[libvirt] [dbus PATCH 4/6] Implement MemoryStats for Domain Interface

Katerina Koukiou kkoukiou at redhat.com
Thu Apr 12 09:45:03 UTC 2018

This method is not tested for now since the test driver
doesn't support this API.

Signed-off-by: Katerina Koukiou <kkoukiou at redhat.com>
 data/org.libvirt.Domain.xml |  7 ++++++
 src/domain.c                | 57 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 64 insertions(+)

diff --git a/data/org.libvirt.Domain.xml b/data/org.libvirt.Domain.xml
index dbeafce..6795d30 100644
--- a/data/org.libvirt.Domain.xml
+++ b/data/org.libvirt.Domain.xml
@@ -69,6 +69,13 @@
       <arg name="flags" type="u" direction="in"/>
       <arg name="xml" type="s" direction="out"/>
+    <method name="MemoryStats">
+      <annotation name="org.gtk.GDBus.DocString"
+        value="See https://libvirt.org/html/libvirt-libvirt-domain.html#virDomainMemoryStats"/>
+      <arg name="nr_stats" type="u" direction="in"/>
+      <arg name="flags" type="u" direction="in"/>
+      <arg name="stats" type="a{st}" direction="out"/>
+    </method>
     <method name="Reboot">
       <annotation name="org.gtk.GDBus.DocString"
         value="See https://libvirt.org/html/libvirt-libvirt-domain.html#virDomainReboot"/>
diff --git a/src/domain.c b/src/domain.c
index 9b3de57..0893f96 100644
--- a/src/domain.c
+++ b/src/domain.c
@@ -17,6 +17,29 @@ VIRT_DBUS_ENUM_IMPL(virtDBusDomainMemoryStat,
+static const gchar *
+virtDBusDomainMemoryStatToString(gint tag)
+    const gchar *str = virtDBusDomainMemoryStatTypeToString(tag);
+    return str ? str : "unknown";
+static GVariant *
+virtDBusDomainMemoryStatsToGVariant(virDomainMemoryStatPtr stats,
+                                    gint nr_stats)
+    GVariantBuilder builder;
+    g_variant_builder_init(&builder, G_VARIANT_TYPE("a{st}"));
+    for (gint i = 0; i < nr_stats; i++)
+        g_variant_builder_add(&builder, "{st}",
+                              virtDBusDomainMemoryStatToString(stats[i].tag),
+                              stats[i].val);
+    return g_variant_builder_end(&builder);
 static virDomainPtr
 virtDBusDomainGetVirDomain(virtDBusConnect *connect,
                            const gchar *objectPath,
@@ -412,6 +435,39 @@ virtDBusDomainGetXMLDesc(GVariant *inArgs,
     *outArgs = g_variant_new("(s)", xml);
+static void
+virtDBusDomainMemoryStats(GVariant *inArgs,
+                          GUnixFDList *inFDs G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+                          const gchar *objectPath,
+                          gpointer userData,
+                          GVariant **outArgs,
+                          GUnixFDList **outFDs G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+                          GError **error)
+    virtDBusConnect *connect = userData;
+    g_autoptr(virDomain) domain = NULL;
+    g_autofree virDomainMemoryStatPtr stats = NULL;
+    guint max_stats;
+    gint nr_stats;
+    guint flags;
+    GVariant *gstats;
+    g_variant_get(inArgs, "(uu)", &max_stats, &flags);
+    domain = virtDBusDomainGetVirDomain(connect, objectPath, error);
+    if (!domain)
+        return;
+    stats = g_new0(virDomainMemoryStatStruct, max_stats);
+    nr_stats = virDomainMemoryStats(domain, stats, max_stats, flags);
+    if (nr_stats == -1)
+        return virtDBusUtilSetLastVirtError(error);
+    gstats = virtDBusDomainMemoryStatsToGVariant(stats, nr_stats);
+    *outArgs = g_variant_new_tuple(&gstats, 1);
 static void
 virtDBusDomainReboot(GVariant *inArgs,
                      GUnixFDList *inFDs G_GNUC_UNUSED,
@@ -565,6 +621,7 @@ static virtDBusGDBusMethodTable virtDBusDomainMethodTable[] = {
     { "GetStats", virtDBusDomainGetStats },
     { "GetVcpus", virtDBusDomainGetVcpus },
     { "GetXMLDesc", virtDBusDomainGetXMLDesc },
+    { "MemoryStats", virtDBusDomainMemoryStats },
     { "Reboot", virtDBusDomainReboot },
     { "Reset", virtDBusDomainReset },
     { "Resume", virtDBusDomainResume },

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