[libvirt PATCH v3 5/6] ci: util: Add a registry checker for stale images

Erik Skultety eskultet at redhat.com
Thu Mar 18 08:09:16 UTC 2021

This function checks whether there are any stale Docker images in the
registry that can be purged. Since we're pulling available container
images from our GitLab registry with the 'list-images' action, it
could happen that we'd list old (already unsupported) images and make
them available for the user to consume and run a build in them.
Naturally, the build will most likely fail leaving the user confused.

Signed-off-by: Erik Skultety <eskultet at redhat.com>
 ci/helper  | 45 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 ci/util.py | 52 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 96 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/ci/helper b/ci/helper
index 31cf72fbdf..b5255db835 100755
--- a/ci/helper
+++ b/ci/helper
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ class Parser:
         refreshparser = subparsers.add_parser(
             help="refresh data generated with lcitool",
-            parents=[lcitoolparser],
+            parents=[lcitoolparser, gitlabparser],
@@ -139,6 +139,13 @@ class Parser:
             help="refresh data silently"
+        refreshparser.add_argument(
+            "--check-stale",
+            action="store",
+            choices=["yes", "no"],
+            default="yes",
+            help="check for existence of stale images on the GitLab instance"
+        )
     def parse(self):
@@ -287,10 +294,46 @@ class Application:
             print("Available cross-compiler container images:\n")
             print(spacing + ("\n" + spacing).join(cross))
+    def check_stale_images(self):
+        if self.args.check_stale != "yes" or self.args.quiet:
+            return
+        namespace = self.args.namespace
+        gitlab_uri = self.args.gitlab_uri
+        registry_uri = util.get_registry_uri(namespace, gitlab_uri)
+        lcitool_hosts = self.lcitool_get_hosts()
+        stale_images = util.get_registry_stale_images(registry_uri,
+                                                      lcitool_hosts)
+        if stale_images:
+            spacing = "\n" + 4 * " "
+            stale_fmt = [f"{k} (ID: {v})" for k, v in stale_images.items()]
+            stale_details = spacing + spacing.join(stale_fmt)
+            stale_ids = ' '.join([str(id) for id in stale_images.values()])
+            registry_uri = util.get_registry_uri(namespace, gitlab_uri)
+            print(f"""
+The following images are stale and can be purged from the registry:
+You can remove the above images over the API with the following code snippet:
+    $ for image_id in {stale_ids}; do \\
+          curl --request DELETE --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <access_token>" \\
+          {registry_uri}/$image_id \\
+      done
+You can generate a personal access token here:
+    {gitlab_uri}/-/profile/personal_access_tokens""")
     def action_refresh(self):
+        # refresh Dockerfiles and vars files
+        # check for stale images
+        self.check_stale_images()
     def run(self):
diff --git a/ci/util.py b/ci/util.py
index f9f8320276..d69c246872 100644
--- a/ci/util.py
+++ b/ci/util.py
@@ -38,3 +38,55 @@ def get_registry_images(uri: str) -> List[Dict]:
     # read the HTTP response and load the JSON part of it
     return json.loads(r.read().decode())
+def get_image_distro(image_name: str) -> str:
+    """
+    Extract the name of the distro in the GitLab image registry name, e.g.
+        ci-debian-9-cross-mipsel --> debian-9
+    :param image_name: name of the GitLab registry image
+    :return: distro name as a string
+    """
+    name_prefix = "ci-"
+    name_suffix = "-cross-"
+    distro = image_name[len(name_prefix):]
+    index = distro.find(name_suffix)
+    if index > 0:
+        distro = distro[:index]
+    return distro
+def get_registry_stale_images(registry_uri: str,
+                              supported_distros: List[str]) -> Dict[str, int]:
+    """
+    Check the GitLab image registry for images that we no longer support and
+    which should be deleted.
+    :param uri: URI pointing to a GitLab instance's image registry
+    :param supported_distros: list of hosts supported by lcitool
+    :return: dictionary formatted as: {<gitlab_image_name>: <gitlab_image_id>}
+    """
+    images = get_registry_images(registry_uri)
+    # extract distro names from the list of registry images
+    registry_distros = [get_image_distro(i["name"]) for i in images]
+    # - compare the distros powering the images in GitLab registry with
+    #   the list of host available from lcitool
+    # - @unsupported is a set containing the distro names which we no longer
+    #   support; we need to map these back to registry image names
+    unsupported = set(registry_distros) - set(supported_distros)
+    if unsupported:
+        stale_images = {}
+        for distro in unsupported:
+            for img in images:
+                # gitlab images are named like "ci-<distro>-<cross_arch>?"
+                if distro in img["name"]:
+                    stale_images[img["name"]] = img["id"]
+    return stale_images

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