UEFI and External Snapshots

Simon Fairweather simon.n.fairweather at gmail.com
Thu Apr 27 20:54:15 UTC 2023

Thanks, are you able to suggest a link for the documemtation? Is support
available for revert of external snaps or would i need to handle that

On Thu, 27 Apr 2023, 08:52 Peter Krempa, <pkrempa at redhat.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Apr 26, 2023 at 21:04:36 +0100, Simon Fairweather wrote:
> > Is there a plan to support UEFI and Ext Snaps? Or is there a location for
> > documentation as the info I can find is quite old.
> Your question is a bit vague.
> You already can take an external snapshot of a VM using UEFI.
> There is one slight missing bit, which should not hinder most usage
> though and that is that the UEFI variable store itself is not
> snapshotted.
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