[Linux-cachefs] MD Listing in the US

Minerva cowlick PuckettJudy at bells-clocks.com
Fri Mar 21 00:41:06 UTC 2008

Here's what we're offering for this week:

Practicing MDs in the United States 

788,618 in total * 17,983 emails

34 primary and secondary specialties

Can easily be sorted by 16 different fields

Listing of American Pharma Companies
47,000 personal emails and names of decision makers

Hospitals in the US
Complete contact information for the important jobs held at the hospitals

American Dentists
Virtually every dentist in America with full contact details

Chiropractors in the USA
100k Chiropractors offices with full contact data including email, postal address, phone and fax

This week's special price =  
$396 for all lists above

Email us at:      silver_rosch.dr at hotmail.com


valid thru mar 29 

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