[libvirt] [PATCH 4/6] tests: qemumonitorjsontest: Do some actual testing in qemuMonitorJSONTestAttachChardev

Peter Krempa pkrempa at redhat.com
Tue Sep 27 16:39:26 UTC 2016

Until now the test was rather useless since it didn't check the
arguments formatted and didn't use properly configured chardev objects.

Add the expected arguments and instrument the test to validate them.
Modify some test cases to actually add valid data.

Note that the UDP test data is currently wrong due to a bug.
 tests/qemumonitorjsontest.c | 93 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 68 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/qemumonitorjsontest.c b/tests/qemumonitorjsontest.c
index 23877f8..61344b7 100644
--- a/tests/qemumonitorjsontest.c
+++ b/tests/qemumonitorjsontest.c
@@ -747,6 +747,7 @@ static int
 qemuMonitorJSONTestAttachOneChardev(virDomainXMLOptionPtr xmlopt,
                                     const char *label,
                                     virDomainChrSourceDefPtr chr,
+                                    const char *expectargs,
                                     const char *reply,
                                     const char *expectPty,
                                     bool fail)
@@ -772,7 +773,8 @@ qemuMonitorJSONTestAttachOneChardev(virDomainXMLOptionPtr xmlopt,
     if (!(data.test = qemuMonitorTestNewSimple(true, xmlopt)))
         goto cleanup;

-    if (qemuMonitorTestAddItem(data.test, "chardev-add", jsonreply) < 0)
+    if (qemuMonitorTestAddItemExpect(data.test, "chardev-add",
+                                     expectargs, true, jsonreply) < 0)
         goto cleanup;

     if (virTestRun(fulllabel, &testQemuMonitorJSONAttachChardev, &data) < 0)
@@ -793,49 +795,90 @@ qemuMonitorJSONTestAttachChardev(virDomainXMLOptionPtr xmlopt)
     virDomainChrSourceDef chr;
     int ret = 0;

-#define CHECK(label, fail) \
-    if (qemuMonitorJSONTestAttachOneChardev(xmlopt, label, &chr, NULL, NULL, \
-                                            fail) < 0) \
+#define CHECK(label, fail, expectargs)                                         \
+    if (qemuMonitorJSONTestAttachOneChardev(xmlopt, label, &chr, expectargs,   \
+                                            NULL, NULL, fail) < 0)             \
         ret = -1

     chr = (virDomainChrSourceDef) { .type = VIR_DOMAIN_CHR_TYPE_NULL };
-    CHECK("null", false);
+    CHECK("null", false,
+          "{'id':'alias','backend':{'type':'null','data':{}}}");

     chr = (virDomainChrSourceDef) { .type = VIR_DOMAIN_CHR_TYPE_VC };
-    CHECK("vc", false);
+    CHECK("vc", false,
+          "{'id':'alias','backend':{'type':'null','data':{}}}");

     chr = (virDomainChrSourceDef) { .type = VIR_DOMAIN_CHR_TYPE_PTY };
     if (qemuMonitorJSONTestAttachOneChardev(xmlopt, "pty", &chr,
+                                            "{'id':'alias',"
+                                             "'backend':{'type':'pty',"
+                                                        "'data':{}}}",
                                             "\"pty\" : \"/dev/pts/0\"",
                                             "/dev/pts/0", false) < 0)
         ret = -1;

     chr = (virDomainChrSourceDef) { .type = VIR_DOMAIN_CHR_TYPE_PTY };
-    CHECK("pty missing path", true);
-    chr = (virDomainChrSourceDef) { .type = VIR_DOMAIN_CHR_TYPE_FILE };
-    CHECK("file", false);
-    chr = (virDomainChrSourceDef) { .type = VIR_DOMAIN_CHR_TYPE_DEV };
-    CHECK("device", false);
-    chr = (virDomainChrSourceDef) { .type = VIR_DOMAIN_CHR_TYPE_TCP };
-    CHECK("tcp", false);
-    chr = (virDomainChrSourceDef) { .type = VIR_DOMAIN_CHR_TYPE_UDP };
-    CHECK("udp", false);
-    chr = (virDomainChrSourceDef) { .type = VIR_DOMAIN_CHR_TYPE_UNIX };
-    CHECK("unix", false);
+    CHECK("pty missing path", true,
+          "{'id':'alias','backend':{'type':'pty','data':{}}}");
+    memset(&chr, 0, sizeof(chr));
+    chr.type = VIR_DOMAIN_CHR_TYPE_FILE;
+    chr.data.file.path = (char *) "/test/path";
+    CHECK("file", false,
+          "{'id':'alias','backend':{'type':'file','data':{'out':'/test/path'}}}");
+    memset(&chr, 0, sizeof(chr));
+    chr.type = VIR_DOMAIN_CHR_TYPE_DEV;
+    chr.data.file.path = (char *) "/test/path";
+    CHECK("device", false,
+          "{'id':'alias','backend':{'type':'serial','data':{'device':'/test/path'}}}");
+    memset(&chr, 0, sizeof(chr));
+    chr.type = VIR_DOMAIN_CHR_TYPE_TCP;
+    chr.data.tcp.host = (char *) "example.com";
+    chr.data.tcp.service = (char *) "1234";
+    CHECK("tcp", false,
+          "{'id':'alias',"
+           "'backend':{'type':'socket',"
+                      "'data':{'addr':{'type':'inet',"
+                                      "'data':{'host':'example.com',"
+                                              "'port':'1234'}},"
+                              "'wait':false,"
+                              "'telnet':false,"
+                              "'server':false}}}");
+    memset(&chr, 0, sizeof(chr));
+    chr.type = VIR_DOMAIN_CHR_TYPE_UDP;
+    chr.data.udp.connectHost = (char *) "example.com";
+    chr.data.udp.connectService = (char *) "1234";
+    CHECK("udp", false,
+          "{'id':'alias',"
+           "'backend':{'type':'socket',"
+                      "'data':{'addr':{'type':'inet',"
+                                      "'data':{'host':'example.com',"
+                                              "'port':'1234'}}}}}");
+    memset(&chr, 0, sizeof(chr));
+    chr.type = VIR_DOMAIN_CHR_TYPE_UNIX;
+    chr.data.nix.path = (char *) "/path/to/socket";
+    CHECK("unix", false,
+          "{'id':'alias',"
+           "'backend':{'type':'socket',"
+                      "'data':{'addr':{'type':'unix',"
+                                      "'data':{'path':'/path/to/socket'}},"
+                              "'wait':false,"
+                              "'server':false}}}");

     chr = (virDomainChrSourceDef) { .type = VIR_DOMAIN_CHR_TYPE_SPICEVMC };
-    CHECK("spicevmc", false);
+    CHECK("spicevmc", false,
+          "{'id':'alias','backend':{'type':'spicevmc','"
+                                    "data':{'type':'vdagent'}}}");

     chr = (virDomainChrSourceDef) { .type = VIR_DOMAIN_CHR_TYPE_PIPE };
-    CHECK("pipe", true);
+    CHECK("pipe", true, "");

     chr = (virDomainChrSourceDef) { .type = VIR_DOMAIN_CHR_TYPE_STDIO };
-    CHECK("stdio", true);
+    CHECK("stdio", true, "");
 #undef CHECK

     return ret;

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