[Linux-cachefs] Medical Doctor Directory in America

Tanner corpora needham at elpais.es
Sun Mar 9 05:15:57 UTC 2008

The package below is valued at over $2000 when purchased individually

Currently in Practice:  Medical Doctors in the US 

788,541 in total * 17,909 emails

Featuring the most complete contact information in many different areas of medicine

Over a dozen sortable fields

Listing of American Pharma Companies
47,000 names and emails of the major positions

American Hospitals
more than 23k hospital administrators in over 7k hospitals [worth over $300 alone)

Directory of US Dentists
More than half a million listings [worth $499 alone!]

American Chiropractors Contact List
100k Chiropractors offices with full contact data including email, postal address, phone and fax

reduced price is now: 
$392 for all above data

reply by email:      robert_kampla.mp at hotmail.com


exp. mar 15

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