[libvirt] [PATCH 3/5] conf: Alter coding style of network conf function prototypes

Laine Stump laine at laine.org
Sat Mar 18 17:49:08 UTC 2017

On 03/18/2017 09:26 AM, John Ferlan wrote:
> In an effort to be consistent with the source module, alter the function
> prototypes to follow the similar style of source with the "type" on one
> line followed by the function name and arguments on subsequent lines with
> with argument getting it's own line.
> Signed-off-by: John Ferlan <jferlan at redhat.com>
> ---
>  src/conf/network_conf.h  |  84 ++++++++++++-------
>  src/conf/virnetworkobj.h | 212 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
>  2 files changed, 182 insertions(+), 114 deletions(-)

You've made this change for several files now. I always thought it would
be simpler to have the return type on a separate line to match the .c
file, but since all the .h files have it on the same line, I've been
dutifully adjusting the alignment of all the new prototypes I add.

So is this a "thing" now? Should I add new prototypes with the return
type on a separate line?

As always my one objection would be that these large patches to reformat
things mostly just obscure the history of the most recent "real" change,
and create annoying (but usually easily resolvable) merge errors when
backporting future fixes to previous versions.

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