
Michal Prívozník mprivozn at
Wed May 19 10:38:23 UTC 2021

On 5/17/21 8:36 PM, Simon Fairweather wrote:
> I am looking to be able to check if a specific PCI device is allocated to a
> guest.
> An error is produced if a domain is started and the device is in use within
> another domain via this function.
> I cannot see a publicly available function to use to get this information,
> is there one available or is there another way to check the state of the
> PCI device.

Yeah, there's no public API. So far we recommended mgmt apps to track
the usage themselves, however I don't see why we shouldn't have a new
API, say:

int virNodeDeviceGetUsed(virNodeDevicePtr dev, char **drvname, char

Can you please open a gitlab issue for this? Or, are you willing to
submit patches?


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