ipv6 NAT; accept_ra errors and about network choice

Laine Stump laine at redhat.com
Wed Aug 12 03:52:46 UTC 2020

On 8/10/20 11:23 PM, Ian Wienand wrote:
> Hello,
> Firstly THANK YOU for the IPv6 NAT support merged in 6.5.  It has been
> almost impossible to get IPv6 into a VM on a laptop that switches
> between wifi and wired (dock) connections, because you can not add a
> wifi interface to a bridge.  I know NAT is against the IPv6 end-to-end
> xen but it makes this "just work" for the vast majority of people like
> me who need to ssh/curl/talk to ipv6 only hosts!
> So I installed 6.6.0 from the virt-preview repos on Fedora 32 to
> eagerly test it out.
> My network config looks like
>    <network>
>    <name>network</name>
>    <uuid> ...  </uuid>
>    <forward mode='nat'>
>      <nat ipv6='yes'/>
>    </forward>
>    <bridge name='virbr0' stp='on' delay='0'/>
>    <mac address=' ... '/>
>    <domain name='network'/>
>    <ip address='' netmask=''>
>      <dhcp>
>        <range start='' end=''/>
>      </dhcp>
>    </ip>
>    <ip family='ipv6' address='fc00:dead:beef:55::' prefix='64'>
>    </ip>
>   </network>
> The first problem I hit was trying to start that network:
>   error: internal error: Check the host setup: enabling IPv6 forwarding
>   with RA routes without accept_ra set to 2 is likely to cause routes
>   loss. Interfaces to look at: wlp4s0
> wlp4s0 is my wifi card that is configured by NetworkManager in a
> completely unremarkable fashion.  By default it gets an ipv6 via SLAAC
> from my router.  This feels a bit like the unresolved bug [1] which
> says that systemd-networkd is handling the RA's in userspace for
> ... reasons [2].  It's unclear to me if NetworkManager is doing
> similar.

Yes, and yes. The only reason I haven't done something about this is 
that I'm undecided *what* to do. On one hand it seems many (most) 
systems are handling RAs with a userspace process, so it doesn't matter 
that it's disabled in the kernel. On the other hand, the person who 
added this check must have had a valid reason for going to the trouble 
of adding it (rather than just documenting that you needed to set 
accept_ra to 2 for some set of interfaces (I forget right now exactly 
which ones, and I'm trying to wind my brain down for the end of the day, 
so don't want to go look it up :-)

I can see 3 possibilities:

1) completely remove the check, with the idea that while it was a good 
thing at the time, it's now obsolete.

2) have a config item (in /etc/libvirt/network.conf (which doesn't 
currently exist) maybe?) to let people manually disable the check.

3) try to make libvirt's code intelligent, and look for clues that RAs 
are handled elsewhere (someone would need to figure out what those 
"clues" are).

> I feel like this must be a red-herring.  My wired interface has the
> same setting of 0
>   $ cat /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/enp0s31f6/accept_ra
>   0
> and is similarly just a very standard auto-configured NetworkManager
> interface.  When I "net-start" the network whilst on wifi libvirt
> doesn't seem to care about that interface (I presume it only looks at
> the active one?).  When I dock and turn off wifi, ipv6 connectivity
> continues to work through enp0s31f6, so I don't think the accept_ra
> really matters in this case.

Because you're using NetworkManager. I've confirmed with [some NM 
person, I forget who or in what venue] that NM handles RAs itself, so 
accept_ra should be turned off in the kernel (it's not harmful if it's 
on as far as I know, it just does nothing useful)

> I feel like this message is incorrect, and being as I've done nothing
> special to my underlying interfaces probably going to be wrong for a
> lot of people trying this?  Does anyone know the details of this
> message and see why it would be required in this situation?

It isn't. We just need to decide which of the ways listed above to fix it.

> The other thing that I'd like to expand the documentation on, if I can
> get some clarity, is the choice of network.  It seems like it has to
> be a /64, and it seems like the best choice is within fc00::/7, or at
> least that is what has been assigned for private networks like this
> [3]?

"locally assigned" addresses in IPv6 are... different. I've been trying 
to figure this out myself (in order to *automatically* assign a network 
address to a libvirt virtual network, as Dan suggested in the cover 
letter for the IPv6 NAT patches), and I *think* you need to at least set 
the lowest bit of the first byte of the address (that's the "locally 
assigned" bit). So that would mean that all networks should be somewhere 
within FD00::/8 (but please correct me if I'm wrong!)

> The only problem with this is that I think glibc filters this range so
> nothing prefers IPv6.

What?? Exactly what isn't preferring IPv6? Do you mean outbound 
connections that would be to an IPv6 address will be nixed in favor of 
an IPv4 address if the source IP of the connection was going to be in 
FC00::/7? Or something else? Do you have a reference for this?

>  Is this the range expected to be used for ipv6
> NAT?  If so, would a patch to drop some documentation breadcrumbs
> about setting gai.conf or something be useful?

The man page for gai.conf *implies* that glibc is following the 
preference rules suggested in RFC3484, which was written prior to 
RFC4193, so it seems strange that it would give any special treatment to 
addresses in that range. Does it behave in the same way if you use 
FD00::... instead of FC00::...? (probably, but worth checking)

>  Or are there better choices for the network?

I've Cc'ed Stefano Brivio, who has worked on IPv6 in the kernel, and (at 
least based on the conversations I've had with him) has a much better 
knowledge of IPv6. Maybe he can offer some advice.

(BTW, he was playing around with defining an IPv6 libvirt network that 
used the same network as the host's physical interface, then turning on 
ndp-proxy, and finally adding a host route for each guest IP; this 
permits the guests to all be on the same IPv6 network as the host; if we 
can get all of those steps automated in a libvirt virtual network, it 
will be even better than IPv6 NAT!)

> Thanks!
> -i
> [1] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1639087
> [2] https://github.com/systemd/systemd/commit/3b015d40c19d9338b66bf916d84dec601019c811
> [3] https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4193

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