once registered call run_default_impl in a loop. *)
+ val run_default_impl : unit -> unit
+ (** Runs one iteration of the event loop. Applications will
+ generally want to have a thread which invokes this in an
+ infinite loop. *)
+ val register_any : 'a Connect.t -> ?dom:'a Domain.t -> callback -> unit
+ (** [register_any con ?dom callback] registers [callback]
+ to receive notification of arbitrary domain events.
+ If [?dom] is None then register for this kind of event on
+ all domains. If [dom] is [Some d] then register for this
+ kind of event only on [d].
+ *)
+ (** Module dealing with events generated by domain
+ state changes. *)
(** {3 Networks} *)
module Network :
diff --git a/libvirt/libvirt_c_oneoffs.c b/libvirt/libvirt_c_oneoffs.c
index 7506ab0..06cd486 100644
--- a/libvirt/libvirt_c_oneoffs.c
+++ b/libvirt/libvirt_c_oneoffs.c
@@ -221,7 +221,6 @@ ocaml_libvirt_connect_set_keep_alive(value connv,
CAMLprim value
ocaml_libvirt_domain_get_id (value domv)
@@ -914,6 +913,392 @@ ocaml_libvirt_domain_memory_peek_bytecode (value *argv, int argn)
argv[3], argv[4], argv[5]);
+/* Domain events */
+extern int virEventRegisterDefaultImpl () __attribute__((weak));
+CAMLprim value
+ocaml_libvirt_event_register_default_impl (value unitv)
+ CAMLparam1 (unitv);
+ /* Symbol virEventRegisterDefaultImpl not found at compile time. */
+ not_supported ("virEventRegisterDefaultImpl");
+ CAMLnoreturn;
+ /* Check that the symbol virEventRegisterDefaultImpl
+ * is in runtime version of libvirt.
+ */
+ WEAK_SYMBOL_CHECK (virEventRegisterDefaultImpl);
+ /* arg is of type unit = void */
+ int r;
+ NONBLOCKING (r = virEventRegisterDefaultImpl ());
+ /* must be called before connection, therefore we can't use CHECK_ERROR */
+ if (r == -1) caml_failwith("virEventRegisterDefaultImpl");
+ CAMLreturn (Val_unit);
+extern int virEventRunDefaultImpl () __attribute__((weak));
+CAMLprim value
+ocaml_libvirt_event_run_default_impl (value unitv)
+ CAMLparam1 (unitv);
+ /* Symbol virEventRunDefaultImpl not found at compile time. */
+ not_supported ("virEventRunDefaultImpl");
+ CAMLnoreturn;
+ /* Check that the symbol virEventRunDefaultImpl
+ * is in runtime version of libvirt.
+ */
+ WEAK_SYMBOL_CHECK (virEventRunDefaultImpl);
+ /* arg is of type unit = void */
+ int r;
+ NONBLOCKING (r = virEventRunDefaultImpl ());
+ if (r == -1) caml_failwith("virEventRunDefaultImpl");
+ CAMLreturn (Val_unit);
+/* We register a single C callback function for every distinct
+ callback signature. We encode the signature itself in the function
+ name and also in the name of the assocated OCaml callback
+ e.g.:
+ a C function called
+ i_i64_s_callback(virConnectPtr conn,
+ virDomainPtr dom,
+ int x,
+ long y,
+ char *z,
+ void *opaque)
+ would correspond to an OCaml callback
+ Libvirt.i_i64_s_callback :
+ int64 -> [`R] Domain.t -> int -> int64 -> string option -> unit
+ where the initial int64 is a unique ID used by the OCaml to
+ dispatch to the specific OCaml closure and stored by libvirt
+ as the "opaque" data. */
+/* Every one of the callbacks starts with a CALLBACK_BEGIN(NAME)
+ where NAME is the string name of the OCaml callback registered
+ in libvirt.ml. */
+ CAMLparam0(); \
+ CAMLlocal4(connv, domv, callback_id, result); \
+ static value *callback = NULL; \
+ caml_leave_blocking_section(); \
+ if (callback == NULL) \
+ callback = caml_named_value(NAME); \
+ if (callback == NULL) \
+ abort(); /* C code out of sync with OCaml code */ \
+ if (virDomainRef(dom) == 0) { \
+ connv = Val_connect(conn); \
+ domv = Val_domain(dom, connv); \
