virsh attach-interface auto up

Marc Roos M.Roos at
Sun Aug 9 09:07:36 UTC 2020

Hi Brent, you are right! This has been removed from centos7[1] pfff

I have managed to get this working by copying these two files from 


And running 
udevadm control --reload-rules && udevadm trigger

-----Original Message-----
To: libvirt-users at
Subject: Re: virsh attach-interface auto up

On 8/8/20 9:42 AM, Marc Roos wrote:
> I am doing a virsh detach-interface and an attach-interface. Is it 
> possible to automatically bring the interface up after attaching it?

By coincidence, I was just playing with this with the python API.

The interface being brought up automatically, if I understand your
question correctly, depends on the OS of the guest having hotplug
support for the NIC you have selected for it.

It takes a couple seconds, but I can generally detach and re-attach an
interface in CentOS Linux, for instance, with only about a 2-5 second
hiccup in network traffic.

brent saner
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