[Libvirt-cim] [PATCH 1/8] Makefile.am: Remove the $(top_srcdir) from subst command

John Ferlan jferlan at redhat.com
Fri Mar 22 20:47:07 UTC 2013

During the postinstall and preuninstall phases various variables are
modified to build up the list of mofs to be installed.  The generated
output had ".//usr/local/share/libvirt-cim/*" which caused issues finding
files. This is a followup to commit '22022870' which changed the paths using
to schema for each of the variables.
 Makefile.am | 18 +++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
index 0fdd8bb..63ed3c7 100644
--- a/Makefile.am
+++ b/Makefile.am
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ install-data-local:
 	$(install_sh_DATA) -t "$(DESTDIR)$(pkgdatadir)" $(INTEROP_MOFS)
 	$(install_sh_DATA) -t "$(DESTDIR)$(pkgdatadir)" $(INTEROP_REGS)
 	if [[ @CIMSERVER@ != pegasus ]]; then \
-	sed -i '/^# --/,/^# --!/d' $(subst ./schema,$(DESTDIR)$(pkgdatadir), $(PGINTEROP_REGS)); \
+	sed -i '/^# --/,/^# --!/d' $(subst $(top_srcdir)/schema,$(DESTDIR)$(pkgdatadir), $(PGINTEROP_REGS)); \
@@ -206,21 +206,21 @@ preinstall:
 # Un/Register the providers and class definitions from/to the current CIMOM.
 # @CIMSERVER@ is set by the configure script
-	sh provider-register.sh -v -t @CIMSERVER@ -n @CIM_VIRT_NS@ -r $(subst schema,$(pkgdatadir), $(REGS)) -m $(subst schema,$(pkgdatadir), $(MOFS))
-	sh provider-register.sh -v -t @CIMSERVER@ -n root/interop -r $(subst schema,$(pkgdatadir), $(INTEROP_REGS)) -m $(subst schema,$(pkgdatadir), $(INTEROP_MOFS))
-	sh provider-register.sh -v -t @CIMSERVER@ -n root/cimv2 -r $(subst schema,$(pkgdatadir), $(CIMV2_REGS)) -m $(subst schema,$(pkgdatadir), $(CIMV2_MOFS))
+	sh provider-register.sh -v -t @CIMSERVER@ -n @CIM_VIRT_NS@ -r $(subst $(top_srcdir)/schema,$(pkgdatadir), $(REGS)) -m $(subst $(top_srcdir)/schema,$(pkgdatadir), $(MOFS))
+	sh provider-register.sh -v -t @CIMSERVER@ -n root/interop -r $(subst $(top_srcdir)/schema,$(pkgdatadir), $(INTEROP_REGS)) -m $(subst $(top_srcdir)/schema,$(pkgdatadir), $(INTEROP_MOFS))
+	sh provider-register.sh -v -t @CIMSERVER@ -n root/cimv2 -r $(subst $(top_srcdir)/schema,$(pkgdatadir), $(CIMV2_REGS)) -m $(subst $(top_srcdir)/schema,$(pkgdatadir), $(CIMV2_MOFS))
 	if [[ @CIMSERVER@ = pegasus ]]; then \
-	sh provider-register.sh -v -t @CIMSERVER@ -n root/PG_InterOp -r $(subst schema,$(pkgdatadir), $(PGINTEROP_REGS)) -m $(subst schema,$(pkgdatadir), $(PGINTEROP_MOFS)); \
+	sh provider-register.sh -v -t @CIMSERVER@ -n root/PG_InterOp -r $(subst $(top_srcdir)/schema,$(pkgdatadir), $(PGINTEROP_REGS)) -m $(subst $(top_srcdir)/schema,$(pkgdatadir), $(PGINTEROP_MOFS)); \
 	virsh -v | grep -q '^0.3' && cp examples/diskpool.conf $(DISK_POOL_CONFIG) || true
 	mkdir -p $(INFO_STORE)
-	sh provider-register.sh -v -d -t @CIMSERVER@ -n @CIM_VIRT_NS@ -r $(subst schema,$(pkgdatadir), $(REGS)) -m $(subst schema,$(pkgdatadir), $(MOFS))
-	sh provider-register.sh -v -d -t @CIMSERVER@ -n root/interop -r $(subst schema,$(pkgdatadir), $(INTEROP_REGS)) -m $(subst schema,$(pkgdatadir), $(INTEROP_MOFS))
-	sh provider-register.sh -v -d -t @CIMSERVER@ -n root/cimv2 -r $(subst schema,$(pkgdatadir), $(CIMV2_REGS)) -m $(subst schema,$(pkgdatadir), $(CIMV2_MOFS))
+	sh provider-register.sh -v -d -t @CIMSERVER@ -n @CIM_VIRT_NS@ -r $(subst $(top_srcdir)/schema,$(pkgdatadir), $(REGS)) -m $(subst $(top_srcdir)/schema,$(pkgdatadir), $(MOFS))
+	sh provider-register.sh -v -d -t @CIMSERVER@ -n root/interop -r $(subst $(top_srcdir)/schema,$(pkgdatadir), $(INTEROP_REGS)) -m $(subst $(top_srcdir)/schema,$(pkgdatadir), $(INTEROP_MOFS))
+	sh provider-register.sh -v -d -t @CIMSERVER@ -n root/cimv2 -r $(subst $(top_srcdir)/schema,$(pkgdatadir), $(CIMV2_REGS)) -m $(subst $(top_srcdir)/schema,$(pkgdatadir), $(CIMV2_MOFS))
 	if [[ @CIMSERVER@ = pegasus ]]; then \
-	sh provider-register.sh -v -d -t @CIMSERVER@ -n root/PG_InterOp -r $(subst schema,$(pkgdatadir), $(PGINTEROP_REGS)) -m $(subst schema,$(pkgdatadir), $(PGINTEROP_MOFS)); \
+	sh provider-register.sh -v -d -t @CIMSERVER@ -n root/PG_InterOp -r $(subst $(top_srcdir)/schema,$(pkgdatadir), $(PGINTEROP_REGS)) -m $(subst $(top_srcdir)/schema,$(pkgdatadir), $(PGINTEROP_MOFS)); \
 rpm: clean

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