+ callback_id = caml_copy_int64(*(long *)opaque);
+/* Every one of the callbacks ends with a CALLBACK_END */
+#define CALLBACK_END \
+ (void) caml_callback3(*callback, callback_id, domv, result); \
+ } \
+ caml_enter_blocking_section(); \
+ CAMLreturn0;
+static void
+i_i_callback(virConnectPtr conn,
+ virDomainPtr dom,
+ int x,
+ int y,
+ void * opaque)
+ CALLBACK_BEGIN("Libvirt.i_i_callback")
+ result = caml_alloc_tuple(2);
+ Store_field(result, 0, Val_int(x));
+ Store_field(result, 1, Val_int(y));
+static void
+u_callback(virConnectPtr conn,
+ virDomainPtr dom,
+ void *opaque)
+ CALLBACK_BEGIN("Libvirt.u_callback")
+ result = Val_int(0); /* () */
+static void
+i64_callback(virConnectPtr conn,
+ virDomainPtr dom,
+ long long int64,
+ void *opaque)
+ CALLBACK_BEGIN("Libvirt.i64_callback")
+ result = caml_copy_int64(int64);
+static void
+i_callback(virConnectPtr conn,
+ virDomainPtr dom,
+ int x,
+ void *opaque)
+ CALLBACK_BEGIN("Libvirt.i_callback")
+ result = Val_int(x);
+static void
+s_i_callback(virConnectPtr conn,
+ virDomainPtr dom,
+ char *x,
+ int y,
+ void * opaque)
+ CALLBACK_BEGIN("Libvirt.s_i_callback")
+ result = caml_alloc_tuple(2);
+ Store_field(result, 0,
+ Val_opt(x, (Val_ptr_t) caml_copy_string));
+ Store_field(result, 1, Val_int(y));
+static void
+s_i_i_callback(virConnectPtr conn,
+ virDomainPtr dom,
+ char *x,
+ int y,
+ int z,
+ void * opaque)
+ CALLBACK_BEGIN("Libvirt.s_i_i_callback")
+ result = caml_alloc_tuple(3);
+ Store_field(result, 0,
+ Val_opt(x, (Val_ptr_t) caml_copy_string));
+ Store_field(result, 1, Val_int(y));
+ Store_field(result, 2, Val_int(z));
+static void
+s_s_i_callback(virConnectPtr conn,
+ virDomainPtr dom,
+ char *x,
+ char *y,
+ int z,
+ void *opaque)
+ CALLBACK_BEGIN("Libvirt.s_s_i_callback")
+ result = caml_alloc_tuple(3);
+ Store_field(result, 0,
+ Val_opt(x, (Val_ptr_t) caml_copy_string));
+ Store_field(result, 1,
+ Val_opt(y, (Val_ptr_t) caml_copy_string));
+ Store_field(result, 2, Val_int(z));
+static void
+s_s_i_s_callback(virConnectPtr conn,
+ virDomainPtr dom,
+ char *x,
+ char *y,
+ int z,
+ char *a,
+ void *opaque)
+ CALLBACK_BEGIN("Libvirt.s_s_i_s_callback")
+ result = caml_alloc_tuple(4);
+ Store_field(result, 0,
+ Val_opt(x, (Val_ptr_t) caml_copy_string));
+ Store_field(result, 1,
+ Val_opt(y, (Val_ptr_t) caml_copy_string));
+ Store_field(result, 2, Val_int(z));
+ Store_field(result, 3,
+ Val_opt(a, (Val_ptr_t) caml_copy_string));
+static void
+s_s_s_i_callback(virConnectPtr conn,
+ virDomainPtr dom,
+ char * x,
+ char * y,
+ char * z,
+ int a,
+ void * opaque)
+ CALLBACK_BEGIN("Libvirt.s_s_s_i_callback")
+ result = caml_alloc_tuple(4);
+ Store_field(result, 0,
+ Val_opt(x, (Val_ptr_t) caml_copy_string));
+ Store_field(result, 1,
+ Val_opt(y, (Val_ptr_t) caml_copy_string));
+ Store_field(result, 2,
+ Val_opt(z, (Val_ptr_t) caml_copy_string));
+ Store_field(result, 3, Val_int(a));
+static value
+Val_event_graphics_address(virDomainEventGraphicsAddressPtr x)
+ CAMLparam0 ();
+ CAMLlocal1(result);
+ result = caml_alloc_tuple(3);
+ Store_field(result, 0, Val_int(x->family));
+ Store_field(result, 1,
+ Val_opt((void *) x->node, (Val_ptr_t) caml_copy_string));
+ Store_field(result, 2,
+ Val_opt((void *) x->service, (Val_ptr_t) caml_copy_string));
+ CAMLreturn(result);
+static value
+Val_event_graphics_subject_identity(virDomainEventGraphicsSubjectIdentityPtr x)
+ CAMLparam0 ();
+ CAMLlocal1(result);
+ result = caml_alloc_tuple(2);
+ Store_field(result, 0,
+ Val_opt((void *) x->type, (Val_ptr_t) caml_copy_string));
+ Store_field(result, 1,
