Attempting to deal with " audispd: queue is full - dropping event" messages

Jim Richard JRichard at
Thu Oct 7 00:50:36 UTC 2010


I'm getting several hundred of these each day on my servers. I'm using remote logging to a central sever via the audisp-remote plugin.
I've seen recommendations to up the following setting in audispd.conf to help minimize these errors:

priority_boost = 8

This seems to raise the priority of the audispd daemon, but I'm also using audisp-remote to a central log servers. This setting doesn't seem to effect the priority of the remote plugin, as evidenced for the following output from the top command:

13498 root      11  -4 10096  844  684 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.01 audisp-remote
13497 root       3 -12 16268  768  624 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.00 audispd
13495 root      11  -4 27352  868  588 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.00 auditd

For the priority boost to be fully effective wouldn't it have to apply to the plugins as well?  Is there a way to boost priority on audisp-remote? If not, should there be a way to do this or should it be automatic?

Also are there any other settings that can be made to minimize/eliminate dropped events from audispd? I'm curious about the following:

*       Audispd.conf: q_depth
*       Audisp-remote.conf: queue_depth

How do these two relate to each other, should they be the same, or some specific ratio... etc?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions on this.

Best Regards,

Jim Richard

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