Problem loading rules

Steve m6x at
Fri Jul 7 13:07:31 UTC 2006

I am trying to load rules from a file that contains:

-a exit,always -F path=/etc/shadow -S open -k myrule_000000
-a exit,always -F path=/usr/sbin/chroot -S execve -k myrule_000001
-a exit,always -F path=/var/repository/important.doc -S unlink -k 
-a exit,always -F path=/var/log/secure -S open -k myrule_000003
-a exit,always -F path=/usr/bin/nmap -S execve -k myrule_000004

using auditctl -R

I am getting the following error:
Cannot realloc memory!

-F path must be before -S
There was an error in line 2 of iitds_audit.rules


I originally had the -S options before the -F.  When I got the error, I 
switched the order, but the same error is returned.

I have tried entering the rules individually from the command line and 
they work without error.

I am using audit-1.2.4


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