Serial traffic hoses virtual machine interactive performance?

Lars Kellogg-Stedman lars at
Wed Nov 9 20:14:17 UTC 2022

I have a pair of virtual machines connected via a serial link. Machine
`node0.virt` is configured like this:

    <serial type="unix">
      <source mode="bind" path="/tmp/serial0"/>
      <target type="isa-serial" port="1">
        <model name="isa-serial"/>
      <alias name="serial1"/>

And machine `node1.virt` is configured like this:

    <serial type="unix">
      <source mode="connect" path="/tmp/serial0"/>
      <target type="isa-serial" port="1">
        <model name="isa-serial"/>
      <alias name="serial1"/>

If I have any sort of file transfer running over the serial link
(e.g., a zmodem file transfer over raw serial, or an `scp` over a SLIP
or PPP connection), the interactive performance of the *receiving*
machine (accessed via the console or over a network connection) tanks
-- it becomes almost unusable until the file transfer completes (or is

What's going on there, and is there a way to improve the performance?

(Same behavior when connected using a pty device instead of a unix

Lars Kellogg-Stedman <lars at> | larsks @ {irc,twitter,github}                | N1LKS

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