audit-2.0.3 released

Steve Grubb sgrubb at
Sat Oct 17 19:36:19 UTC 2009


I've just released a new version of the audit daemon. It can be downloaded 
from It will also be in rawhide  
soon. The ChangeLog is:

- In auditd, tell libev to stop processing a connection when idle timeout
- In auditd, tell libev to stop processing a connection when shutting down
- Interpret CAPSET records in ausearch/auparse

This release fixes a bug introduced in the 2.0.3 release. The main problem was 
that the idle timeout was not telling libev to stop processing the associated 
socket when it closed an idle connection. Subsequent reconnects would go into 
an error state and libev would immediately close the new connection. This 
update fixes that problem. This update also adds the ability to interpret the 
capability bit maps in CAPSET records.

Please let me know if you run across any problems with this release.


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