New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for libvirt

scan-admin at scan-admin at
Fri Feb 5 08:48:30 UTC 2021


Please find the latest report on new defect(s) introduced to libvirt found with Coverity Scan.

4 new defect(s) introduced to libvirt found with Coverity Scan.

New defect(s) Reported-by: Coverity Scan
Showing 4 of 4 defect(s)

** CID 314179:  Memory - corruptions  (USE_AFTER_FREE)
/src/qemu/qemu_monitor.c: 1921 in qemuMonitorGetCPUInfo()

*** CID 314179:  Memory - corruptions  (USE_AFTER_FREE)
/src/qemu/qemu_monitor.c: 1921 in qemuMonitorGetCPUInfo()
1915         if (!hotplugcpus ||
1916             qemuMonitorGetCPUInfoHotplug(hotplugcpus, nhotplugcpus,
1917                                          cpuentries, ncpuentries,
1918                                          info, maxvcpus) < 0) {
1919             /* Fallback to the legacy algorithm. Hotplug paths will make sure that
1920              * the appropriate data is present */
>>>     CID 314179:  Memory - corruptions  (USE_AFTER_FREE)
>>>     Calling "qemuMonitorCPUInfoClear" frees pointer "info->props" which has already been freed.
1921             qemuMonitorCPUInfoClear(info, maxvcpus);
1922             qemuMonitorGetCPUInfoLegacy(cpuentries, ncpuentries, info, maxvcpus);
1923         }
1925         *vcpus = g_steal_pointer(&info);
1926         ret = 0;

** CID 314178:  Memory - corruptions  (USE_AFTER_FREE)

*** CID 314178:  Memory - corruptions  (USE_AFTER_FREE)
/src/security/security_dac.c: 1435 in virSecurityDACRestoreHostdevLabel()
1430             if (pcisrc->backend == VIR_DOMAIN_HOSTDEV_PCI_BACKEND_VFIO) {
1431                 g_autofree char *vfioGroupDev = virPCIDeviceGetIOMMUGroupDev(pci);
1433                 if (!vfioGroupDev) {
1434                     virPCIDeviceFree(pci);
>>>     CID 314178:  Memory - corruptions  (USE_AFTER_FREE)
>>>     Calling "glib_autoptr_cleanup_virPCIDevice" frees pointer "pci" which has already been freed.
1435                     return -1;
1436                 }
1437                 ret = virSecurityDACRestoreFileLabelInternal(mgr, NULL,
1438                                                              vfioGroupDev, false);
1439             } else {
1440                 ret = virPCIDeviceFileIterate(pci, virSecurityDACRestorePCILabel, mgr);

** CID 314177:  Memory - corruptions  (USE_AFTER_FREE)

*** CID 314177:  Memory - corruptions  (USE_AFTER_FREE)
/src/qemu/qemu_snapshot.c: 1578 in qemuSnapshotCreateActiveExternal()
1572         }
1574         virQEMUSaveDataFree(data);
1575         if (memory_unlink && ret < 0)
1576             unlink(snapdef->file);
>>>     CID 314177:  Memory - corruptions  (USE_AFTER_FREE)
>>>     Calling "g_autoptr_cleanup_generic_gfree" frees pointer "xml" which has already been freed.
1578         return ret;
1579     }
1582     virDomainSnapshotPtr
1583     qemuSnapshotCreateXML(virDomainPtr domain,

** CID 314176:  Memory - corruptions  (USE_AFTER_FREE)

*** CID 314176:  Memory - corruptions  (USE_AFTER_FREE)
/src/qemu/qemu_driver.c: 2887 in qemuDomainSaveInternal()
2881         if (ret == 0)
2882             qemuDomainRemoveInactiveJob(driver, vm);
2884      cleanup:
2885         virQEMUSaveDataFree(data);
2886         virObjectEventStateQueue(driver->domainEventState, event);
>>>     CID 314176:  Memory - corruptions  (USE_AFTER_FREE)
>>>     Calling "g_autoptr_cleanup_generic_gfree" frees pointer "xml" which has already been freed.
2887         return ret;
2888     }
2891     static int
2892     qemuDomainSaveFlags(virDomainPtr dom, const char *path, const char *dxml,

To view the defects in Coverity Scan visit,

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