[Libvirt-cim] [PATCH 3 of 3] [TEST] Adding new tc to verify the SAE Association with CRS

Deepti B. Kalakeri deeptik at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Tue May 12 11:39:35 UTC 2009

# HG changeset patch
# User Deepti B. Kalakeri <deeptik at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
# Date 1242128319 25200
# Node ID 2d9e512a8116eb52eba4267617bb5b6eac1fc224
# Parent  d9658db27f664f2058966a0ace1e158cae4a58b6
[TEST] Adding new tc to verify the SAE Association with CRS.

Tested on F10 with KVM and current sources.
Signed-off-by: Deepti B. Kalakeri <deeptik at linux.vnet.ibm.com>

diff -r d9658db27f66 -r 2d9e512a8116 suites/libvirt-cim/cimtest/ServiceAffectsElement/01_forward.py
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/suites/libvirt-cim/cimtest/ServiceAffectsElement/01_forward.py	Tue May 12 04:38:39 2009 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+# Copyright 2009 IBM Corp.
+# Authors:
+#    Deepti B. Kalakeri <dkalaker at in.ibm.com>
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307  USA
+# This test case is used to verify the SAE association with the CRS providers.
+# The SAE association when queried with the CRS should give the details of the 
+# Source from which the 
+# 1) Console Flow can be started represented by the ComputerSystem class
+# 2) Original Poiniting Device associated with the guest
+# 3) Original Graphics Device associated with the guest
+# Ex: Command and some of the fields that are verified are given below.
+# Command
+# -------
+# wbemcli ain -ac KVM_ServiceAffectsElement 'http://root:passwd@localhost
+# /root/virt:KVM_ConsoleRedirectionService.CreationClassName=\
+# "KVM_ConsoleRedirectionService", Name="ConsoleRedirectionService",
+# SystemCreationClassName="KVM_HostSystem",SystemName="host"'
+# Output 
+# ------
+# host/root/virt:KVM_ComputerSystem.CreationClassName="KVM_ComputerSystem",
+# Name="demo2"
+# host/root/virt:KVM_PointingDevice.CreationClassName="KVM_PointingDevice",
+# DeviceID="demo2/mouse:ps2", SystemCreationClassName="KVM_ComputerSystem",
+# SystemName="demo2"
+# host/root/virt:KVM_DisplayController.CreationClassName=\
+# "KVM_DisplayController",DeviceID="demo2/graphics",
+# SystemCreationClassName="KVM_ComputerSystem",SystemName="demo2"
+#                                                             Date : 12-05-2009
+import sys
+from sets import Set
+from XenKvmLib import assoc
+from XenKvmLib import vxml
+from CimTest.Globals import logger
+from XenKvmLib.classes import get_typed_class
+from XenKvmLib.enumclass import EnumInstances
+from XenKvmLib.common_util import parse_instance_id
+from XenKvmLib.const import do_main, get_provider_version
+from CimTest.ReturnCodes import FAIL, PASS
+sup_types = ['Xen', 'KVM', 'XenFV', 'LXC']
+sae_assoc_with_input_graphics_rev = 795
+test_dom    = "SAE_dom"
+def get_dom_records(an_cn, assoc_ei_info, assoc_ei_insts):
+    for assoc_ei_item in assoc_ei_info:
+        rec = None
+        CCN = assoc_ei_item['CreationClassName']
+        if 'DisplayController' in CCN or 'PointingDevice' in CCN : 
+            guest, dev, status = parse_instance_id(assoc_ei_item['DeviceID'])
+            if status != PASS:
+                logger.error("Unable to parse DeviceID")
+                return assoc_ei_insts, status
+            if guest == test_dom:
+                rec = assoc_ei_item
+        elif 'ComputerSystem' in CCN:
+            if assoc_ei_item['Name'] == test_dom:
+                rec = assoc_ei_item
+        else:
+            logger.error("Unexpected CreationClassName %s returned by " \
+                        "%s association", CCN, an_cn)
+            return assoc_ei_insts, FAIL
+        if not CCN in assoc_ei_insts.keys() and rec != None:
+            assoc_ei_insts[CCN]=rec
