[Linux-cachefs] Unsupported nfs mount option

Edward Konetzko konetzed at linuxworkz.com
Mon Apr 13 23:39:43 UTC 2009

Hopefully someone can shed light on this.

Centos 5.3 x86_64
Cachefilesd-0.9 built from tar ball.
nfs-utils-1.1.1 built from tar ball.
Kernel 2.6.9-rc3 clone of 

When I run

"mount -o fsc nfs:/nfs /nfs"

I get

"mount.nfs: Unsupported nfs mount option: fsc"

I tried upgrading nfs-utils to a version higher than version 1.1 as 
found in other mailing posts.  Is there something I am missing?


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