Xend and libvirt

David K. Kahurani k.kahurani at gmail.com
Sat Aug 1 13:51:57 UTC 2020


On a probably a few days old build of libvirt, it is not possible to connect to my local system.

The command used is:

   $virsh -c xen:///system 

The errors can be seen from libvirtd logs[1] an interesting part being:
 Aug 01 16:30:13 metal libvirtd[1680]: Failed to connect socket to '/var/run/libvirt/virtxend-sock':>
Aug 01 16:30:13 metal libvirtd[1680]: End of file while reading data: Input/output error "

>From the log, libxl driver is trying to connect to a socket which is tagged xend.

My host is running Xen 5.1+ release from which Xend has been removed. Xend was removed from Xen in 4.5+ release, at least according to the docs[2]

"xl was introduced in the Xen 4.1 release, however xend remained the default. At the time of the Xen 4.2 release, xend was declared deprecated and xl became the default toolstack. xend has finally been removed from the Xen 4.5 release"

Any ideas would be much appreciated!


1. https://termbin.com/l1br 
2. https://wiki.xen.org/wiki/XL 

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