+        elif rec != None and (CCN in assoc_ei_insts.keys()):
+            logger.error("Got more than one record for '%s'", CCN)
+            return assoc_ei_insts, FAIL
+    return assoc_ei_insts, PASS
+def init_list_for_compare(server, virt):
+    c_list = [ 'ComputerSystem']
+    curr_cim_rev, changeset = get_provider_version(virt, server)
+    if curr_cim_rev >= sae_assoc_with_input_graphics_rev:
+        c_list.append('PointingDevice' )
+        c_list.append('DisplayController')
+    init_list = {} 
+    for name in c_list:
+        c_name = get_typed_class(virt, name)
+        ei_details = EnumInstances(server, c_name, ret_cim_inst=True)
+        init_list, status = get_dom_records(c_name, ei_details, init_list)
+        if status != PASS:
+            return init_list, FAIL
+    return init_list, PASS
+def verify_assoc(server, virt, an, assoc_info):
+    assoc_insts = {}
+    try:
+        assoc_insts, status = get_dom_records(an, assoc_info, assoc_insts)
+        if status != PASS or len(assoc_insts) != 3:
+            raise Exception("Failed to get insts for domain %s" % test_dom)
+        in_list, status = init_list_for_compare(server, virt)
+        if status != PASS or len(in_list) != 3:
+            raise Exception("Failed to get init_list")
+        in_list_keys = Set(in_list.keys())
+        assoc_list_keys = Set(assoc_insts.keys())
+        if len(in_list_keys & assoc_list_keys) != 3:
+            raise Exception("Mistmatching Class Names, expected %s, got %s" \
+                            % (in_list_keys, assoc_list_keys))
+        for cname, prop in in_list.iteritems():
+            logger.info("Verifying Values for '%s'", cname)
+            exp_vals = in_list[cname].items()
+            res_vals = assoc_insts[cname].items()
+            for i in range(0, len(prop)):
+                if exp_vals[i][1] != res_vals[i][1]:
+                    logger.error("'%s' val mismatch for '%s': " \
+                                 "got '%s', expected '%s'", exp_vals[i][0], 
+                                 cname, res_vals[i][1], exp_vals[i][1])
+                    return FAIL
+    except Exception, details:
+        logger.error("Exception in fn verify_assoc()")
+        logger.error("Exception details: %s", details)
+        return FAIL
+    return PASS
+ at do_main(sup_types)
+def main():
+    options = main.options
+    server = options.ip
+    virt = options.virt
+    status = FAIL
+    virt_xml = vxml.get_class(virt)
+    cxml = virt_xml(test_dom)
+    ret = cxml.cim_define(server)
+    if not ret:
+        logger.error("Failed to define the dom: %s", test_dom)
+        return FAIL 
+    an = get_typed_class(virt, "ServiceAffectsElement")
+    try:
+        cname = 'ConsoleRedirectionService'
+        classname = get_typed_class(virt, cname)
+        crs = EnumInstances(server, classname)
+        if len(crs) != 1:
+            raise Exception("'%s' returned %i records, expected 1" \
+                            % (classname, len(crs)))
+        crs_val = crs[0]
+        crs_cname = crs_val.CreationClassName
+        crs_sccn = crs_val.SystemCreationClassName
+        assoc_info = assoc.Associators(server, an, crs_cname,
+                                       CreationClassName=crs_cname, 
+                                       Name=crs_val.Name, 
+                                       SystemCreationClassName=crs_sccn,
+                                       SystemName=crs_val.SystemName)
+        status = verify_assoc(server, virt, an, assoc_info)
+    except  Exception, detail :
+        logger.error("Exception : %s", detail)
+        status = FAIL
+    cxml.undefine(server)
+    return status
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    sys.exit(main())

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