[Linux-cachefs] cachefs patches for a recent kernel version?

alessandro salvatori sandr8 at gmail.com
Mon Jul 14 15:59:18 UTC 2008

On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 08:30, David Howells <dhowells at redhat.com> wrote:

> alessandro salvatori <sandr8 at gmail.com> wrote:
> > but that hit a few removed files and a few failed hunks. I am tempted to
> > wiggle around the rejected hunks and give it a try but perhaps it's
> better
> > if I just get the right refpoint from git...
> Hopefully I'll be in a better position to release a new set of patches
> after
> the upcoming patch melee (linux-2.6.26 was released yesterday).
> > Before I go and learn how to checkout with git... I was just wondering,
> is
> > this a deliberate choice to provide a patchset against a particular git
> > commit, as to keep away the vast public from these patches and not expose
> > them to possibly unstable code?
> The main choice of GIT tree to follow is what Andrew Morton wants me to use
> as
> a base.  At the moment the priority is getting the patches upstream.
> David

so, have you got your own repository?

the weird thing is that even after git checkout of that commit the patch
series says it should cleanly apply to, hunks get rejected... but it may be
me doing something wrong... I just can't believe GIT is _sooooo_ amazingly
fast to checkout a "tag", even if it has the whole repo locally...


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