[Libvirt-cim] [PATCH] [TEST] Adding set_interface_details() fn to the vxml.py

Kaitlin Rupert kaitlin at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Tue Jun 3 16:32:56 UTC 2008

> +    def set_interface_details(self, devices, net_mac, net_type, req_net_type, virt_type):
> +        if net_type != req_net_type:
> +            interface = self.add_sub_node(devices, 'interface', type=req_net_type)
> +        else:
> +            interface = self.add_sub_node(devices, 'interface', type=net_type)

I'm not sure I understand the need for two net_type parameters here.  No 
matter what the value of net_type is, you're always setting the value of 
the interface to req_net_type.

In the case of the RAFP test, the test was assuming that all guests had 
a network device that belonged to a specific pool.  So for that test 
case, creating a guest with an ethernet interface would not be valid.

However, you could have situations where you'd want to verify that the 
providers are properly managing a guest that doesn't have a network 
type.  One such example would be to verify that adding a new ethernet 
resource to a Xen guest with an ethernet interface is successful.  Even 
though we don't create guests with ethernet devices, we should still be 
able to manage them.

So, I like the idea of being able to specify the network type.  I think 
the req_net_type parameter is unnecessary here.

> +        self.add_sub_node(interface, 'mac', address=net_mac)
> +        if req_net_type == 'bridge':
> +            self._set_vbridge(CIM_IP, virt_type)
> +        elif req_net_type == 'network':
> +            self.set_vnetwork(interface, virt_type)
> +        elif req_net_type == 'ethernet':
> +            pass

You'll also want to support the "user" network type for KVM since 
NetworkPort/03_user_netport.py uses it.

The user network type is only valid for KVM, so you wouldn't want to be 
able to create Xen guests of this type.

> +        else:
> +            logger.error("%s is not a valid network type", net_type)
> +            sys.exit(1)

Kaitlin Rupert
IBM Linux Technology Center
kaitlin at linux.vnet.ibm.com

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