[libvirt-users] libvirt with multiple users

Justin Clift jclift at redhat.com
Tue Sep 21 07:37:52 UTC 2010

On 09/21/2010 01:58 PM, Zach Tibbitts wrote:
> At home I use libvirt with my server to manage multiple virtual machines,
> but the issue I'm running into for this use case is user permissions. As far
> as I've seen, anyone who has access to the server over ssh and has access to
> the libvirt server via virt-manager has access to all of the virtual
> machines. I'd like to find some way for each user to only see their own
> virtual machine. Is this possible?

Hi Zach,

As a general direction thought, it kind of sounds like you should look
into using "sessions" for this.  Instead of connecting to the "system 
wide" version of things, like you're doing at home.

There's some info on it here:


But, other pages (and Google) might be more helpful there.  It's not an 
area I've personally looked at (yet), but it sounds like it might be 
what you're after.

Does that help? :)

Regards and best wishes,

Justin Clift

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