[Libvirt-cim] [PATCH] [TEST] ElementConforms.04 for XenFV and KVM support

Dan Smith danms at us.ibm.com
Wed Apr 2 18:30:01 UTC 2008

GY> -def try_invalid_assoc(classname, name_val, i, field):
GY> +def try_invalid_assoc(classname, name_val, i, field, virt="Xen"):
GY> +    ac_classname = get_typed_class(virt, "ElementConformsToProfile")
GY>      j = 0
GY>      keys = {}
GY>      temp = name_val[i]
GY>      name_val[i] = field
GY>      for j in range(len(name_val)/2):
GY>          k = j * 2
GY> -        keys[name_val[k]] = name_val[k+1]
GY> +        keys[name_val[k]] = name_val[k+1]    
You're adding trailing whitespace here.

I know you didn't add the above loop (at least in this patch :D), but
it's pretty silly to do that instead of this:

  for i in range(0, len(name_val), 2):
      keys[name_val[i]] = name_val[i+1]

However, this looks like it only exists because of the following code
further down:

GY>      host_name_val = [
GY> -                        'CreationClassName', 'Xen_HostSystem', \
GY> +                        'CreationClassName', hs, \
GY>                          'Name',              host_name
GY>                      ]

GY>      comp_name_val = [
GY> -                        'CreationClassName', 'Xen_ComputerSystem', \
GY> -                        'Name',              'Domain-0'
GY> +                        'CreationClassName', cs, \
GY> +                        'Name',              test_dom
GY>                      ]

GY>      tc_scen =       [
GY>                          'INVALID_CCName_Keyname', \
GY>                          'INVALID_CCName_Keyvalue', \
GY> -                        'INVALID_Name_Keyname', \
GY> -                        'INVALID_Name_Keyvalue'
GY>                      ]

Is there a sane reason for not using a dict here?  Seems pretty silly
to me.

Instead of modifying this (apparently) broken code, can we fix it up a
bit in the process of converting it?


Dan Smith
IBM Linux Technology Center
Open Hypervisor Team
email: danms at us.ibm.com
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