[Libvirt-cim] Problem in running libvirt-cim test suite

Kaitlin Rupert kaitlin at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Fri Oct 24 20:58:17 UTC 2008

srinivas k wrote:
> Hi Deepthi,
>  Command output is.
> root at luser-desktop:~# virsh net-list --all
> Connecting to uri: xen:///
> Name                 State      Autostart
> -----------------------------------------
> default              inactive no
> Thanks,
> Seenu

Hi Seenu,

Which version of libvirt are you using?

cimtest is attempting to setup a virtual network for all of the guests 
to use while the suite runs.

Are you running cimtest as root?  Also, if you run cimtest with the -d 
option, do you see any additional debug?

One thing to try is to make sure you can define and start a network pool 
using virsh.  You can do the following:

   sudo virsh net-start default

This will start the existing network you have.  This should succeed 
without any errors.

If that works, you can put the following XML in a file:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
  <bridge forwardDelay="0" name="testbridge" stp="on"/>
  <ip address="" netmask="">
    <range end="" start=""/>

Then call the following commands:

   sudo virsh net-create filename

If this is successful, you can destroy the network pool using:

   sudo virsh net-destroy cimtest-networkpool

If all of this works for you, you can try running cimtest again.  Let us 
know if you hit any errors.

Kaitlin Rupert
IBM Linux Technology Center
kaitlin at linux.vnet.ibm.com

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