[Libvirt-cim] [PATCH 0/8] Support for full function consoles

John Ferlan jferlan at redhat.com
Tue Sep 10 16:02:07 UTC 2013

On 09/10/2013 05:35 AM, Viktor Mihajlovski wrote:
> On 09/09/2013 04:02 PM, John Ferlan wrote:

<... snip ...>

> Strange, I have not seen this 6/7 message. This means that the test
> domain has less RASD types than RASD types found on the system.
> Can it be that you have some domain already defined before you run
> cimtest? This might explain the behavior (but would be a bug in
> cimtest).

Sure I have other domains defined already on the test system, one of
them is running.  It's strange that the only domain to not get a console
rasd is the test domain.

I did find a bug in the 03*.py code - if there's an error from 
init_rasd_list, the code returns without undefining the domain.
The fix would be:

     rasds, status = init_rasd_list(virt, options.ip, test_dom)
     if status != PASS:
         logger.error("Unable to build rasd instance list")
+        vsxml.undefine(server)
         return status

But doing that still does not resolve the problem.

> As for the patch grouping, it was meant to make the patches more
> readable rather than to be technically necessary. In fact, the provider
> patches (5,6,7) and the MOF/schemal patch (2) must go together.
> I can squash them in a V2, but this could in my opinion wait until
> I get more feedback.

That's fine - just want to make sure that at each stage of patch
application that we have functioning code.  Makes the git bisect
much easier when/if there are problems...

> Could you do me a favor and apply this here, rerun the RASD test group
> and paste the resulting cimtest.log from the RASD directory? Thanks!
For whatever reason logger.info didn't spit out the messages, so I changed
using to logger.error...  I also added a printing of rasds and rasds_inst

RASD - 03_rasd_errs.py: FAIL
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_InputResourceAllocationSettingData for if18lcl
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_InputResourceAllocationSettingData for if18lcl
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_InputResourceAllocationSettingData for VSSDC_dom
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_InputResourceAllocationSettingData for rh70-alpha3
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_InputResourceAllocationSettingData for rh70-alpha3
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_InputResourceAllocationSettingData for if18net
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_InputResourceAllocationSettingData for rh64
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_InputResourceAllocationSettingData for rh64
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_InputResourceAllocationSettingData for if18nopool
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_InputResourceAllocationSettingData for if18nopool
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_InputResourceAllocationSettingData for f18
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_InputResourceAllocationSettingData for f18
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_ProcResourceAllocationSettingData for if18lcl
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_ProcResourceAllocationSettingData for VSSDC_dom
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_ProcResourceAllocationSettingData for rhel65-f18
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_ProcResourceAllocationSettingData for rh70-alpha3
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_ProcResourceAllocationSettingData for if18net
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_ProcResourceAllocationSettingData for rh64
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_ProcResourceAllocationSettingData for if18nopool
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_ProcResourceAllocationSettingData for f18
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_ConsoleResourceAllocationSettingData for if18lcl
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_ConsoleResourceAllocationSettingData for rhel65-f18
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_ConsoleResourceAllocationSettingData for rh70-alpha3
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_ConsoleResourceAllocationSettingData for if18net
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_ConsoleResourceAllocationSettingData for rh64
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_ConsoleResourceAllocationSettingData for if18nopool
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_ConsoleResourceAllocationSettingData for f18
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_DiskResourceAllocationSettingData for if18lcl
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_DiskResourceAllocationSettingData for VSSDC_dom
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_DiskResourceAllocationSettingData for rhel65-f18
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_DiskResourceAllocationSettingData for rhel65-f18
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_DiskResourceAllocationSettingData for rh70-alpha3
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_DiskResourceAllocationSettingData for if18net
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_DiskResourceAllocationSettingData for rh64
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_DiskResourceAllocationSettingData for f18
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_DiskResourceAllocationSettingData for f18
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_MemResourceAllocationSettingData for if18lcl
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_MemResourceAllocationSettingData for VSSDC_dom
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_MemResourceAllocationSettingData for rhel65-f18
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_MemResourceAllocationSettingData for rh70-alpha3
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_MemResourceAllocationSettingData for if18net
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_MemResourceAllocationSettingData for rh64
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_MemResourceAllocationSettingData for if18nopool
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_MemResourceAllocationSettingData for f18
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_NetResourceAllocationSettingData for if18lcl
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_NetResourceAllocationSettingData for VSSDC_dom
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_NetResourceAllocationSettingData for rhel65-f18
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_NetResourceAllocationSettingData for rh70-alpha3
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_NetResourceAllocationSettingData for if18net
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_NetResourceAllocationSettingData for rh64
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_NetResourceAllocationSettingData for if18nopool
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_NetResourceAllocationSettingData for f18
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_GraphicsResourceAllocationSettingData for if18lcl
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_GraphicsResourceAllocationSettingData for if18lcl
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_GraphicsResourceAllocationSettingData for VSSDC_dom
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_GraphicsResourceAllocationSettingData for rhel65-f18
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_GraphicsResourceAllocationSettingData for rh70-alpha3
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_GraphicsResourceAllocationSettingData for rh70-alpha3
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_GraphicsResourceAllocationSettingData for if18net
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_GraphicsResourceAllocationSettingData for if18net
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_GraphicsResourceAllocationSettingData for rh64
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_GraphicsResourceAllocationSettingData for rh64
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_GraphicsResourceAllocationSettingData for if18nopool
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_GraphicsResourceAllocationSettingData for if18nopool
ERROR 	- RASD found KVM_GraphicsResourceAllocationSettingData for f18
ERROR 	- expected 7 RASDs, got 6
ERROR 	- Expected 7 RASDs, got 6
ERROR 	- Unable to build rasd instance list
rasds has:
rasd_insts has:

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