[Linux-cachefs] Not working

David Howells dhowells at redhat.com
Tue Feb 14 20:07:47 UTC 2006

Cesar Delgado <cdelgad2 at bigred.unl.edu> wrote:

> Ok, I think this is where I'm confused.  When I try to mount the CacheFS I
> don't understand the -o tag=<name> flag.  The documentation tells me the tag
> is the name the netfs will use for the cache.  This lead me to try this:
>  >mount -t cachefs /dev/hdb /var/cachefs -o tag=home
>  >mount -t nfs /home

If you don't specify a tag when you make your NFS mount, it'll just pick the
first registered cache, assuming:

 (1) You've patched your NFS client to use caching.

 (2) You're using the updated mount from Steve Dickson.

Assuming both of those, try:

	watch cat /var/cachefs/status

To see if it changes when you do NFS operations.


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