Virsh migrate and paused vm

Jim Fehlig jfehlig at
Fri Apr 24 04:01:11 UTC 2020

On 4/23/20 3:42 PM, Paras Pradhan wrote:
> Hello
> I have a question regarding virsh migrate.  I see this when I migrate a vm using 
> the command
> ---
> virsh --connect=xen:///system migrate --live  --verbose vm1 xen+ssh://node2/system
> ---
> I see the vm keeps running on node1 and on node2 its paused.

I guess your question is why is this the case? :-)

It is hard to tell without more information, e.g. logs from the client managing 
the migration and logs from the participating libvirt daemons. See the following 
link for more information about collecting debug logs from the client (Logging 
in the library) and daemon

> Libvirt version is 5.1.0-8.11.6.x86_64

Ah, that appears to be a SLES libvirt version. Perhaps it is best to handle this 
downstream issue in the SUSE bugzilla.


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