[Libvirt-cim] about 'CreationClassName' key in VirtualSystemIsMigratableToHost method

Guo Lian Yun yunguol at cn.ibm.com
Wed Jan 23 07:30:50 UTC 2008


As a reference, ComputerSystem defined as one parameter of
VirtualSystemIsMigratableToHost method,
which is parsed by passing two keys to CIMInstanceName. Below is a test
example segment.

    cs_ref = CIMInstanceName(classname, keybindings = {


 If the "Name" key is set "Wrong", it will report expected error "Missing
key (Name) in ComputerSystem".
 Then does the other key "CreationClassName" need to verify also? At now,
either wrong key name
 or wrong value of CreationClassName, such as "CreationClassName!@#$$$"
instead of "CreationClassName",
 it can still return expected result. So is it a provider's bug?
 Do we need to add some verification of "CreationClassName" key in provider
code below? Thanks!

static CMPIStatus vs_migratable_host(CMPIMethodMI *self,
                                     const CMPIContext *ctx,
                                     const CMPIResult *results,
                                     const CMPIObjectPath *ref,
                                     const CMPIArgs *argsin,
                                     CMPIArgs *argsout)
        CMPIStatus s;
        const char *dhost = NULL;
        CMPIObjectPath *system;
        const char *name = NULL;

        cu_get_str_arg(argsin, "DestinationHost", &dhost);
        cu_get_ref_arg(argsin, "ComputerSystem", &system);

        if (cu_get_str_path(system, "Name", &name) != CMPI_RC_OK) {
                cu_statusf(_BROKER, &s,
                           "Missing key (Name) in ComputerSystem");
                METHOD_RETURN(results, 1);
                return s;

        return vs_migratable(ref, name, dhost, results);


Daisy Guo Lian Yun
E-mail: yunguol at cn.ibm.com
IBM China Development Lab, Shanghai, China
TEL: (86)-21-61008057
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