[libvirt-users] duplicate domain ids!?

matt cowan cowan.ml at gmail.com
Thu Jul 19 23:00:41 UTC 2012

Somehow I've ended up with duplicate domids.  domid=15 name=node14
(names sanitized)

# virsh list --all
 Id    Name                           State
 1     node1                          running
 2     node2                          running
 3     node3                          running
 5     node4                          running
 6     node5                          running
 7     node6                          running
 8     node7                          running
 9     node8                          running
 10    node9                          running
 11    node10                         running
 12    node11                         running
 13    node12                         running
 14    node13                         running
 15    node14                         running
 15    node14                         running
 16    node16                         running

node15 is up and running, can ssh into it.
virt manager only lists 15 guests (ie, doesn't show the duplicate domid)

# virsh domid node14

# virsh domid node15

Doesn't *seem* to be causing a problem (other than above
virsh/virt-manager issues), but this shouldn't happen right?

Any potential for screwiness I should be concerned about?  I was
actually checking that node15 (a test system we don't need running at
the moment) wasn't running when I noticed this; now I'm tempted to
just leave it be until a maintenance period when node14 (production db
server) can afford potential downtime, at which point I'd try
'shutdown -h now' within node14 and then 'virsh shutdown node15; virsh
start node14'?

node15 has been up for 9 days, other nodes for 50 days, so guess it's
been like this for 9 days.  hrm... yum.log also shows libvirt-client
and libvirt-python were both updated 9 days ago.



Scientific Linux release 6.2 (Carbon)

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