+ Val_opt((void *) x->name, (Val_ptr_t) caml_copy_string));
+ CAMLreturn(result);
+static value
+Val_event_graphics_subject(virDomainEventGraphicsSubjectPtr x)
+ CAMLparam0 ();
+ CAMLlocal1(result);
+ int i;
+ result = caml_alloc_tuple(x->nidentity);
+ for (i = 0; i < x->nidentity; i++ )
+ Store_field(result, i,
+ Val_event_graphics_subject_identity(x->identities + i));
+ CAMLreturn(result);
+static void
+i_ga_ga_s_gs_callback(virConnectPtr conn,
+ virDomainPtr dom,
+ int i1,
+ virDomainEventGraphicsAddressPtr ga1,
+ virDomainEventGraphicsAddressPtr ga2,
+ char *s1,
+ virDomainEventGraphicsSubjectPtr gs1,
+ void * opaque)
+ CALLBACK_BEGIN("Libvirt.i_ga_ga_s_gs_callback")
+ result = caml_alloc_tuple(5);
+ Store_field(result, 0, Val_int(i1));
+ Store_field(result, 1, Val_event_graphics_address(ga1));
+ Store_field(result, 2, Val_event_graphics_address(ga2));
+ Store_field(result, 3,
+ Val_opt(s1, (Val_ptr_t) caml_copy_string));
+ Store_field(result, 4, Val_event_graphics_subject(gs1));
+CAMLprim value
+ocaml_libvirt_event_register_any(value connv, value domv, value callback, value callback_id)
+ CAMLparam4(connv, domv, callback, callback_id);
+ virConnectPtr conn = Connect_val (connv);
+ virDomainPtr dom = NULL;
+ int eventID = Tag_val(callback);
+ virConnectDomainEventGenericCallback cb;
+ void *opaque;
+ virFreeCallback freecb = free;
+ int r;
+ if (domv != Val_int(0))
+ dom = Domain_val (Field(domv, 0));
+ switch (eventID){
+ cb = VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_CALLBACK(i_i_callback);
+ break;
+ cb = VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_CALLBACK(u_callback);
+ break;
+ cb = VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_CALLBACK(i64_callback);
+ break;
+ cb = VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_CALLBACK(i_callback);
+ break;
+ cb = VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_CALLBACK(s_s_i_callback);
+ break;
+ cb = VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_CALLBACK(i_ga_ga_s_gs_callback);
+ break;
+ cb = VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_CALLBACK(s_s_i_s_callback);
+ break;
+ cb = VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_CALLBACK(u_callback);
+ break;
+ cb = VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_CALLBACK(s_i_i_callback);
+ break;
+ cb = VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_CALLBACK(s_s_s_i_callback);
+ break;
+ cb = VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_CALLBACK(s_i_callback);
+ break;
+ cb = VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_CALLBACK(i_callback);
+ break;
+ cb = VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_CALLBACK(i_callback);
+ break;
+ cb = VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_CALLBACK(i64_callback);
+ break;
+ cb = VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_CALLBACK(i_callback);
+ break;
+ default:
+ caml_failwith("vifConnectDomainEventRegisterAny: unimplemented eventID");
+ }
+ /* Store the int64 callback_id as the opaque data so the OCaml
+ callback can demultiplex to the correct OCaml handler. */
+ if ((opaque = malloc(sizeof(long))) == NULL)
+ caml_failwith ("virConnectDomainEventRegisterAny: malloc");
+ *((long*)opaque) = Int64_val(callback_id);
+ NONBLOCKING(r = virConnectDomainEventRegisterAny(conn, dom, eventID, cb, opaque, freecb));
+ CHECK_ERROR(r == -1, conn, "virConnectDomainEventRegisterAny");
+ CAMLreturn(Val_unit);
extern int virStoragePoolGetInfo(virStoragePoolPtr pool, virStoragePoolInfoPtr info)
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