[Libvirt-cim] [PATCH V2 0/5] Add Controller Device Support

Xu Wang gesaint at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Tue Mar 25 07:20:55 UTC 2014

These patches are based on V1. An unexpectable accident makes
me only one hand could work now so sorry everything from me
takes so long time.

Updates from V1:
  1. Added 2 break logic in switch.
  2. Changed CIM_RES_TYPE_CONTROLLER into 32771.
  3. Added XEN/KVM/LXC_Controller classes for cimtest.

Most of cimtest testcases have passed except the following:
HostSystem - 02_hostsystem_to_rasd.py: FAIL
ERROR 	- Failed to get associators information for KVM_SettingsDefineState
ERROR 	- Exception: u'KVM_Controller'
RASD - 03_rasd_errs.py: FAIL
ERROR 	- Expected 6 RASDs, got 7
ResourceAllocationFromPool - 01_forward.py: FAIL
ERROR 	- 7 RASD insts != 6 pool insts
ResourceAllocationFromPool - 02_reverse.py: FAIL
ERROR 	- 7 RASD insts != 6 pool insts
SettingsDefine - 01_forward.py: FAIL
ERROR 	- 6 device insts != 7 RASD insts
SettingsDefine - 02_reverse.py: FAIL
ERROR 	- u'KVM_Controller'
SystemDevice - 01_forward.py: FAIL
01_forward.py:29: DeprecationWarning: the sets module is deprecated
  from sets import Set
ERROR 	- Device Class mismatch
ERROR 	- Exception Expected Device class list: ['KVM_DisplayController', 'KVM_LogicalDisk', 'KVM_Memory', 'KVM_NetworkPort', 'KVM_PointingDevice', 'KVM_Processor'] 
 	  Got: [u'KVM_Controller', u'KVM_DisplayController', u'KVM_LogicalDisk', u'KVM_Memory', u'KVM_NetworkPort', u'KVM_PointingDevice', u'KVM_Processor']
VirtualSystemSettingDataComponent - 02_reverse.py: FAIL
ERROR 	- Unexpected RASD instance type
ERROR 	- Mistmatching association value
I think they are caused by the parameter set of cimtest (such as KVM_Controller
or ControllerResourceAllocationSettingData should be added into some arrays.
But if you find they are caused by my coding errors, please let me know, thanks).
I'll fix these issues of cimtest later.

Dear John and Boris, could you help me testing it on RHEL6.5? I just
have an upgraded version and introduced some packages from CentOS source
(I am worried about they may influence the testing result). I'll rebuild
my developing environment later using pure RHEL 6.5 version.

Xu Wang (5):
  libxutil: Controller Support
  RASD: Schema and Provider Support for Controller RASDs
  VSMS: Support for domains with controller devices
  Device: CIM_LogicalDevice for controllers
  Virt_Device: Add a device class for controllers

 Makefile.am                                       |    2 +
 libvirt-cim.spec.in                               |    2 +
 libxkutil/device_parsing.c                        |   70 ++++++++++++++++++++-
 libxkutil/device_parsing.h                        |    9 +++
 libxkutil/xmlgen.c                                |   30 +++++++++
 schema/Controller.mof                             |   16 +++++
 schema/Controller.registration                    |    5 ++
 schema/ResourceAllocationSettingData.mof          |   27 ++++++++
 schema/ResourceAllocationSettingData.registration |    3 +
 src/Virt_Device.c                                 |   36 ++++++++++-
 src/Virt_ElementAllocatedFromPool.c               |    6 ++
 src/Virt_ElementSettingData.c                     |    3 +
 src/Virt_RASD.c                                   |   24 +++++++
 src/Virt_ServiceAffectsElement.c                  |    6 ++-
 src/Virt_SettingsDefineState.c                    |    6 ++
 src/Virt_SystemDevice.c                           |    3 +
 src/Virt_VSSDComponent.c                          |    3 +
 src/Virt_VirtualSystemManagementService.c         |   44 +++++++++++++
 src/svpc_types.h                                  |    4 +-
 19 files changed, 295 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 schema/Controller.mof
 create mode 100644 schema/Controller.registration

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