[libvirt-users] KVM-Docker-Networking using TAP and MACVLAN

Lars Lindstrom lars.lindstrom at gmx.at
Thu Mar 14 23:56:36 UTC 2019

On 3/15/19 12:42 AM, Lars Lindstrom wrote:
> The problem is that I cannot seem to figure out how to configure the
> Docker network to use VEPA mode.

The MACVLAN driver source revealed what the documentation concealed:

[root at server ~]# docker network create --driver macvlan --opt
parent=tap0 --opt macvlan_mode=vepa macvlan0

The containers now reach the KVM, but not each other, the KVM can reach
both - finally!

This leaves me with some performance tests to be done to find out which
of the two ways, VETH or ETHERNET/TAP, provides the most performance at
the least resource usage.

br Lars

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