Audit Parsing Library Requirements

Steve Grubb sgrubb at
Wed Mar 8 15:39:51 UTC 2006

On Wednesday 08 March 2006 07:11, John D. Ramsdell wrote:
> I would like a library interface that allows me to reuse existing
> functionality in ausearch, not just process raw records.  Thus, I
> imagined at least two functions being part of the library.

That is why I countered with an iterator interface. Ausearch iterates through 
the records and would be easy to adapt it and aureport to such a library 

I have also been thinking about key/value pair as the representation for 
exactly the same reason Klaus mentioned. It should be extensible and a 
minimal amount of maintenance. Key/value interface should allow Python to 
access anything in case it does not understand "C" structures.

I'll take a hack at proposing an API and send it in a little while.


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