[Libvirt-cim] Network-pool seems not conform to profile

Wayne Xia xiawenc at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Tue Aug 9 07:16:12 UTC 2011

By executing following command:
wbemcli -nl ei http://root:123456@localhost:5988/root/virt:KVM_NetworkPool

There would be 2 network pool, NetworkPool/default and
NetworkPool/0. I think NetworkPool/0 is OK, which represent the
primordial pool for network device, but NetworkPool/default should not
be there, because it comes from the calling of the libvirt's API which
returns the existing logical network device on the host, not the
network pool.

Another issue is that, it seems now libvirt-cim supports the creation
of NetworkPool as a child, but the libvirt now does not support that.
So I think this function should be removed, otherwise we need extra
files to record the organization of the network pools.

Best Regards

Wayne Xia
mail:xiawenc at linux.vnet.ibm.com

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