[libvirt] [PATCH] vz: fix build for virNetDev* changes

Maxim Nestratov mnestratov at virtuozzo.com
Tue Jun 28 13:12:15 UTC 2016

28.06.2016 1:10, Laine Stump пишет:

> On 06/27/2016 02:23 PM, Olga Krishtal wrote:
>> Patch fixes vz build after changes in IP-related netdev 
>> functions(cf0568b0, fbc1843d).
> Sorry about that. I *thought* I had searched in the drivers I couldn't 
> build. (BTW, I tried downloading and installing the parallels-sdk on 
> my Fedora system, but configure still says it's not there. Are there 
> more verbose instructions somewhere so that I can just always build 
> with --with-vz in the future?)

Actually it happend because I managed to squeeze to push patches related 
to your changes in between you checked them and pushed. Thanks for 
pushing the fix.
As for building on Fedora, well, you'll need libprlsdk-devel packet, 
which can be found at the following repo [1]. As far as it depends on 
boost 1.53 and fedora has a bit newer version of boost, you'll need to 
downgrade it and its dependencies, which could be not an option. Anyway 
you can find necessary boost package here [2].
I tried to build libprlsdk from sources on fedora and got stuck with it 
at the moment as many things have changed since I did it last time. I'll 
update you as I figure out the exact steps to do it.

[1] https://download.openvz.org/virtuozzo/releases/7.0/x86_64/os/
[2] http://repo.virtuozzo.com/vzlinux/7/x86_64/os/


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