[RFC] linux-2.6.10-auditfs-tc1.patch

Timothy R. Chavez chavezt at gmail.com
Thu Jan 20 19:31:12 UTC 2005


Just a note.  I've detected a rather careless bug.  When I switched
audit_watch from a void function to return an integer, the only case
where I'd get anything other then return of 0 would be if I failed on
memory allocation for a new inode->i_audit.  However, this -ENOMEM was
not being handled because it can not be escalated.  This being the
case, I'm having to rework the system and create a preallocation
stradegy that guarantees when I'm in audit_watch, I'll have the
necessary memory.  This also allows me to handle the -ENOMEM case,
just at an earlier point.

I hope to have this done by today, RCU locking tonight or tommorow.

- Timothy R. Chavez

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