[libvirt] [libvirt-php] libvirt_domain_new Create a slow vm

Mario Di Ture mario.diture at unicas.it
Mon Jun 2 15:17:52 UTC 2014


I've tested this script on centos 6.5 (libvirt-0.10.2, qemu-kvm-
ubuntu server 14.04 (libvirt 1.2.2, qemu-kvm  2.0.0) with the same result.
The created vm is very slow compared to the vm created with virt-manager,
with the same features/devices on the same host.
Can you suggest any configuration that can avoid that slowness?

With regards
Mario D.

$conn = libvirt_connect('null', false);
$disk1 = array(
                "path"   => "/home/vm/centos-script.raw",
                "driver" => "raw",
                "bus"    => "virtio",
                "dev"    => "hda",
                "size"   => "6G",
                "flags"  => VIR_DOMAIN_DISK_FILE |

$disks = array( $disk1 );
$network1 = array(
                'mac'     => '00:11:22:33:44:55',
                'network' => 'default',
                'model'   => 'e1000'

$networks = array( $network1 );

$newdom=libvirt_domain_new($conn, $name, $arch, $memMB, $maxmemMB, $vcpus,
$iso_image, $disks, $networks, $flags);
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