[PATCH] rpc: Emit a warning when applying RPC throttling

Ivan Teterevkov ivan.teterevkov at nutanix.com
Thu Jan 13 08:40:22 UTC 2022

Whenever the number of outstanding requests being served reaches
max_client_requests, the RPC server applies RX throttling and
temporarily stops receiving incoming data. Consequently, it stops
receiving the keep-alive responses from the client and eventually
may cause a connection timeout on the server-side.

This patch emits a warning message in such cases so that the users
may root-cause the connection timeout and reconfigure
max_client_requests depending on their application.

Signed-off-by: Ivan Teterevkov <ivan.teterevkov at nutanix.com>
 src/rpc/virnetserverclient.c | 4 ++++
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/rpc/virnetserverclient.c b/src/rpc/virnetserverclient.c
index 7050430e17..9d86e1ba3e 100644
--- a/src/rpc/virnetserverclient.c
+++ b/src/rpc/virnetserverclient.c
@@ -1293,6 +1293,10 @@ static virNetMessage *virNetServerClientDispatchRead(virNetServerClient *client)
                 client->rx->buffer = g_new0(char, client->rx->bufferLength);
+        } else {
+            VIR_WARN("Applying RPC throttling, consider increasing "
+                     "max_client_requests (client->nrequests_max=%zu)",
+                     client->nrequests_max);

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