A combined audit event message

Matthew Booth mbooth at redhat.com
Fri Feb 27 21:21:37 UTC 2009

I've been looking into tuning an audit events analysis tool which
receives audit records over the network from a large number of systems.
It turns out that the most significant overhead (by far) on the
collection system is in stitching records from a single event back
together. This has lead me to explore combining records on the host
before sending them out. I'm currently intending to produce messages
like this:

audit(1235768839.011:68): type=SYSCALL arch=40000003 syscall=5
success=yes exit=3 a0=ad9c00 a1=8000 a2=1 a3=bfefd2d0 items=1 pid=6312
auid=500 uid=0 gid=0 euid=0 suid=0 fsuid=0 egid=0 sgid=0 fsgid=0
comm="echo" exe="/bin/echo" | type=CWD  cwd="/root" | type=PATH
name="/usr/lib/locale/locale-archive" flags=101 inode=126312 dev=03:01
mode=0100644 ouid=0 ogid=0 rdev=00:00

This seems considerably nicer than snare:

cent4.intersectalliance.com LinuxKAudit criticality,3
event,execve,20080613 16:06:29
       uid,0,root      gid,0,root     euid,0,root     egid,0,ro ot
       return,0,yes a0,8775a68        a1,875ec80      a2,8759448
       arch,40000003           auid,40000003 cwd,/var/log/audit
dev,fd:00          dev:1,fd:00
       exe,/bin/ls     flags,101      flags:1,101     fsgid,0,root
       inode,97968 inode:1,146913             items,2         mode,0100755
       mode:1,0100755          name,/bin/ls ogid,0,root
ogid:1,0,root ouid,0,root
       ouid:1,0,root rdev,00:00       rdev:1,00:00 sgid,0,root

which just munges all the fields together. It also has the advantage of
being extremely fast to generate from the existing messages without any
memory allocation or copying. Has anybody given this any thought? Has
anybody else got a similar format in the works/field?


Matthew Booth, RHCA, RHCSS
Red Hat, Global Professional Services

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