[Linux-cachefs] [CORRECTION] [Q]: NFS + CacheFS hangs.....

Chris Bshaw cwbshaw at hotmail.com
Fri May 27 15:15:46 UTC 2005


Apologies.....the first backtrace I sent probably showed that the system 
couldn't reach the portmapper.

The attached trace is the correct one.....same symptoms as before but this 
time the portmapper is started.

Again apologies....


>From: "Chris Bshaw" <cwbshaw at hotmail.com>
>To: linux-cachefs at redhat.com
>CC: cwbshaw at hotmail.com
>Subject: Re: [Linux-cachefs] [Q]: NFS + CacheFS hangs.....
>Date: Fri, 27 May 2005 15:57:05 +0100
>Thanx for this....I did the backtrace and attached it to this email.....
>Thanx again for your help.
>>From: Steve Dickson <SteveD at redhat.com>
>>Reply-To: Linux filesystem caching discussion list 
>><linux-cachefs at redhat.com>
>>To: Linux filesystem caching discussion list <linux-cachefs at redhat.com>
>>Subject: Re: [Linux-cachefs] [Q]: NFS + CacheFS hangs.....
>>Date: Fri, 27 May 2005 08:21:45 -0400
>>Chris Bshaw wrote:
>>>I have been trying to setup a machine to use NFS with CacheFS, but when I 
>>>run mount -o fsc nothing happens.....the machine keeps working and is 
>>>reachable over the net, but the NFS filesystem never mounts, and the 
>>>command just sits there. Also, it won't respond to Ctrl-C and I can't 
>>>reboot or halt the machine.....shutdown, reboot, halt, init 6 etc. have 
>>>no effect....my only option is to power the machine down manually.
>>Use 'echo t > /proc/sysrq-trigger' to get a system backtrace.
>>that should tell you where the command is hung.
>>>The details of the machine are
>>>OS: Fedora Core 2
>>>Kernel: 2.6.12-rc2
>>>Patches: Andrew Morton's 2.6.12-rc2-mm3 patches applied (downloaded from 
>>>kernel.org) and Steve Dickson's NFS for FSCache patches as posted to this 
>>>list on 9th May.
>>>Misc: Updated util-linux with Steve's updated packages with the fsc mount 
>>I started with the linux-2.6.11 tarball then applied the
>>patch-2.6.12-rc3.bz2 patch and the 2.6.12-rc3-mm3.bz patch.
>>>I am not sure if its relevant, but I am NOT using NFS4.....
>>It does not matter...
>>Linux-cachefs mailing list
>>Linux-cachefs at redhat.com
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