[libvirt] ANNOUNCE: virt-manager 1.3.0 released

Cole Robinson crobinso at redhat.com
Wed Nov 25 03:11:04 UTC 2015

I'm happy to announce the release of virt-manager 1.3.0!

virt-manager is a desktop application for managing KVM, Xen, and LXC
virtualization via libvirt.

The release can be downloaded from:


This release includes:

- Git hosting moved to http://github.com/virt-manager/virt-manager
- Switch translation infrastructure from transifex to fedora.zanata.org
- Add dogtail UI tests and infrastructure
- Improved support for s390x kvm (Kevin Zhao)
- virt-install and virt-manager now remove created disk images if VM
  install startup fails
- Replace urlgrabber usage with requests and urllib2
- virt-install: add --network virtualport support for openvswitch
  (Daniel P. Berrange)
- virt-install: support multiple --security labels
- virt-install: support --features kvm_hidden=on|off (Pavel Hrdina)
- virt-install: add --features pmu=on|off
- virt-install: add --features pvspinlock=on|off (Abhijeet Kasurde)
- virt-install: add --events on_lockfailure=on|off (Abhijeet Kasurde)
- virt-install: add --network link_state=up|down
- virt-install: add --vcpu placement=static|auto

Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this release through testing,
bug reporting, submitting patches, and otherwise sending in feedback!


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