[Linux-cachefs] [PATCH] NFS using FScache for 2.6.9-rc4-mm1 kernel (Update)

Steve Dickson SteveD at redhat.com
Tue Oct 19 08:33:39 UTC 2004

Steve Dickson wrote:

> Here is the  2.6.9-rc4-mm1 patch that will enable NFS to
> use FScache (formally know as CacheFS). Notable changes:
> 1) Moved some code around into different source files
>     per Trond's request.
> 2) Found and fixed some problems in the filehandle matching code.
> 3) Added NFS4 support, which was really no big deal since
>    all that was needed was to move some code around and
>    fix some compile errors.
>    mounting options. This means a fscache enabled mount command
>    will be need to enable NFS to used the fscache. For now, the 
> util-linux
>    patch,  source rpm and binary rpm can be found at:
>    http://people.redhat.com/steved/fscache/util-linux/
Here is an updated to the above patch that removes a majority all of the
#ifdef  CONFIG_NFS_FSCACHE which definitely cleans things up

Signed-off-by: Steve Dickson <SteveD at RedHat.com>
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